Topic: DMD0342

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Ethernet I/O Monitor

After the Ethernet I/O Master is configured and running, the Ethernet I/O Monitor can be used to display the "health" of the currently configured network of Ethernet I/O Slaves. This utility can be opened through by selecting the Debug -> Ethernet I/O Monitor menu selection, or by clicking the Open Ethernet I/O Monitor button on the System Status tab of the System Information dialog.



The Ethernet Statistics group displays the current Ethernet traffic statistics for the on-board Ethernet port. These values represent all of the Ethernet network traffic being processed by the on-board Ethernet port, not just network traffic that is generated by the Ethernet I/O Master or its I/O Slaves.

Packets Sent ($EthPktsSent - DST44) & Packets Received ($EthPktsReceived - DST43) are the total number of packets sent and received by the on-board Ethernet port respectively.

Dropped Packets ($EthDroppedPkts - DST40) is the total number of packets since the last power-cycle that have been lost because the packets are being received faster than they can be processed.

Ethernet Interrupt Stopped ($EthStoppedIntr - DST41) is the number of times the Ethernet interrupt was shut off due to excessive network traffic.

Send Errors ($EthSendErrors - DST42) is the number of Ethernet send errors that have occurred since the last power-cycle.

Missed Frames ($EthMissedFrames - DST49) is the total number of packets since the last power-cycle that the Ethernet hardware did not process because the packets were incorrectly formed.

Packets Sent per sec: & Packets Received per sec:are the number of packets sent and received during the last second respectively.

Clicking the Reset button will set the Dropped Packets, Send Errors, Ethernet Interrupt Stopped, and Missed Frames values to 0; Packets Sent and Packets Received values originate in the Ethernet hardware and cannot be cleared by this utility.


The Ethernet Slaves section contains details of the network traffic between the Ethernet I/O Master and each of the configured I/O Slaves. The following information is displayed for each of the configured I/O Slave connections:

# is the position of the slave in the sequential order Ethernet I/O Slaves.

Name is the name assigned to the Ethernet I/O Slave. The background color of the Name field entry indicates the following: 

Gray (normal) background color indicates the I/O Slave is functioning normally.

Red background means the slave is reporting an error.


Yellow background means the I/O Slave is reporting a Warning from one of its I/O Modules. 

Retry Count is the total number of communication retries that have been sent to this I/O Slave.

Update Count is the total number of network packets for this I/O Slave that completed successfully.

Updates per sec is the number of network packets for this I/O Slave that completed successfully during the last second. Updates Rate Min & Updates Rate Max are the lowest and highest Update per sec value respectively since the Monitor was started or since the last Clear Counts operation was executed.

Last Error Code is the last error code & Last Error Info is the last error's extended information reported by this I/O Slave (typically this is the slot number of the I/O Module that is reporting a Warning). The following table lists the possible Ethernet I/O Slave Error Codes:


Error Code







One or more of the I/O modules in the stored configuration is not detected in the base.

Only applicable when the I/O Slave is a T1H-EBC100.



A new I/O module is detected in the base that is not in the stored configuration.


Only applicable when the I/O Slave is a T1H-EBC100.



The stored Link Monitor value does not match the Link Monitor value being returned by the I/O Slave - this can happen if the I/O Slave was power-cycled, or if the Slave's Link Monitor was re-configured by a different master.



The I/O Slave did not respond within the allotted amount of time (Timeout x Retrys).



The I/O Slave that responded to a request was not the type of device (BX-DMIO, BX-EBC100, H2-EBC100, T1H-EBC100, or GS-EDRV100) that was expected. This can happen if the IP Address specified for the slave has been reassigned to a different type of slave.



I/O count of a module detected does not match the I/O count stored in the configuration.


The corresponding .SlaveXErrorInfo member contains the slot number of the I/O module reporting the error.




An I/O module that requires a Module configuration did not have its configuration data correctly downloaded.


The corresponding .SlaveXErrorInfo member contains the slot number of the I/O module reporting the error.

Configured Retries is the number of communication Retry attempts this I/O Slave will make before reporting an error.

Configured Timeout is the amount of time this I/O Slave will to wait for a response to a communication before it retries.

Configured Poll Rate is the amount of time this I/O Master will wait between successive communication attempts to this slave.


Note: the #, Name, Configured Retries, Configured Timeout, and Configured Poll Rate values can be changed in the Ethernet I/O Master configuration dialog.

Clicking the Clear Errors button will set the Laser Error Code and Last Error Info values in the $Eth_IO_Master structure to 0. Some warning indications are persistent in the I/O Slave and will continue to appear in this view until they are cleared by the I/O System View.

Clicking the Clear Counts button will set the Retry Count and Update Count in the $Eth_IO_Master structure to 0

Clicking the Copy to Clipboard button will place a copy of the current values for all of the fields on this dialog in the Windows Clipboard. This data can then be pasted into an external application, like Microsoft Excel™, or Windows Notepad™, for additional processing.


Related Topics:

I/O System View


Ethernet I/O Master Configuration