Topic: DMD0269

Change Value

As its name implies, the Change Value utility is used to change the value of the various types of memory elements in the controller. Because Change Value is a modeless dialogA dialog that not have to be closed before the software can continue with other operations., it can be left open and successive calls to Change Value will appear in this same Change Value dialog.


The Change Value dialog can be invoked by positioning the edit cursor over the element to change the value of and performing on e of the following actions:

  • select Debug-> Change Value from the menu

  • use the hot-key sequence Ctrl+Shft+F2

  • Right-Click and select Change Value from the Debug menu


Because this is a modeless dialog, it can be left open and successive selections will appear in the same Change Value dialog.


Element - the memory element to change the value of. The default element will be the element where the edit cursor is located. If the cursor is on an instruction that has multiple fields the field closest to the mouse cursor will be selected. Use the F9 key (Element Browser) or the down-arrow (Auto-complete) at any time to see a complete list of the controller's memory locations.


Current: - displays the current value for the selected memory Element, this value is continuously read from the controller.


New: - the new value to write to the controller. If the Element is a numeric location, the initial value will be set to what is first read from the controller. If the Element is a bit location, the new value will be set to the opposite of what is read from the controller.


Format: - select the format to view the Element as from the choices in the Format group. Default selection will be the native format for the Element. As the Format selection changes the Current and New entries will be displayed in the new format.


After selecting the memory element to change, enter a new value for that element in the New: field (or click the Up/Down arrow) then, click the 'Write to PLC' button to send the new value to the controller.


Clicking the 'Read form PLC' button will reread the current value for the selected element.


See Also:

Using the Trend View to Monitor the Do-more Controller


Using the Data View to Monitor Do-more Controller Memory


Forcing I/O and Memory Items


Using the Change Value Dialog