Topic: DMD0393

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Browse PLC File Systems

The Browse PLC File Systems utility (PLC -> Browse PLC File Systems...) is used to interact with the file systems on a Do-more CPU. You can browse the contents of the folders on the file system, copy files from the PLC to the PC running Do-more Designer and from the PC down to the PLC. You can also delete files on the PLC file system.



This utility can only be used when Do-more Designer is logged in with a user account with the Access File System (FS) privilege. If the current user account does not have FS, you will see the following message when you attempt to run the utility:



Do-more File System - a list of the available file systems on the CPU.


The Status shows the current state of the selected file system:

OK means the file system is available for access


no media installed is shown when no micro-SD card installed in the micro-SD slot.


Total / Free / Used Disk Space shows the amount of space (in kilobytes) on the installed media as recognized by the file system.

Browse to Root will navigate to the root folder of the currently selected file system then display the root folders contents.


Refresh will reread the contents of the current folder and update the list of files and folders, this is also used to read the file system after inserting a micro-SD card to correct a "no media installed" error.


Format... (@RAMFS only) will format the RAM file system which will delete all of the existing files and folders on that file system.


Mount... (@SDCardFS only) will attempt to mount any removable media that has been dismounted. When the mount operation is complete the MEM LED on the front of the CPU will turn green, indicating it is safe for file operations to access the media.


Dismount... (@SDCardFS only) will prepare the media in the SD card slot for removal. This will close any open files. Any current file operations will be allowed to complete. No new file operations will be allowed to begin execution. When the dismount operation is complete the MEM LED on the front of the CPU will turn RED, indicating it is safe to remove the media.


Folder and File List is a list of the folders and files in the Current Folder.

Name - duh. Both file systems support long file names.


Date is the time and date when the file was last accessed.


Type will be either Folder or File.


Size - total number of bytes of data in the file.


Attributes - A = archive, H = hidden, R = read only, D = directory, S = system

If the Current Folder is a sub-folder, clicking the < Back button will navigates up one folder level and displays the contents of that folder.


Clicking the Show Hidden Files button will allow files that are marked as Hidden to be found and displayed any time the contents of a folder are shown.


Current Folder shows the destination folder for the Copy File from PC to Current Folder in Do-more PLC operation. The Current Folder selection changes as you navigate between file systems and sub-folders.


Number of Files is the total number of files in the currently selected folder.


Number of Folders is the total number of sub-folders in the currently selected folder.


Copy File from PC to Current Folder in Do-more PLC will copy a file from the PC to the Current Folder . Selecting this will open a File Open dialog where you can select the file so copy to the Do-more CPU.


Copy Selected File in Do-more PLC to PC will copy the currently selected (highlighted) file from the CPU's file system to the PC. Selecting this will open a File Save dialog where you can select the destination folder to store the copy of the file.


Delete Selected Files in Do-more PLC will delete the currently selected (highlighted) file in the Do-more file system. Use Ctrl+Right Mouse to select multiple files for deleting.

Note: you cannot delete folders on the SDCard File System.

Create New Folder in PLC will prompt for a new folder name and file system as shown below:

See Also

PLC File Systems


Related Topics

FILECLOSE - Close File


FILECOPY - Copy File


FILEDEL - Delete File


FILELOG - Log to File


FILENEWFLDR - Make New Folder


FILEOPEN - Open File


FILEQUERY - Query File or Folder Information


FILEREAD - Read from File


FILESEEK - Seek to Position in File


FILESYSCMD - Perform File System Command


FILETRUNC - Truncate File


FILEWRITE - Write to File


EMAIL - Send Email (with file attachment)


Backup and Restore using micro-SD Card (BRX-only)


BACKUP - System Backup


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