Topic: DMD0290

Help File Version:

Title Page Editor

The Title Page editor allows you to create and edit the text for the Title Page of the current project. The Title Page Editor can be invoked by selecting the Tools-> Title Page Editor menu selection, or pressing Ctrl + T, or clicking the 'Edit ...' button in the Title Page section of the Print, Print All, and Print Preview dialogs.



The Title Page can contain up to 20 lines of text, with a maximum of 2400 characters. The number of characters per line will depend on the font and the width of the characters. Text in the Title Page can consist of any alphabetic character, alphanumeric value, punctuation mark, and arithmetic operator; essentially any printable ASCII character can be used.


Text for the Title Page can be entered directly into the editor field, or the programmer can use cut and paste from another source. Many of the familiar Windows keyboard shortcuts for editing functions are available, such as selecting text (SHFT+ Arrow keys), Select All (Ctrl+A), Cut (CTRL + X), Copy (CTRL + C), Paste (CTRL + V), and Undo (CTRL + Z).


Disable Printing of Title Page

By default the Title Page will be included any time the project is printed. To disable the Printing of the Title Page, uncheck the ’Print it!’ option on the Print, Print All, or Print Preview dialogs as shown below:



See Also: