Topic: DMD0470

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STRCOPY - Copy String

The Copy String (STRCOPY) instruction copies one source String or String Literal to another String or to a contiguous range of Strings.




Note: Use the F9 key to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.


Source specifies a single system-defined or user-defined String, or a String literal that will be copied.


Destination specifies a single system-defined or user-defined String (or the first in the contiguous range if the Count is more than 1)

Range: shows the range of destination strings based on the current Destination and Count values.

Count specifies how many contiguous Strings to copy the source string into. This can be any constant from 1 to 65535, or any numeric location containing a value in that range.


Status Display:

See Also:

STRCOPY - Copy String


STRCOPYR - Copy a Range of Strings


STR2REAL - Convert String to Real


STR2INT - Convert String to Integer


STRCASE - Convert String to UPPER / lower Case


STRCLEAR - Clear Strings


STRCMP - String Compare

STRDELETE - Delete Substring


STRFIND - Find within String


STRINSERT - Insert Substring


STRPRINT - Print to String


STRSUB - Get Substring


STRTRIM - Trim Whitespace


STRTRUNC - Truncate String


Related Topics:

COPY - Copy Data


INIT - Initialize Data


MEMCOPY - Copy Memory Range


MOVE - Move Value

