Topic: DMD0281

Lookup IP Address

The Lookup IP Address utility is used by Do-more Designer to find (resolve) the IP Address of a named network device, for example, to lookup the IP Address of an Email server. This utility will resolve the name using the setup on the computer that is running Do-more Designer, and requires with a functional connection to a DNS Server.


The Lookup process includes - but is not limited to - looking in the local DNS cache, the localhost file, performing a DNS query, and/or performing a WINS query. The name resolution operations and the order in which they are performed is controlled by the network setup on the computer.


The Lookup IP Address utility can be opened by selecting Lookup IP Address under the Tools menu.


This utility will be automatically opened when F9 (the Element Browser) is invoked for fields that require an IP Address in the following instruction:



It can also be opened in the Edit SMTP Client Settings when entering the IP Address for the SMTP Server that will be used to send Email.



URL: - the name of the network device (location) to resolve


IP Address - the IP Address returned from the name resolution process


Click the Lookup button to perform the DNS Query operation. If the name resolution process is successful the field will display the IP address that is assigned to the network device. If the name resolution cannot be resolved an error message box will be generated.


Click the Close button to close the dialog.


See Also: