The Go To Address or Rung Number dialog is
used to move the editing session to the specified location in the code-block.
The search and replace dialog can be opened by selecting the Search ->
Goto -> Goto menu selection, or pressing Ctrl
+ G.
- selects the specified code-block, click the down arrow to display a
list of the Tasks and Programs in the current project.
Address /
Rung Number - specifies the location to move the editing session to. Click the up
and down arrows to changed the number.
- Rung
Number within the selected code-block.
- Address within the selected code-block.
- Absolute Address in the entire project, for example, the 8 locations DST30 through DST37 serve as a 4 x 2 stack that contains the last 4 system error codes and the address of the instruction that reported that error. To locate the instance of the instruction that reported the error then enter the value in the $LastErrorAddr1, $LastErrorAddr2, $LastErrorAddr3, or $LastErrorAddr4 locations in the Address / Rung Number field and select Absolute Address then click OK. This will move the edit cursor to the code-block that contains the instruction at that address.
Click the OK button to move
the editing session to the specified location.
Click Cancel the exit the dialog.