Topic: DMD0036

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DTDIFF - Difference between two Date / Times

The Difference between two Date / Times (DTDIFF) instruction calculates the number of seconds of time between the contents of two Date / Time structures. The difference calculation is always performed as Date / Time A - Date / Time B.



Note: use the Copy Memory Range (MEMCOPY) instruction to copy from one Data / Time structure to another.



Note: Use the F9 key or click the 'three dot box' at the right edge of the parameter field to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.


Date / Time A - specifies a Date / Time structure. This can be any of the system-defined Date / Time structures, or any user-defined Date / Time structure.


Date / Time B - specifies a Date / Time structure to subtract from Date / Time A. This can be any of the system-defined Date / Time structures, or any user-defined Date / Time structure.


Difference (DTA - DTB) in seconds- specifies a numeric memory location to store the difference in seconds between the two Date / Time structures. This can be any writable numeric DWord location.


Status Display:


The status display shows fully-qualified values for both Date Time structures and the number of seconds.


See Also:

DT2EPOCH - Convert Date / Time to 1970 Epoch


EPOCH2DT - Convert 1970 Epoch Time to Date / Time


DTCMP - Compare Date / Time


DTDIFF - Difference between two Date / Times


DTOFFSET - Add Offset to Date / Time


Related Topics:

Date and Time Overview

Predefined Date / Time Structures

Date / Time Structure Fields




SETTIME - Set PLC Date / Time


Rung Example: