Topic: DMD0185

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Instruction Set for Do-more CPUs

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Do-more Designer uses the differently colored triangles in the upper left corner (called class designators) to draw attention to instructions that require special consideration when using them.

Fully Asynchronous Instructions are dependent on a shared device (like the Ethernet Port or a serial port), which means that the instruction may have to wait on the availability of the shared resource before it can run.


Multi-scan Instructions will take two or more PLC scans to complete, typically because the instruction has Termination Logic that needs to run on the scan immediately after the instruction completes.


Skipping Instructions will alter the normal execution order by moving the execution pointer forward or backward in the ladder logic diagram, for example, the GOTO instruction can skip sections of ladder logic by moving forward, or repeat section of ladder logic by skipping backwards.


Yielding Instructions can temporarily suspend its processing on the current scan and resume processing at that same point on the subsequent scan. When using any of the looping instruction (for / next, do / while ...) this allows you to specify how much time to allow on each scan for the loop to run.


Yielding / Skipping Instructions can alter the normal execution order by moving the execution pointer forward or backward in the ladder logic diagram, AND can temporarily suspend its processing on the current scan and resume processing at that point on the subsequent scan.

Some of the Instructions have additional logic that is used to reset the internal state of the instructions when they are disabled so that they will run properly when they are next enabled. This logic is called Termination Logic.

Has Termination Logic means these instructions have additional actions that are performed when they stop executing.


These instructions have termination logic but that logic in NOT performed if the instruction is in an Interrupt Service Routine.

Some of the instructions cannot be placed inside certain types of code-blocks.

These instruction can only be placed in a Program.


These instructions can not be placed in an Interrupt Service Routine.


These instructions can not be placed in a Subroutine.


These instructions can be placed in a Subroutine if the input leg is configured as power flow enabled.

Some of the instructions require optional hardware resources, such as the on-board Ethernet port or a CTRIO module.

On-board Ethernet Port means these instruction can only be used on Do-more CPUs with an on-board Ethernet port.


Requires the addition of a CTRIO or CTRIO2 module.


Requires the addition of a CTRIO2 module - these are NOT for use with the CTRIO module.


Requires High-Speed I/O discrete input and / or output points - for example the on-board 24 Volt DC inputs and outputs of the BRX PLCs.


Requires the use of on-board discrete inputs and outputs of the BRX PLCs, or a BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2, or BX-HSIO4 module.







ABS - Absolute Value


ACOS - Arccosine in Radians


ALDEV - Deviation Alarm


ALHILO - High / Low Alarm


ALRATE - Rate Of Change Alarm


ASIN - Arcsine in Radians


ATAN - Arctangent in Radians


AVGR - Average of a Range of Values


AXCAM - Axis Electronic Camming


AXCONFIG - Axis Configuration


AXFOLLOW - Axis Position Following with Offset


AXGEAR - Axis Electronic Gearing


AXHOME - Axis Perform Home Search


AXJOG - Axis Jog Mode


AXPOSSCRV - Axis Move to Position Using S-Curve


AXPOSTRAP - Axis Move to Position Using Trapezoid


AXRSTFAULT - Reset Axis Fault Limit


AXSCRIPT - Run a Sequence of Axis Commands


AXSETPROP - Axis Set Properties


AXVEL - Axis Set Velocity Mode





BCDTO - BCD To Integer / Real


BREAK - Exit Loop





CALL - Call Subroutine


CHECKSUM - Checksum Algorithm


CLAMP - Limit Range


CLOSE - Close Device


COMMON_TIMER - Common Timer


CNT - Up Counter


CNTDN - Down Counter




(CONTACT) - if Equal ( STRE / ANDE / ORE )


(CONTACT) - if Greater Than ( STRGT / ANDGT / ORGT )


(CONTACT) - if Greater Than or Equal ( STRGE / ANDGE / ORGE )


(CONTACT) - if Less Than ( STRLT / ANDLT / ORLT )


(CONTACT) - if Less Than or Equal ( STRLE / ANDLE / ORLE )


(CONTACT) - if Not Equal ( STRN / ANDN / ORN )


(CONTACT) - Negative Differential (One Shot Falling) ( STRND / ANDND / ORND )


(CONTACT) - Normally Closed ( STRN / ANDN / ORN )


(CONTACT) - Normally Open ( STR / AND / OR )


(CONTACT) - Positive Differential (One Shot Rising) ( STRPD / ANDPD / ORPD )


CONTINUE - Skip to Loop End


COPY - Copy Data


COS - Cosine of Radian Angle


COUNTIF (EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE) - Count If


CTAXCFG - CTRIO2 Axis Configuration


CTAXDYNP - CTRIO2 Axis Run Dynamic Position Mode


CTAXDYNV - CTRIO2 Axis Run Dynamic Velocity Mode


CTAXJOG - CTRIO2 Axis Jog Mode


CTAXLIMIT - CTRIO2 Axis Run Trapezoid w/ Limits


CTAXTRAP - CTRIO2 Axis Run Trapezoid


CTDYNPOS - CTRIO Run Dynamic Position Mode


CTDYNVEL - CTRIO Run Dynamic Velocity Mode






CTREGRD - CTRIO Read Register


CTREGWR - CTRIO Write Register


CTRUNPOS - CTRIO Run Position Mode


CTRUNVEL - CTRIO Run Velocity Mode


CTTBLADD - CTRIO Add Entry to Preset Table




CTTBLEDT - CTRIO Edit Preset Table Entry









DATAINFO - Query Information about Data Memory


DEADBAND - Deadband


DEC - Decrement Value


DECO - Decode to Set Bit


DEBOUNCE - Reduce Discrete Input Chatter


DEG - Convert Radians to Degrees


DEVCLEAR - Clear Device


DEVREAD - Read Device Register


DEVWRITE - Write Device Register


DLRX - DirectLOGIC Network Read


DLWX - DirectLOGIC Network Write


DNSLOOKUP - Name to IP Address


DMLOGGER - Broadcast String to DMLogger.exe


DRUM - Drum


DT2EPOCH - Convert Date / Time to 1970 Epoch


DTCMP - Compare Date / Time


DTDIFF - Difference between two Date / Times


DTOFFSET - Add Offset to Date / Time




EIPMSG - Send EtherNet/IP Message                    

ENCO - Encode Bit Position


END - End Program or Task


ENDC - Conditional End of Code Block


ENTASK - Enable Task


EMAIL - Send Email


EPOCH2DT - Convert 1970 Epoch Time to Date / Time


EXIT - Exit This Program or Task




FIFOLOAD - Load First In / First Out




FIFOUNLOAD - Unload First In / First Out


FILECLOSE - Close File


FILECOPY - Copy File


FILEDEL - Delete File


FILELOG - Log to File


FILENEWFLDR - Make New Folder

FILEOPEN - Open File                      
FILEQUERY - Query File or Folder Information                      
FILEREAD - Read from File                      
FILESEEK - Seek to Position in File                      

FILESYSCMD - Perform File System Command

FILETRUNC - Truncate File                      
FILEWRITE - Write to File                      

FILTER - First Order Filter


FLASHER - Cycle Output On / Off


FOR - Index Loop


FRAC - Fractional Portion of a Real Number


FREQCNT - Frequency Counter


FREQTMR - Frequency Timer


FTPGET - Retrieve File FROM Remote


FTPPUT - Store File TO Remote





GOTO - Go To Label


GSREGRD - GS EDrive Register Read


GSREGWR - GS EDrive Register Write


GRAY - Gray Code to Integer





HALT - Halt Program or Task


HSCNT - High Speed Counting


HSEDGE - Precise Edge to Edge Timing


HSPULSEC - Catch Pulse Input


HWCONFIG - Configure Hardware


HWINFO - Get Hardware Information


HTTPCMD - Execute HTTP Command





IF - If / Else Expression


INC - Increment Value


INI - Immediate Discrete Input


INIT - Initialize Data


INTCONFIG - Configure Interrupts


INTDECONFIG - Deconfigure Interrupt


INTEGRAT - Integrate Over Time


INTRESUME - Resume Interrupts


INTSUSPEND - Suspend Interrupts


ISCLEAR - Is Structure Cleared





JMP - Jump To Stage


JMPI - Indexed Jump










LABEL - Program Label


LERP - Linear Interpolation


LIFOLOAD - Load Last in / First Out


LIFOUNLOAD - Unload Last in / First Out




LN - Natural Log


LOG - Log Base 10





MAPIO - Map Inputs and Outputs


MATH - Calculate Expression


MAX - Maximum Between Two Expressions


MAXR - Maximum Value Across a Range of Values


MEMCLEAR - Clear Memory Range


MEMCOPY - Copy Memory Range


MIN - Minimum Between Two Expressions


MINR - Minimum Value Across a Range of Values


MOVE - Move Value


MOVEBIT - Move Single Bit


MOVER - Move Range of Values


MQTTPUB - IoT Publish MQTT Topics


MQTTSUB - IoT Subscribe to MQTT Topics

MRX - Modbus Network Read                      

MWX - Modbus Network Write





ND - Trailing Edge One Shot


NDPF - Trailing Edge Powerflow Modifier ( ANDNDPF )




NEXT - Index By Step


NOP - No Operation


NOT -Invert Powerflow ( NOT)


NOW - Get Date / Time as a 32-bit Integer





OFFDTMR - Off Delay Timer


ONDTMR - On Delay Timer


OPENDEV - Open Device


OPENTCP - Open TCP Connection


OUT - Output Coil


OUTI - Output Immediate Coil





PACKETIN - Input Data from Packet Device


PACKETOUT - Output UDP to Packet Device


PD - Leading Edge One-Shot


PDPF - Leading Edge Powerflow Modifier ( ANDPDPF )


PEERLINK - Share Global Data


PI - Return PI


PID - Closed Loop Controller


PIDINIT - Set PID Tuning Constants


PING - Ping Ethernet Device


PONOFF - Push On / Push Off


PUBLISH - Translate from Do-more


PWMOUT - Pulse Width Modulated Output






RAD - Convert Degrees to Radians


RANDINT - Random Integer


RANDREAL - Random Real Number


RANDSEED - Random Number Seed


RANGECHECK - Value In / Out of Range


RAMPSOAK - Ramp / Soak Profile


RD - Read from Intelligent Module




REF - Read Value Indirectly


REFWRITE - Write Value Indirectly


REPEAT - Loop Until Condition is Non-Zero


RESTART - Restart Program or Task

RET - Return Back to Call                            
RETC - Conditional Return Back to Call                            

ROTL - Rotate Left


ROTR - Rotate Right


ROUND - Round Real to Nearest Whole Number


RST - Reset Coil


RSTCT - Reset Counter


RSTI - Reset Immediate Bit


RSTR - Reset Range


RSTT - Reset Timer


RUN - Run Program

RX - Do-more Network Read                      


SCALE - Scale Value


SEG - Hex / BCD to 7 Segment Display


SET - Set Coil


SETI - Set Immediate Bit


SETNUMR - Set Numeric Range


SETR - Set Range


SETTIME - Set PLC Date / Time


SETUPIP - Setup TCP/IP Parameters


SETUPNOD - Setup Ethernet Node Parameters


SETUPSER - Setup Serial Port


SG - Stage


SGCONVRG - Converge Multiple Stages to SG


SGDIVRG - Jump to Multiple Stages


SGRST - Disable Stage


SGRSTI - Indexed Disable Stage


SGRSTR - Disable Range of Stages


SGSET- Enable Stage


SGSETI - Indexed Enable Stage


SIN - Sine of Radian Angle


SLOPE - Calculate Slope


SQRT - Square Root


SR - Shift Register


STDEVPR - Population Standard Deviation of a Range


STDEVR - Sample Standard Deviation of a Range


STOP - Switch to Program Mode


STR2INT - Convert String to Integer


STR2REAL - Convert String to Real


STRCASE - Convert String to UPPER / Lower Case


STRCLEAR - Clear Strings


STRCMP - String Compare


STRCOPY - Copy String


STRCOPYR - Copy a Range of Strings


STRDELETE - Delete Substring


STREAMIN - Stream In Data from Device


STREAMOUT - Stream Out Data to Device


STRFIND - Find Within String


STRGETB - Get Bytes Out of a String


STRINSERT - Insert Substring


STRPRINT - Print to String


STRPUTB - Put Bytes Into a String


STRSUB - Get Sub-String


STRTRIM - Trim Whitespace


STRTRUNC - Set String Length


SUBSCRIB - Translate to Do-more


SUMR - Sum Range of a Range of Values


SUMBITS - Sum Bits


SUMIF (EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE) - Sum If


SUSPEND - Suspend Program or Task


SWAPB - Swap Bytes





TAN - Tangent of Radian Angle


TCPLISTEN - Start Listening on TCP Port


TDODECFG - Deconfigure Table Driven Output


TDOPLS - Programmable Limit Switch on Table Driven Output


TDOPRESET - Run Preset Table on Table Driven Output


TESTNUM - Classify Numeric Value Types


TICKms - Get Millisecond System Timer Value


TICKus - Get Microsecond System Timer Value


TIMEDOUT - Timed Output


TIMEPROP - Time Proportional Control


TMR - Up Timer


TMRA - Accumulating Up Timer


TMRDOWN - Down Timer


TMRADOWN - Accumulating Down Timer


TMRAG - Global Accumulating Up Timer


TOBCD - Integer / Real to BCD


TOINT - Convert to Integer


TOREAL - Convert to Real


TRUNC - Truncate Real to Whole Number





UDC - Up / Down Counter


UDCG - Global Up / Down Counter


UNTIL - Repeat Until Condition is Non-Zero






WATCHDOG - Force Watchdog Error


WEND - While End


WHILE - Loop While Powerflow is True


WT - Write to Intelligent Module

WX - Do-more Network Write                      





YIELD - Yield Program or Task