Topic: DMD0343

Help File Version:

Do-more Technology Versions

The Do-more Technology version defines a set of features and a level of functionality that are available for use in a Do-more project. A particular Do-more Technology version is made available through a combination of the Do-more Designer programming software and the Do-more CPU firmware. Features that change the Do-more Technology version typically require changes to both the programming software and to the CPU firmware. While editing a project during an online session, Do-more Designer will use Program Check rules to make sure that any feature or functional component that is added to the project is available in the current firmware in the connected CPU.


Press the F1 key at any time to open the Help topic which contains the revision history of the Do-more Technology Versions.



Do-more Designer is the Do-more Technology version of the currently running Do-more Designer programming software.

Disk Project is the Do-more Technology version that was in use when the project was saved to disk.

PLC Project is the Do-more Technology version that was in use when the project was saved to the CPU. Offline will appear when there is no online session.

PLC OS is the Do-more Technology version supported by the firmware of the currently connected CPU. Offline will appear when there is no online session.


Click the Show Software Versions button to display the version information of the individual elements of the Do-more Programming software and CPU firmware.



Do-more Designer: is the build version of the programming software that is currently running.

PLC OS: is the build version of the operating system in the CPU in use during the current online session. Offline will appear when there is no online session.

PLC Booter: is the build version of the boot loader in the Do-more CPU in use during the current online session. Offline will appear when there is no online session.

PLC FPGA: is the build version of the FPGA contents in the Do-more CPU in use during the current online session. Offline will appear when there is no online session.

Windows OS: is the Windows™ Operating System that is detected.


Click the Copy to Clipboard button will place a copy of the current Do-more version information and current Windows™ operating system information in the Windows™ Clipboard. This data can then be pasted into an external application, like Microsoft™ Excel, or Windows™ Notepad, for additional processing.


The following is a example of the information that will be placed in the clipboard:


Do-more Technology Versions:

Do-more Designer: 2.9

Disk Project: 2.9

PLC Project: 2.9

PLC OS: 2.9

Software Versions:

Do-more Designer:

PLC OS: 2.9.1

PLC Booter: 1.1.0

PLC FPGA: 1.15

Windows OS:

Windows 10 Enterprise (Build 19044)


Click the Go to System Information to Update PLC button to close this dialog open the General Information tab of the System Information dialog which allows the programmer to download the latest version of the Do-more CPU Operating System and Boot Loader / FPGA files, and then update the CPU with the new files. This button will be grayed out if you navigated here from the System Information dialog.


Click the Go to Check for Updates button to open the Check for Updates utility that is used to download updates to the programming software that contains bug fixes and new features, updated help content, updated Start Page content, and new firmware for Do-more CPUs and CTRIO modules. Check for Updates requires a functional Internet connection to perform the check and to download the updates. This button will be grayed out if you navigated here from the System Information dialog.


Available Do-more Technology Versions

The following tables list the changes that were made to the operating system that necessitated changing the Do-more Technology Version (this is not a list of all the changes for a specific version, just the ones that made changing the technology version number necessary) :

Version Number

Released Date



18 May 2022

Added the following instructions:


HSCNT - High Speed Counting


HSEDGE - Precise Edge to Edge Timing


HSPULSEC - Catch Input Pulse


MSREGRD - Modbus Scanner Register Read


MSREGWT - Modbus Scanner Register Write

Made the following changes or additions:


Added the Modbus I/O Scanner .


Added support for Rev 2 CPU hardware.


Can now have nested User Defined Structures.



Version Number

Released Date



9 Dec 2020

Added support for the following I/O modules:


BX-05TRS-1 - Relay Output (isolated, high current)


BX-08TRZ - Relay Output (dry contact, no suppression)

BX-16TRZ - Relay Output (dry contact, no suppression)


BX-16NF3 - TTL Input 3.5 - 5 VDC (Sink / Source )

BX-16TF2 - TTL Output 3.5 - 5 VDC (Sourcing )

BX-16CF3F2 TTL Combination 3.5 - 5 VDC (Sink / Source ) / 3.5 - 5 VDC (Sourcing )


BX-HSIO4 - 4 Axis High Speed I/O - 2 MHz, 8 High Speed Inputs (3.5 - 5 VDC differential) / 8 High Speed Outputs (3.5 - 5 VDC differential)

Added the following instructions:


DMLOGGER - Broadcast String to DMLogger.exe


FTPGET - Retrieve File FROM Remote


FTPPUT - Store File TO Remote


HWCONFIG - Configure Hardware


SGRSTI - Indexed Disable Stage


SGSETI - Indexed Set Stage


TESTNUM - Classify Numeric Value Types

Made the following changes or additions:


Can now use the BX-P-ECOMEX to add a Secondary Ethernet Port to BX-DM1E-xx CPUs.


Added an on-board Web Server with a REST API.


Added Whitelist to allow /deny access (by IP address) through the Ethernet ports.


Memory View can now handle blocks of system-created or user-created structures.



Version Number

Released Date



25 Mar 2020

Added support for the following analog I/O modules:


BX-04UT : 4 Channel Universal Temperature Input module

BX-08UT : 8 Channel Universal Temperature Input module


BX-4UT4DA-3 : Combo 4 Channel Universal Temperature input / 4 Channel Universal Analog output module

BX-4UT4TD1 : Combo 4 Channel Universal Temperature input / 4 Point Discrete output module (Sinking)

BX-4UT4TD2 : Combo 4 Channel Universal Temperature input / 4 Point Discrete output module (Sourcing)

BX-4UT4TR : Combo 4 Channel Universal Temperature input / 4 Point Discrete output module (Relay)


BX-04AD-3 : 4 Channel Universal Analog input module

BX-08AD-3 : 8 Channel Universal Analog input module


BX-04DA-3 : 4 Channel Universal Analog output module

BX-08DA-3 : 8 Channel Universal Analog output module


BX-2AD2DA-3 : Combo 2 Channel Universal Analog input / 2 Channel Universal Analog output module

BX-4AD4DA-3 : Combo 4 Channel Universal Analog input / 4 Channel Universal Analog output module

Added the following instructions:


RANGECHECK - Value In / Out of Range


STRCOPY - Copy String


STRCOPYR - Copy Range of Strings


Made the following changes or additions:


PID instruction can now initialize the Error Deadband value of the PID's associated structure.


Client ID and Password for the MQTT Client Device can now be up to 128 and 256 characters in length respectively; maximum Session Keep Alive time is now 65535 seconds.


Version Number

Released Date



14 Aug 2019

Made the following changes or additions:


Setup TCP/IP Parameters (SETUPIP) can now set the IP address for the DNS Server.


Read Device Register (DEVREAD) and Write Device Register (DEVWRITE) can now read and write the Client ID of an MQTT Device.



19 Jun 2019

Added support for the following analog I/O modules:


BX-4AD2DA-1 : Combo 4 Channel Current Input / 2 Channel Current Output

BX-2AD2DA-1 : Combo 2 Channel Current Input / 2 Channel Current Output


BX-4AD2DA-2B : Combo 4 Channel Voltage Input / 2 Channel Voltage Output

BX-2AD2DA-2B : Combo 2 Channel Voltage Input / 2 Channel Voltage Output


BX-4RTD4DA-1 : Combo 4 RTD Input / 4 Channel Current Output

BX-4THM4DA-1 : Combo 4 Thermocouple / 4 Channel Current Output


BX-16AD-1 : 16 Channel Current Input

BX-16AD-2B : 16 Channel Voltage Input

Added the following instructions:


FIFOLOAD - Load First In / First Out


FIFOUNLOAD - Unload First In / First Out




LIFOLOAD - Load Last In / First Out


LIFOUNLOAD - Unload Last In / First Out




Version Number

Released Date



27 Mar 2019

Added support for the following I/O Modules:


BX-HSIO1 - 4 Axis High Speed I/O - 250 KHz, 8 High Speed Inputs (24 VDC Sink / Source) / 8 High Speed Outputs (24 VDC Sinking)


BX-HSIO2 - 4 Axis High Speed I/O - 250 KHz, 8 High Speed Inputs (24 VDC Sink / Source) / 8 High Speed Outputs (24 VDC Sourcing)


BX-SERIO 4-port Serial Communication Module

Added the following instructions:


AXSCRIPT - Run A Sequence of Axis Commands






HTTPCMD - Execute HTTP Command


PWMOUT - Pulse Width Modulated Output

Made the following changes or additions:

Added Select PLC Connection utility to manage connecting Do-more Designer software to PLCs.


Added Pulse Catch option to the High-speed Timer / Counter configuration.


Added Trigger ISR to step options in TDOPreset - Load Preset Table for Table Driven Output.


Added MQTTS (secure, encrypted TLS / SSL) to MQTT Client Device.


Version Number

Released Date



23 May 2018

Added support for the following analog I/O modules:


BX-04AD-1 : 4 Channel Current Input

BX-04ADM-1 : 4 Channel Current Input (medium resolution)

BX-04DA-1 : 4 Channel Current Output


BX-04AD-2B : 4 Channel Voltage Input

BX-04DA-2B : 4 Channel Voltage Output


BX-08THM : 8 Channel Thermocouple Input

BX-06RTD : 6 Channel RTD Input

BX-08NTC : 8 Channel Thermistor Input (negative temperature coefficient)


Added support for the following discrete I/O modules:


BX-08SIM : 8 Point Simulator

BX-32ND3 : 32 Point 12-24VDC Sink / Source Input

BX-32TD1 : 32 Point 12-24VDC Sink Output

BX-32TD2 : 32 Point 12-24VDC Source Output

Added the following instructions:


MQTTPUB - IoT Publish MQTT Topics


MQTTSUB - IoT Subscribe to MQTT Topics


Made the following changes or additions:


Added support for BX-DMIO and BX-EBC100 as Ethernet Remote I/O Slaves.


Added MQTT Broker Device (IoT) which allows BRX PLCs with on-board Ethernet Ports can connect to one or more MQTT Brokers. Once connected, these PLCs can publish messages to the Brokers and subscribe to messages from the Brokers.


Version Number

Released Date



19 Mar 2018

Added the following instructions:


INI - Immediate Discrete Input ((only available on BRX CPUs with on-board discrete inputs).


Made the following changes or additions:


Added support for the new DURApulse GS4 drive through the GS-EDRV100 as an Ethernet Remote I/O Master. This requires Do-more CPU firmware v2.2.0 and GS-EDRV100 firmware v6.0.2.


The SMTP Client can now use DNS (domain name system) which allows the SMTP server to be specified as a name and not a static IP address.


Added the ability to send secure Email using SSL / TLS protocol.


Added ability to specify the DNS server the CPU will use when it needs to resolve names to IP addresses.


Version Number

Released Date



20 Sept. 2017

The following apply only to BRX PLCs:


Added support for the following analog I/O modules:


BX-08AD-1 : 8 Channel Current Input

BX-08DA-1 : 8 Channel Current Output

BX-08AD-2B : 8 Channel Voltage Input

BX-08DA-2B : 8 Channel Voltage Output

BX-04THM : 4 Channel Thermocouple Input


Use micro-SD card to Backup and Load Projects (BRX only).


The following apply to all Do-more PLCs (BRX, H2 Series, and Terminator Series):


Added COMMON TIMER as the default editor for adding Timer instructions to a project.


Added ability to create User Defined Structures.


Added Project Notes to documentation that is saved with the project.


All of the instructions that have the JMP to Stage option, now have the ability to automatically create the target Stage if it doesn't exist.


Added the following instructions:


BACKUP - Create PLC Image File (BRX only)


COPY - Copy Data


DEBOUNCE - Reduce Discrete Input Chatter


FLASHER - Cycle Output On / Off


TIMEDOUT - Timed Output


Version Number

Released Date



08 Feb 2017

Added support for BRX PLCs. The following are only applicable to the new BRX PLCs:


Added Interrupts and Interrupt Service Routines on BRX PLCs with the following instructions to use with those Interrupts:


INTCONFIG - Interrupt Configuration Editor


INTDECONFIG - Deconfigure Interrupt


INTRESUME - Resume Interrupts


INTSUSPEND - Suspend Interrupts


OUTI - Output Immediate Coil


RSTI - Reset Immediate Bit


SETI - Set Immediate Bit


Added the following Axis instructions for use with High-Speed I/O on BRX PLCs:


AXCONFIG - Axis Configuration


AXSETPROP - Axis Set Properties


AXRSTFAULT - Reset Axis Limit Fault


AXHOME - Axis Perform Home Search


AXPOSTRAP - Axis Move to Position Using Trapezoid


AXPOSSCRV - Axis Move to Position Using S-Curve


AXVEL - Axis Set Velocity Mode


AXJOG - Axis Jog Mode


AXGEAR - Axis Electronic Gearing


AXFOLLOW - Axis Position Following with Offset


AXCAM - Axis Electronic Camming


Added the following instructions for use with Table Drive Outputs on BRX PLCs:


TDODECFG - Deconfigure Table Driven Output


TDOPLS - Load Programmable Limit Switch Table for Table Driven Output


TDOPreset - Load Preset Table for Table Driven Output


Added the following instructions for use with the RAM File System and SDCard File System (BRX only).


FILECLOSE - Close File


FILECOPY - Copy File


FILEDEL - Delete File


FILELOG - Log to File


FILENEWFLDR - Make New Folder


FILEOPEN - Open File


FILEQUERY - Query File or Folder Information


FILEREAD - Read from File


FILESEEK - Seek to Position in File


FILESYSCMD - Perform File System Command


FILETRUNC - Truncate File


FILEWRITE - Write to File


Added the following instructions for use with Subroutine code block:


CALL - Call Subroutine


RET - Return Back To Call


RETC - Conditional Return Back to Call


ENDC - Conditional End of Code-Block


Made the following changes or additions:


Added Browse PLC File System utility to access the contents of these file systems from within Do-more Designer.


The EMail - Send Email instruction can now send a file from one of the PLC's file systems as an attachment.


Added the Dashboard that uses a graphical representation of the PLC system to assist in configuration and troubleshooting.


Version Number

Released Date



01 Jul 2015

Added EIPMSG - Send EtherNet/IP Message instruction to have a Do-more CPU with on-board Ethernet port be EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Client.


Added EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Server setup to the CPU Configuration to have a Do-more CPU with on-board Ethernet port be an EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Server.


Added RX - Do-more Network Read instruction to have a Do-more CPU with on-board Ethernet port read data from other Do-more CPUs with on-board Ethernet ports.


Added WX - Do-more Network Write instruction to have a Do-more CPU with on-board Ethernet port write data to other Do-more CPUs with on-board Ethernet ports.


If the result of a MATH - Calculate Expression is an array reference, you can now enter a full MATH expression for the array Index.


DEVREAD - Read Device Register and DEVWRITE - Write Device Register instructions can now read and write the POP3 Server IP Address and the SMTP Server's Timeout value.


Version Number

Released Date



17 Mar 2014

Added UDCG - Global Up / Down Counter instruction.


Added TMRAG - Global Accumulating Up Timer instruction.


The DEVREAD - Read Device Register and DEVWRITE - Write Device Register instructions can now read and write the following String and Numeric parameters in the SMTP Server's configuration:

From Email Address

Authentication Account Password

Authentication Account User Name

Authentication Mode

SMTP IP Address


Added the IPADDR format specifier to the Format Integer (FmtInt) scripting function for use by STRPRINT - Print to String and EMAIL - Send Email instructions.


Added support for Function Code 22 (Mask Write Register) to the Modbus/RTU Server and Modbus/TCP Server.


Version Number

Released Date



14 Aug 2013

Added support for T1H-DM1x CPUs.


Added Ethernet I/O Master which can use H2-EBC100, T1H-EBC100 and GS-EDRV100 as Ethernet I/O Slaves.

Added Module Configurations for Intelligent Analog modules and for Terminator I/O Analog Output modules.

Added ability to enable a Secondary Ethernet Programming TCP/IP port number for use by Do-more Designer.


The Input Leg of the Print to String (STRPRINT), Find Within String (STRFIND), Get Substring (STRSUB), String Compare (STRCMP), and Query Information about Data Memory (DATAINFO) instructions can now be configured as Power Flow Enabled or Edge Triggered.


Added GSREGRD - GS EDrive Register Read instruction.


Added GSREGWR - GS EDrive Register Write instruction.

Added PING - Ping Ethernet Device instructions.


Added DNSLOOKUP - Name to IP Address instructions.


Version Number

Released Date



6 Sept 2012

Initial Version with support for H2-DM1x CPUs.