Topic: DMD0214

Export Project

The Export Project utility creates a text-only version of the ladder program, optionally including the rung comments and/or the element documentation. The export file will contain the mnemonics and parameters of the instructions on the rungs. Which of the available sections are included in the exported file depends largely on the purpose of exporting the project. If the purpose is to create a backup copy of the project in text form, then including all of the available sections is the proper choice. If the purpose is to export a complete code-block or only some of the rungs of a code-block with the intention of importing this data into a different project then care must be taken in selecting the appropriate options.


Note: the preferred method for moving code-blocks and/or programming elements between Do-more Designer projects is to use Cut/Copy/Paste rather than Import/Export. The Cut/Copy/Paste operations have the intelligence required to properly handle incompatibilities in the System Configurations of the source and destination projects.


The Export Project Dialog is opened with the File-> Export-> Project menu selection.



Export - specifies which sections of the Do-more Designer project to export.

Program Range - specifies how much of the ladder logic to export
    • Entire Program - select this option to export all of the code-blocks in the project

    • Specific Code Block - select this option then use the drop-down list to select a single code-block to export

      • Address Range - select this option to export only a portion of the specified code-block, delimited by the Address Range entries. This selection is typically used when the rungs are numbered 'by Address' instead of 'by Rung'.

      • Rung Range - select this option to export only a portion of the specified code-block, delimited by the Rung Range entries. This selection is typically used when the rungs are numbered 'by Rung' instead of 'by Address'.

      • Entire Code Block - select this option to export all of the ladder logic in the code-block

Include Code-Block Start/End Instructions - if the exported ladder logic will be imported as an intact code-block then leave this selection checked. If the exported ladder logic will later be imported as rungs of ladder logic into an existing code-block then un-check this item.


Configuration - specifies how much (if any) of the configuration data to export in addition to the code-blocks.


System Configuration - include a copy of the System Configuration in the export file. Typically,when exporting the entire project for a backup copy include the System configuration. If exporting only a code-block or just some rungs of ladder logic that will be imported into a separate project then do not include the System configuration.

Memory configuration

- include a copy of the Memory Configuration - EXCEPT the built-in Blocks and Heap - in the export file.

Built-in Blocks and Heap - if enabled the export operation will include the configuration of the built-in memory Blocks and Heap items. It is only necessary to include this if the configuration for the built-in memory Blocks and Heap items have been changed, for example, if the retentive memory settings have been changed, or the sizes of the Blocks has been changed


Rung Comments - specifies how to handle exporting any Rung Comments


  • Unformatted Comments - export only the text of any rung comment, any embedded control characters will not be exported.

  • Formatted Comments - export the comment text and any embedded control characters.

  • Do Not Export Comments - do not export any of the rung comment text.


Element Documentation - enabling this option will cause the export facility to include all element documentation in the export file. To export only the element documentation, in a specific format, use the Export Element Documentation utility.

Rung/Address Annotation - enabling this option will cause the export facility to include a comment denoting the Rung Number ("//Rung x") and a comment denoting the Address (//Address y") to each rung in the export file


Options - specifies additional file handling and formatting options

  • Append to <filename> - If the export file already exists, enabling this option will add the export contents to the data already in the export file instead of overwriting the contents of the export file



    • Use Element Names - Use this option to designate that the ladder logic code be exported with element names rather than the nicknames.


      The exported code will look similar to this:
      STR X40
      OR C0
      ANDN C3
      ANDN X50
      OUT C0

    • Use Nicknames - Use this option to designate that the ladder logic project be exported with nicknames (for elements that have them) rather than the element names.


      The exported code will look similar to this:
      STR "start switch"
      OR "Automatic mode"
      ANDN "1 cycle mode"
      ANDN "stop switch"
      OUT "Automatic mode"


Parameter Delimiters

    • Use Spaces - Select this option to use spaces as delimiters between mnemonics and parameters.


    • Use Tabs - Select this option to use tabs as delimiters between mnemonics and parameters.


See Also:


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