Topic: DMD0286

Help File Version:


The Print dialog is used to generate a hard copy of the ladder logic in the single code-block where the Print operation was initiated. Use File-> Print All is used to print all of the code-blocks in the project.


The Print dialog can be invoked by selecting the File-> Print menu selection, or pressing Ctrl + P.



The selections in the Ladder Settings group specify how much of the code-block to include in the printout, whether to include the element documentation and Rung comments or not, and the print size options.


The Range group defines how much of the code-block to print.


  • All - select this option to print all of the ladder logic in the code-block

  • Rungs - select this option to print only the specified range of rungs in the code-block. Enter the first and last rung to print in the fields provided.

  • Addresses - select this option to print only the specified range of addresses in the code-block. Enter the first and last address to print in the fields provided. 


The Documentation group defines which of the project documentation to include on the printout.

Elements - check to include the element name (e.g. X0, R0, etc.)

Nicknames - check to include element nicknames (e.g. MotorStart, Pump27, etc.)

Extra Info - check to include element wiring info (e.g. Blue - 10)

Descriptions - check to include element descriptions (e.g. This is the Motor Starter )

Comments - check to include all of the rung comments in the code-block.


The Misc group defines the line drawing characteristics

Zoom - sets the zoom level that will be used to generate the printout, select from 35%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 100%, 125%, 150%, 175%, 200%, or 225%

Columns - designates how many columns will be on each page, select from 1, 2, or 3

Pen Size - designates the width of the pen used to draw the rungs and elements, there are 4 sizes to pick from


The Options group contains more print settings.

The Printer group selects the printer to use.

Use Default - the default printer selection on the PC is displayed in the list. To select a different printer uncheck this option and use the down arrow in the Printer field to select from among the printers that are available on the PC.

Black and White - by default the print output will be in color to match the colors that are used in the Do-more Designer programming software. Check this box to force the printout from color to black and white.


The Header and Footer group optionally adds a line of text to the top and bottom of each page in the printout

Header - specifies the text to add to the top and bottom of each page

Date - specifies the date to put on the printout 

Today! - click this button to retrieve the current date from this computer 

Begin page numbering with - specifies the first page number to use on the printout


The Title Page group optionally includes the Title Page

Print it! - check this box to include the Title Page in the printout

Edit ... - click this button to invoke the Title Page Editor


The Font Group selects the font to use when generating the printout

Select... - click this button to display a list of the fonts loaded on the computer and select the font to use


Click the OK button to initiate the print preview using the settings currently displayed.


Click the Cancel button to exit the dialog without generating the print preview..


Click the Printer Setup... button to invoke the setup dialog for the currently selected printer.


Click the Page Setup... button to invoke a dialog to set the margins for the printed page.


Click the Help button to invoke the main help system.


See Also:


Print All

Print Preview

Title Page Editor