Topic: DMD0188

Help File Version:

Import Memory Data

The Import Memory Data utility opens a CSV-formatted file that contains memory element ranges, with data values for each memory element in each range, then writes those values to the currently connected Do-more CPU. The Import file can only have ranges of simple Bit elements (X, Y, C, MC, etc.) , Numeric elements (WX, WY, D, R, etc.), and Strings (SS0, SL0, etc.). Ranges of structures are NOT allowed. Casting operators are NOT allowed.


Note: All of the ranges and all of the data values in the import file must be correct for the import process to run. If all of the import data is correct the ranges and the first three data values for each range will be displayed in the dialog.


The image below shows a CSV file with a range list and data values for the example to the left:



Load Data From a Different File opens a dialog to select the CSV file that has the data to import. The import file will consist of rows of element names and data values to import into those elements. The ranges and the data values will be read from the specified file and checked for correctness. Any errors in the ranges or the data that are detected during the import process will be displayed in the Output Window.


Rules for Bit and Numeric Elements:

Individual Bit and Numeric elements can be delimited by commas or by spaces. For example:

D0,7789,1663,2778,6654 and D0 7789 1663 2778 6654 are both valid.

The values must be a valid format for the destination elements. For example:

D0 77.89,1.663,277.8,66.54 is NOT valid because the values entered are Real (floating point) number and the destinations are Signed integers.


R0 7789,1663,2778,6654 is valid because Integer values can be stored in Real (floating point) elements.


D0,7789,1663,2778,6654 is valid because the values are Integers

Bit ranges must start on a byte boundary and must be multiples of 8 to maintain byte alignment. For example:

C0,0,1,0 is NOT valid because it does not have a multiple of 8 elements.


C3,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1 is NOT valid because it does not start on a Byte boundary.


C0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1 is valid because it has 8 Bit elements and starts on a Byte boundary.

Rules for Text Elements:

All text must be enclosed within "" (double quotes) and delimited by commas or spaces. For example:

SS0 "My Dog Has Fleas", "Mine Too" "Me Three"

Do-more Strings use $-based escape sequences to insert control characters in the Text Field. Each of the codes is preceded by the '$' character.

To include a dollar sign in the text use two dollar signs $$. For example: SS0, "Cost: $$100", "Cost: $$125", "Cost: $$150"


To include a double quote in the text use a dollar sign double quote $" For example: SS0,"Item name: $"Dog Collar$"","Item name: $"Dog Leash$"","Item name: $"Dog Bowl$""

The following chart lists the available control characters that can be entered in the Text Field.


$-based escape sequence

Resulting Text




dollar sign



double quote



line feed


<CR>< LF>

carriage return & line feed



form feed



carriage return






any one-byte hex value


Note: In the ladder display of Do-more Designer, the $-based control character sequences (except for $$ and $") will be converted to their $hh form. For example:"$N" will be displayed as "$0D$0A".

Click the Write to PLC button to write the values to the currently connected Do-more CPU.


See Also:

Export Project


Export Element Documentation


Export Memory Data


Import Project


Import Element Documentation


Import Memory Data


Memory View


Related Topics:

Migrate DirectSOFT Project


Memory Image Manager