Topic: DMD0237

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Backup Project

Do-more Designer's project backup utility will create a backup copy of the currently open project. Each time a Backup Project is executed the current project will be saved to disk and then copied to the designated backup folder. The default location for the backup copies is set to \Do-more Designer\Projects\Backup. This location can be changed to a different location - such as a removable disk, or a network drive - through the Backup Folders section of the Folder Settings dialog. The programmer must have write access to the folder that is chosen for the Backup folder.


Do-more Designer does not limit the number of backups that can be saved for a particular project, any such limits must be imposed by the programmer.



Backup Project is invoked by clicking the Backup icon on the Offline toolbar, or selecting File-> Manage Projects-> Backup Project from the menu. This dialog will appear with the following options:


Backup the most recently saved version of the project - copies the existing version of the open project to the designated backup folder, any unsaved changes will NOT be saved as part of the backup copy.


Save the project first then perform the backup - performs a 'Save Project to Disk' operation before the backup copy is saved to the designated backup folder. This ensures that the backup copy will match the currently open version of the project.


Each time Backup Project is executed Do-more Designer will use the current system date and time to create a new folder named <Backup Path>\<current project name>\$<current date>$<current time>. For example, if working on a project named MySample, the programmer runs the Backup Project utility at 4:17:58 on September 14, 2011, a folder named C:\DirectSOFT-MP\Projects\Backup\MySample\$11-09-14$16-17-58 will be created


A File Save dialog will appear with the newly created backup folder already selected and the default project name already entered.




Use the default location to store the backup copy, or click the Browse Folders button and select a different folder.


Leave the default backup name intact, or enter a new name.


Click the Save button to create the backup copy of the project.


Click the Cancel button to exit this operation without creating the backup copy.


See Also:

Backup and Restore Overview

Backup Project

Restore From Backup

Project Auto-Save

Project Folder Settings


Related Topics:

Export Project