Topic: DMD0230

Help File Version:

The Do-more Designer Programming Environment

The default layout of the Do-more Designer Programming software main screen is divided into the following main areas (numbered 1 through 5 in the picture below):


1 - The Toolbar Section is along the top of the screen. The system and user toolbars will be placed here.


2 - The Utility Pane is along the left edge. Runtime helper views Launchpad, Project Browser, and Data Views will be placed here.


3 - The Tabbed Ladder Views is most of the center the screen, contains the Start Page and a tabbed view for each open code-block.


4 - The Status Bar is along the bottom edge of the main window. Contains information about the current programming session.


5 - Instruction Toolbox is along the right edge of the screen. The Instruction Toolbox be enabled when the current view is a Ladder view. Contains drag-n-drop icons for each available instruction.



1 - The Toolbar Section

This section will display all of the enabled toolbars. Toolbars can be quickly enabled and disabled through the View -> Toolbars menu selection or right-clicking in the toolbar section. The default placement of the toolbars is along to the top and right sides of the programming window, but any toolbar can be 'docked' along any of the four sides by left-clicking on the bar at the far right end on the toolbar and dragging it to the desired edge until it 'snaps' onto that edge. Toolbars can also be floated completely outside the borders of the Do-more Designer application window,


The following are all of the built-in toolbars in their default configuration. The functions of each icon are list from left to right:


The Offline Bar



Open - opens an existing project.


Save - saves the currently open project to disk.


New - creates a new offline project.


Backup - creates a backup copy of the currently open project.


Edit Mode - toggles the ability to change the contents of code-blocks.


Accept - checks all changes made to code-blocks for correctness.


Undo - leaves Edit Mode then opens Edit History to revert to previous versions of code-blocks.


Cut - removes the currently selected rungs from the code-blocks and places the rungs in the clipboard.


Copy - places a copy of the currently selected rungs in the clipboard.


Paste - copies the contents of the clipboard to the current code-block.


Find - opens the Find Element or Instruction dialog.


Find Next - repeats the previous Find operation.


Browse - opens the Element Browser.


Previous - go to the previous cross-reference location of the element under the field cursor.


Next - go to the next cross-reference location of the element under the edit cursor.


Output - go to the next cross-reference location of the element under the edit cursor used as an output.


Zoom - change the zoom level of the current Ladder View.


Options - opens the Options dialog for the current context.


On the Web - opens a web browser to display the 'Do-more on the Web' page.


Tip - opens the Tip of the Day dialog.


Help - opens the Help topic for the current window.


The Online Bar



Read PLC - uploads the contents of the currently connected Do-more CPU.


Write PLC - downloads the current version of the project to the Do-more CPU.


New Online - opens the Online dialog to establish a new online programming session.


Do-more SIM - runs Do-more Simulator.


Data - opens a new, empty Data View.


Debug - opens the Debug View dialog.


Trend - opens a new, empty Trend View.


Memory - Opens a new Memory View.


Status - enables status for the current view.


All Status - enables status for all open views.


No Status - disables status for all open views.


Forces=! - opens the Configure Forces dialog.


Value=? - opens the Change Value dialog.


Mode - opens the Set PLC Mode dialog.


Info - opens the System Information dialog.


Configure - opens the System Configuration dialog.


Devices - opens the Device List view.


Check - runs the Program Check rules against the contents of the code-blocks.


PID Overview - opens the PID Overview.


PID View - opens the PID View.


The Ladder Bar



Instructions - opens the Instruction Palette.


Accept - checks all changes made to code-blocks for correctness.


F2 - places a Normally Open contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


F3 - places a Normally Closed contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


Sh + F2 - places a Rising Edge contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


Sh + F3 - places a Falling Edge contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


= - places an Equal relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


! - places a Not Equal relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


< - places a Less Than relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


n/a - places a Less Than or Equal relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


n/a - places a Greater Than relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


> - places a Greater Than or Equal relational contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


Delta - places a Delta contact in the current edit cursor location and opens the contact editor.


Out - places an OUT coil in the output column and opens the coil editor.


Set - places a SET coil in the output column and opens the coil editor.


Reset - places a RST coil in the output column and opens the coil editor.


Browse - opens the Element Browser.


Ctrl - w - draws a horizontal wire from the current edit cursor location to the output column.


Edit Mode - toggles the ability to change the contents of code-blocks.


The File Bar



Close - closes the currently open project.


Save As - saves the currently open project to a new filename, then opens the new project.


Restore - opens the Restore From Backup dialog.


Folders - opens the Folder Settings dialog.


Import - opens the Import Project dialog.


Import Doc - opens the Import Element Documentation dialog.


Import Data - opens the Import Memory Data utility.


Migrate - opens the Migrate DirectSOFT Project utility.


Import Trend - opens a dialog to import as previously saved Trend Archive file.


Export - opens the Export Project dialog.


Gen Image - opens the Generate Do-more Loader Image dialog.


Export Doc - opens the Export Element Documentation dialog.


Export Data - opens the Export Memory Data utility.


Preview - opens the Print Preview dialog for the current view.


Print - opens the Print dialog to print the current code-block.


Print All - opens the Print All dialog to select one or more project items to print.


Print Setup - opens the Printer Setup dialog.


Properties - opens the Project Properties dialog.


Project Options - opens the Project Options dialog.


Exit - closes the currently open project and closes Do-more Designer.


The Edit Bar



Undo - opens Edit History to revert to previous versions of code-blocks.


Edit Hist. - leaves Edit Mode then opens Edit History to revert to previous versions of code-blocks.


Cut - removes the currently selected rungs from the code-blocks and places the rungs in the clipboard.


Copy - places a copy of the currently selected rungs in the clipboard.


Paste - copies the contents of the clipboard to the current code-block.


Delete - removes the element under the edit cursor or the currently selected rungs from the code-blocks.


Insert - opens the Insert dialog.


Merge Prev. - Merges the current rung and the previous rung into a single rung.


Merge Next. - Merges the current rung and the next rung into a single rung.


Contacts - opens the Instruction Browser on the Contacts tab.


Coils - opens the Instruction Browser on the Coils tab.


Boxes - opens the Instruction Browser on the Boxes tab.


Browse Inst - opens the Instruction Browser.


Instr. Toolbox - opens the Instruction Toolbox.


Instructions - opens the Instruction Palette.


The Search Bar



Replace - opens the Search and Replace dialog.


Next Mod. - moves the edit cursor to the next modified (but not Accepted) rung.


Prev Mod. - moves the edit cursor to the previous modified (but not Accepted) rung.


Next Instr - moves the edit cursor to the next ladder logic instruction that will be executed.


Prev Instr - moves the edit cursor to the previous ladder logic instruction that will be executed.


Goto - opens the Go To Address or Rung Number dialog.


The View Bar



Start Page - toggles the display of the Start Page.


Launchpad - toggles the display of the Launchpad.


Project Browser - toggles the display of the Project Browser.


Ladder View - will open a Ladder View for $Main.


Customize - opens the Customize Menus and Toolbars dialog.


Themes - opens the Select Visual Theme dialog.


Colors - opens the Color Setup dialog.


Zoom In - changes the zoom level of the current Ladder View to the next larger zoom factor.


Zoom Out - changes the zoom level of the current Ladder View to the next smaller zoom factor.


The Tools Bar



XRef - opens the Cross Reference View.


Documentation - opens the Documentation Editor for the current element.


Nicknames - opens the Assign Nicknames dialog.


Comment - opens the Rung Comment editor for the current rung.


Title - opens the Title Page Editor.


Memory Mgr - opens the Memory Image Manager.


Attach - opens the Attach User Document dialog.


DNS - opens the IP Address Lookup dialog.


Compare - opens the Compare Programs dialog.


Ignored Rules - opens the utility to Manage the Ignored Program Check rules.


Insert Instructions - opens the Insert Instructions from a File dialog.


The PLC Bar



Connect - opens the Select Link dialog to choose an existing communication link or create a new one.


Disconnect - closes the current online session, but leaves the project open in Do-more Designer.


Session - reopens the current online session.


Link Info - opens the Link Info dialog.


Offline PLC - opens the Setup Offline PLC dialog.


Devices - opens the Devices that lists all of the Devices that have been created in the currently open project.


Check - runs the Program Check utility that scans the ladder logic of the currently open project for syntax errors and programming rule violations.


I/O Sys - opens the I/O System View utility which provides a static hierarchical representation of all of the I/O Masters and all of their I/O Modules in the current I/O Configuration.


Browse PLC - opens the Browse PLC File Systems utility which displays the contents of the RAM file system (@RAMFS) and the micro-SD file system (@SDCardFS, BRX-only).


PLC Image - opens the Create PLC Image File utility which can generate a binary image file that contains some or all of the contents of the PLC. This file can be used to restore the contents without using Do-more Designer.


Mode - opens the Set PLC Mode dialog which allows the programmer to set the operational mode of the Do-more CPU or the Do-more Simulator .


Info - opens the System Information utility which provides tabbed views of the runtime status of the Do-more CPU, messages generated by the CPU, and system events that are logged by the CPU.


Configure - opens the System Configuration dialog which provides the selections necessary to configure the on-board hardware of the Do-more CPU.


Memory - opens the System Configuration dialog on the Memory Configuration page.


Clock - opens the Set PLC Clock dialog to manually set the PLC's real time clock.


Password - opens the System Security dialog.


TDO PRESET Table - opens the Slave Table Editor for a TDO (table driven output) PRESET (preset table).


TDO PLS Table - opens the Slave Table Editor for a TDO (table driven output) PLS (programmable limit switch table).


AXCAM Table - opens the Slave Table Editor for an AXCAM (axis electronic cam table).


Re-init I/O - the Re-initialize PLC I/O operation will perform a power-on reset of the I/O system.


Clear PLC - opens the Clear PLC Memory dialog.


Firmware - opens the Firmware Update dialog.


Do-more / SIM - the Do-more Simulator.


CTRIO - opens the Monitor CTRIO Module view which is used to monitor the installed CTRIO / 2 modules, and optionally change the values of their structure.


The Debug Bar



All Status enables status for all open views.


No Status disables status for all open views.


Open Data opens an existing Data View.


Close Data closes the currently selected Data View.


Save Data saves the contents of the currently selected Data View to its file.


Save Data As saves the contents of the currently selected Data View to a new file.


Open TrLay opens an existing Trend View Layout file.


Close Trend closes the currently selected Trend View.


Save TrLay saves the contents of the currently selected Trend View to a file.


Save TrLayAs saves the contents of the currently selected Trend View Layout to a new file.


Open Tr Arch opens an existing Trend Archive file.


Eth I/O opens the Ethernet I/O Monitor utility which displays the "health" of the currently configured network of Ethernet I/O Slaves.


MSMon opens the Modbus Scanner Monitor utility which displays the current state of the configure Modbus I/O Scanner Devices.

DmLogger opens the Do-more Logger (Network Message Viewer) dialog.


Pretty JSON opens the JSON Pretty Print utility that will format JSON records to make them human readable.


The Window Bar



New Window - opens a second instance of the currently selected Ladder View.


Cascade - puts the tabbed views in a single stack that has been fanned out so that the titles are visible.


Tile Horiz. - (stacked) puts windows in one or more vertical stacks depending on how many windows are open.


Tile Vert. - (side by side) opens, but does not maximize, each window so that all of the windows can be seen at once.


Arrange - aligns minimized windows along the bottom of the screen.


Default - resets the layout of the project's windows back to the default layout. This will Dock all DockableA Dockable window is one that can be connected to the sides, top, or bottom of another window. Docking is done by clicking the mouse in the colored portion of the top bar of the window and dragging it toward the edge of the contain window. As it approaches the containing window, a reverse video block will appear, showing how the docked window will appear in its docked form. windows and Views (Data Views, Debug View, etc.), place the Offline, Online and Ladder Palette toolbars in their default locations, and turn off all other toolbars.


Close All - closes all of the open windows.


Output - opens the Output Window.


Clear Output - clears the Contents of the Output Window.


The Help Bar



Index - opens the Help system on the index page.


Start - opens the Help system on the Getting Started page.


On the Web - opens a web browser to display the 'Do-more on the Web' page.


Support - opens the default web browser pointed to


ADC Forum - opens the default web browser pointed to


Host Forum - opens the default web browser pointed to


Tip - opens the Tip of the Day dialog.


Updates - opens the Check for Updates dialog.


Feedback - opens the Customer Feedback options dialog.


Technology - opens the Do-more Technology Versions dialog that displays the current software and hardware versions.


About - opens the About Do-more dialog.


Customizing the Menus and Toolbars

The contents of the built-in toolbars can be custom configured, and new toolbars can be created through the View -> Toolbars -> Customize dialog. A check next to a toolbar will enable that toolbar.


The Toolbars tab will list all of the current Toolbars and all of the icons on each toolbar.


New... - will create a new, empty toolbar (see the section on Commands for adding icons to the toolbar).


Rename - will rename any user-created toolbar.


Delete - will delete the selected user-created toolbar.


Reset... - will restore the selected toolbars to their default state.

Note: the Window -> Default Layout (Ctrl+Shift+L) selection will restore all of the toolbars to their default locations and turn off all toolbars except Offline, Online, and Ladder Palette.

While the Customize dialog is displayed, the icons on any of the toolbar buttons can be moved to a different position on that toolbar, moved to a different toolbar, or removed from that toolbar.

  • To reposition a button on a toolbar - click on that toolbar button and drag it to the desired new location (an I-bar will appear on the toolbar where the command will be placed).

  • To move a button to another toolbar - click on that button and drag it to the desired new toolbar (an I-bar will appear on the toolbar where the command will be placed).

  • To remove an icon from a toolbar - click on that icon and drag it to the Customize dialog.


The Commands tab will list all of the toolbar categories and all of the icons on each toolbar.


Selecting an entry in the Categories: group will display all of the icons that are currently on that toolbar in the Commands group - or select the All Commands entry to display an alphabetic list of all the icons from all of the toolbars.


To add a command to a toolbar click with the mouse on the desired command and drag that command onto the toolbar - an I-bar will appear on the toolbar where the new command will be placed.


The Options tab has selections that control the look and feel of the menus, toolbars, and their buttons.


Personalized Menus and Toolbars 

Always show full menus - if checked, the Menu bar items (File, Edit, Search, etc.) will always display all of their available options. 

Show Full menus after a short delay - if checked, the Menu items (File, Edit, Search, etc.) will start initially displaying only the most used options, then will display the full menu (without clicking on the double arrow) if the mouse pointer remains on that menu. 

Reset menu and toolbar usage data - menu usage data determines which options are displayed on the menus, this button will clear that data


Large Icons - if checked the toolbars will user the large (32 x 32) icons, if unchecked the toolbar icons will use small (16 x 16) icons

Show Screen Tips on toolbars - if checked, hovering the mouse cursor over a toolbar icon for 1 second will display a pop-up tooltip for that icon 

Show shortcut keys in Screen Tips - if checked, the pop-up tooltip will also contain the keystrokes that will perform that icon's function (if available)

Menu Animations - determines how the menus will open. For example, it can open straight down, starting from the menu name, or it can fade into view.

(System Default) - the animation used will be based on the animation that is selected for all Windows menus in the "Display" control panel

Random - each time a menu is opened, an animation will be selected at random from the three that are explained below

Unfold - the menu will appear from the left-hand side of the menu name and will unfold down and to the right until it is fully open

Slide - the menu will appear in its full width, but "rolled up" and will roll straight downward until it is fully open

Fade - the menu will appear fully open but as a "faded out" image. It will fade in until it is fully visible

None - the menu will always appear fully open


2 - The Utility Pane

The Utility Pane is the default location for the following views. Each of the views is a FloatableThis window can "float" on the screen and remain functional while being unconnected to an edge of a containing window. Floating a window is done by clicking the mouse in the colored portion of the top of the window and dragging it away from the edge, As the window is dragged away, a reverse video block will appear, showing how the window will appear in it's floating form. and DockableA Dockable window is one that can be connected to the sides, top, or bottom of another window. Docking is done by clicking the mouse in the colored portion of the top bar of the window and dragging it toward the edge of the contain window. As it approaches the containing window, a reverse video block will appear, showing how the docked window will appear in its docked form. window meaning they can be undocked from Do-more Designer and positioned anywhere on any of the computer's monitors, outside the boundaries of the Do-more Designer application window.


The Launchpad contains individual sections that are collection points for Do-more Designer projects, support applications, and communication links to Do-more CPUs.


The Project Browser provides quick navigation to the different areas of a Do-more Designer project.


The Data Views are used to monitor the status of, and optionally change the values of selected memory locations in the Do-more CPU. Multiple data views can be open at the same time, each viewing the same or different memory locations, in the same or a different format (Native, Binary, Octal, BCD/ Hex, etc.).


The Debug View is used to manage the available runtime debug operations.


The PID Overview displays a boilerplate graphic for each Closed Loop Controller (PID) instruction in the project.


The I/O System View which displays the current state of the Local I/O and Ethernet I/O Modules.


3 - The Tabbed Ladder Views

The center programming window is the where the views for the following will be displayed.


The Start Page will display some current information from 'Do-more on the Web', has links to help topics that are made specifically to help the New -to- Do-more programmers get up to speed quickly, and has provisions that allow projects to display a file (called the User Document) in the Start Page.


The tabbed Ladder Views will display the contents of the code-blocks in the project when they are being edited.


All Trend Views will have a separate tab.


All PID Views will have a separate tab.


The Output Window is a FloatableThis window can "float" on the screen and remain functional while being unconnected to an edge of a containing window. Floating a window is done by clicking the mouse in the colored portion of the top of the window and dragging it away from the edge, As the window is dragged away, a reverse video block will appear, showing how the window will appear in it's floating form. and DockableA Dockable window is one that can be connected to the sides, top, or bottom of another window. Docking is done by clicking the mouse in the colored portion of the top bar of the window and dragging it toward the edge of the contain window. As it approaches the containing window, a reverse video block will appear, showing how the docked window will appear in its docked form. window that will display diagnostic messages during the programming session. By default, the Output Window will dock at the bottom of the Ladder view section.


4 - The Status Bar

At the bottom of the Do-more Designer programming window is the Status Bar which displays information about the current programming session.



The status bar contains the following 10 separate sections - some of which will be visible / invisible depending on the programming operations currently being used:


The left-most section is the Writing To PLC / Writing To ROM section. This section will be empty most of the time but will display two different icons when a Write PLC operation is processed. The first icon displayed is that of a PLC base which indicates the transfer of ladder logic and / or configuration data to the CPU is taking place. The second Icon is that of an IC chip which indicates the CPU is writing the newly downloaded information to the ROM in the CPU (the ROM LED will be ON during this part of the process).


Next is the Current Mode Switch Position section which displays the current position of the Mode Switch located on the front panel of the CPU. The current mode will be displayed in BOLD BLUE. Follow this link for a full description of each possible mode.


When the Do-more Designer session is online with a PLC, the next panel shows the status of DST61 ($SysMsgLevel) and ST36 ($EnableMsgDump) when either is NOT their default (defaults are ERR only, Message Dump OFF).


Next is the Sync Status section which displays whether or not there are differences between the version of the System Configuration, the Program and the Documentation currently displayed in the Programming window and the version stored in the CPU, and the version stored on disk.


Next is the Device Status section which monitors the state of any Devices currently being used.  Device Error  will be displayed here in red if a Device is Idle too long. Clicking on this section will open the Device List dialog to see the current status of all Devices in use.


Next is the CPU Status section which monitors the runtime state of the CPU. Any time  Info  or  Warning  or  Error  appears, a corresponding message has been generated that can be viewed in the System Status. Clicking on this section will open the System Status tab of the System Information dialog to see the current state of the CPU.


Next is the Session Status / User / Link Name section which monitors the state of the communication link between Do-more Designer and the CPU. The  text  in this section will be displayed here in red if the link is not functioning properly. Clicking on this section will open the Link Info dialog to see the current state of the communication link being used.


Next is the CPU Mode section which displays the current mode of the CPU ( Run  or Program).


Next is the Memory Usage section which displays how much the available program memory in the CPU is being used ( current usage / total available ).


Next is the CPU Type section which displays the Do-more CPU type specified in the current project. If you are using the Do-more Simulator instead of an actual PLC, the CPU Type shows the PLC you are simulating in black, reverse video.


Last is the Cursor Position section that tracks the position of the edit cursor ( code-block # rung number : row number : column number )


See Also:

The Launchpad


Start Page


Ladder Views


Docking and Floating Views

