Topic: DMD0280

Help File Version:

Instruction Browser

The Instruction Browser dialog provides the programmer an easy to navigate interface to the instruction set for the currently selected controller. The Do-more instruction set is broken into three categories: Contact instructions, Coil Instructions, and Box instructions. Each category contains one or more sub-groups - called instruction classes - that are based on functionality. Each instruction is included in one of these classes.


The Instruction Browser provides a convenient way to search through these instruction classes and select one of them to add to the current code-block. The Instruction Browser can be opened by selecting the Edit-> Instructions menu selection, or by clicking the Instructions button on the Edit toolbar. The most useful way is by pressing F4 to open the Instruction Browser with the Contact Tab selected, or pressing F5 to open the Instruction Browser with the Coil Tab selected, or pressing F7 top open the Instruction Browser with the Box Tab selected.



Box / Coil / Contact - displays the currently selected instruction.


Box Class / Coil Class / Contact Class - displays the alphabetized list of instruction classes for the selected Box / Coil / Contact tab. Clicking on one of the items in this list will display all of the instructions in that class in the Boxes / Coils / Contacts list.


Boxes / Coils / Contacts - displays the instructions that are included in the currently highlighted Box / Coil / Contact Class. Clicking on one of the elements in this list will highlight the Box / Coil / Contact Class and Secondary Class (if appropriate) that this instruction is part of.


Description - displays a brief description of the currently highlighted instruction.


Clicking on one of the elements in this list will highlight this class in the Box / Coil / Contact Class list, and display all of the instructions in that class in the Boxes / Coils / Contacts list.


Click OK to select the currently highlighted Box, Coil, or Contact and add it to the current code-block.


Click Cancel to return to the code-block without adding an instruction.


Click Help display the Main Help Topic.


Click Instruction Help to display the Help Topic for the currently selected instruction.


See Also:

Instruction Toolbox