Topic: DMD0238

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Restore from Backup

Do-more Designer's Restore from Backup utility will restore the designated backup copy of a project to the Projects folder, and optionally open the newly restored project. The target location for the restored project will default to C:\Do-more Designer\Projects. This location can be changed to a different location - such as a removable disk, or a network drive - through the Folder Settings dialog. The programmer must have write access to the folder that is chosen for the Projects folder.


Restore from Backup is invoked by selecting File-> Manage Projects-> Restore from Backup from the menu or clicking the Restore button on the File toolbar. This dialog will appear with the following options:



Backed-up Projects - displays a list of projects in the currently designated Backup Folder. Click on the project in this list to select it. Do not select a backed-up project that is currently open in a Do-more Designer session.


Open the project after it is restored - if selected, the restored project will be opened in a new Do-more Designer session after the restore process has completed.


Available Backups - displays a list of all the versions of backups for the currently selected project.


Show Autosave Backups - if selected, the Available Backups list will contain backups created by the Auto-Save process, if not selected, the list will contain only backups created by a Backup Project operation.


Click the Restore button to being the process that will restore the selected backup copy of the project. If the backed-up project selected is currently open in Do-more Designer the following error dialog will be displayed:



Click the Browse... button to select the folder to search for backup copies of projects.


Click the Close button to exit this operation without restoring the backup copy.


Click the Change... button to enter a new name for the restored project.


See Also:

Backup and Restore Overview

Backup Project

Restore From Backup

Project Auto-Save

Project Folder Settings


Related Topics:

Export Project