Topic: DMD0311

Re-initialize PLC I/O

The Re-initialize PLC I/O operation will perform a power-on reset of the complete I/O system. This includes the local base and all remote bases controlled by the Ethernet IO Master.



Each time this operation is done the following will happen:



This operation can only be performed while the Do-more controller is in PROGRAM mode. If the controller is in RUN mode the following dialog will be displayed. Click the Switch to PROGRAM Mode button to proceed with the operation.


You will be prompted to return to RUN mode after the re-initialization is complete.



I/O Configuration Changed

Part of initializing the I/O system is detecting which I/O Modules are currently in the local and Ethernet I/O bases. After the I/O system is initialized, if the collection of I/O modules that were present before the initialization does not match the collection that is present after the initialization, the CPU will detect that the I/O modules have changed and will turn ON the System Information bit $InstIOChanged (ST134) - Module Configuration Changed at Power up.


If the I/O System View is running when this happens then the contents of the offline I/O System View will be out of synch with the current contents in the Do-more CPU. These two copies of the configuration need to be synchronized before continuing. Refer to the contents of the I/O System View to determine the differences between offline and online I/O configurations.


The following dialog is displayed to assist in getting them in synch:



Open the System Configuration - click this button to open the System Configuration utility and display the I/O Configuration section which will read the current I/O configuration from the CPU then graphically show the detected I/O modules. At this point a decision needs to be made as to which copy of the I/O Configuration is correct.

If the currently detected I/O modules are NOT correct - (use this selection if the OFFLINE copy of the I/O configuration is the correct one). Click the CANCEL button to leave the offline copy of the configuration intact, which will leave the offline copy out of sync with the online copy.

At this point you should take whatever corrective action is required to get the I/O modules in the online configuration to match the configuration stored in the offline project.

If the currently detected I/O modules are correct- (use this selection if the ONLINE copy of the I/O configuration is the correct one). Click the OK button to overwrite the offline copy of the I/O configuration with the I/O configuration data read from the CPU.

Notice at this point that the 'Write to PLC' button is enabled which allows the updated version of the project to be downloaded to the CPU which will synchronize the PLCs contents with the offline project. 


Ignore - button to close the dialog and leave the project's copy of the configuration intact, which will leave the offline copy out of sync with the CPU's copy. At this point you should take whatever corrective action is required to get the I/O modules in the online configuration to match the configuration stored in the offline project.


Don't alert me again during this session - click this option to keep this alert dialog from being displayed any more while the current session of Do-more Designer is open.