Topic: DMD0213

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Export Element Documentation

The Export Documentation dialog is used to export the element documentation (Nickname, Extra Info, Description) in the current Do-more Designer project in text format. This export function's primary use is creating information that will be used by a different software package like the C-More operator panel programming software (for automatic tag generation). The Export Element Documentation dialog is opened by selecting File -> Export -> Element Documentation from the menu or clicking the Export Doc button of the File toolbar..

Export File location

The left side of the dialog is a standard set of Windows File Save prompts allowing the programmer to select the destination folder (the default is the current Projects folder)>, the name of the export file, and the file type: Comma Delimited (.csv), or Comma Delimited Text (.txt) .

Content Format

The right side of the dialog contains the five output format selections. The appropriate selection depends on the target software for the export file. Note: be aware that the C-More formats are NOT suitable for importing back into Do-more Designer.



Standard Format: Element Nickname, Extra Info, Description


This format option outputs one element per line, each component is enclosed in double quotes, and only elements with nicknames are exported. Unassigned Nicknames will be exported with the type set to "UB" (unassigned bit), "UN" (unassigned numeric), or "US" (unassigned structure) as appropriate.


For example:

"X40","start switch","Blue, 000","Start switch on operator panel"

"X41","part present","Blue, 001","Limit that detects part in fixture"

"X42","part locked","Blue, 002","Confirms that the clamp is locked"

"R20","door weight","White 000","Door Weight in Pounds"

Standard Format PLUS export multi-line Description as multiple CSV fields


This option includes the standard format with the ability to preserve the user formatting of the Description field. If the Description field contains multiple lines of text with 'hard' carriage returns (ctrl-enter) inserted for formatting purposes, each line of text will be exported as a separate CSV variable.


For example:

"X40","start switch","Blue, 000","This","is","a","multi-line","Description"

"X41","part present","Blue, 001","This is a single line Description"

C-More™ Do-more Driver Format: Tag Name (Nickname), Value Type, Element, Block Type, Block Name


This format option outputs data that can be directly imported by the C-More operator panel programming software. The export file will contain the complete database schema, and for each Element that has a Nickname, one element per line, only the Nickname is used, no double quotes, and only elements with nicknames are exported. Unassigned Nicknames will NOT be exported.


For example:

start switch,DISCRETE,X40,BBLOCK,X

part present,DISCRETE,X41,BBLOCK,X

part locked,DISCRETE,X42,BBLOCK,X

door weight,FLOATING_PT_32,R20,BBLOCK,R


C-More™ Do-more Driver Format WITH Struct Fields: Tag Name (Nickname), Value Type, Element, Block Type, Block Name


This format option outputs data that can be directly imported by the C-More operator panel programming software. The export file will contain the complete database schema, and for each Element that has a Nickname, one element per line, only the Nickname is used, no double quotes, and only elements with nicknames are exported. Unassigned Nicknames will NOT be exported.


For example:

start switch,DISCRETE,X40,BBLOCK,X

part present,DISCRETE,X41,BBLOCK,X

part locked,DISCRETE,X42,BBLOCK,X

door weight,FLOATING_PT_32,R20,BBLOCK,R

Enable the Do NOT export ALL Nicknamed Struct fields; just those that are USED. option to only include structure fields that have Nicknames AND are used in the program.

Enable the Also export USED elements which do not have a Nickname option to include all elements used in the program , even those without Nicknames.


For example:

// nickname, data-type, DM-element, User-BuiltIn-Block-Heap-Type, block-name-or-heap-item-name

start switch,DISCRETE,X40,BBLOCK,X

part present,DISCRETE,X41,BBLOCK,X

part locked,DISCRETE,X42,BBLOCK,X

door weight,FLOATING_PT_32,R20,BBLOCK,R



Modbus-Only Format Plus All Used Modbus Elements: Do-more Modbus Address, Modbus Address, Nickname, Extra info, Description, Note


For all references to Modbus Server-specific memory locations (MI, MC, MIR, MHR), this format option outputs one element per line, each component is enclosed in double quotes.


For example:






After the Export Documentation process is complete the following message box will open allowing you the opportunity to browse to the folder containing the export file. Selecting yes will open a File Open dialog in the export folder and the exported file will be selected.



See Also:

Export Project


Export Element Documentation


Export Memory Data

Import Project


Import Element Documentation


Import Memory Data


Migrate DirectSOFT Project


Memory Image Manager


Related Topics:

Insert Instructions from a File


Using Cut / Copy / Paste to Move Rungs and Code Blocks