The following is a list of the possible error codes that appear in the $LastError locations (DST30, DST32, DST34, DST36).
-2 - UNKNOWN ERROR ------------ An unexpected error occurred. This can be an attempted operation on a POM that is not installed or a POM that does not support that operation.
-1 - RESERVED ----------------- Reserved.
00 - NO_ERROR ----------------- No error.
12 - TIMEOUT ------------------ Operation timed out.
13 - RXWX_NAK ----------------- The target device NAKed a DLRX or DLWX request.
14 - UNKNOWN_RESPONSE --------- Unknown response.
15 - MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED ----- An Attempt was made to access an I/O module that isn't installed.
16 - MODULE_ACCESS_FAILED ----- Unable to access I/O module.
17 - DEVICE_ALREADY_OPEN ------ An attempt was made to open a Device that is already open.
18 - DEVICE_NOT_OPEN ---------- An attempt was made to use a Device that hasn't been opened.
19 - INVALID_DATA ------------- Invalid data in response.
20 - EXCEPTION_RESPONSE ------- Exception response from MRX or MWX request.
21 - INVALID_CRC -------------- Invalid CRC in MRX or MWX request.
22 - CONNECTION_FAILED -------- Couldn't open TCP connection with specified device.
23 - UNEXPECTED_SMTP_RESP ----- Unexpected response from SMTP server.
24 - POP3_ERROR_RESP ---------- Error response from POP3 server.
25 - MODULE_ERROR_RESP -------- I/O module returned and error response.
26 - MODULE_TIMEOUT ----------- Timed out while waiting for an I/O module to respond.
27 - ILLEGAL OPERATION -------- An operation was attempted that is illegal in the current mode or configuration.
28 - DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED ----- An attempt was made to use a Device that is not connected.
29 - INDEXERROR --------------- Array index was out of bounds.
30 - DIVEDEBYZERO ------------- Divide by Zero.
31 - OUTOFRANGE --------------- Parameter out of range.
32 - OVERFLOW ----------------- Numeric value overflow.
33 - WATHCDOGTIMEOUT ---------- Watchdog timeout.
34 - STOPPED ------------------ PLC Stopped.
35 - BUFFEROVERFLOW ----------- Result of an attempted string operation was longer than the target string and was truncated.
36 - INSTRUCTION_TERMINATED --- Multi-scan device instruction was forcibly terminated before completion.
37 - EIPMSG_RESP_TOO_LONG ----- Received a response that exceeded the maximum length.
38 - EIPMSG_ERROR_RESPONSE ---- Received an error response from adapter.
39 - DMPP_ERROR_RESPONSE ------ An error was returned to a peer to peer request in an RX or WX instruction.
40 - FILESYS_ERROR ------------ File system returned an error.
41 - FILESYS_NOMEDIA ---------- File operation failed because there is no media card installed or the media card didn't mount properly.
42 - FILESYS_NODIRSTART ------- The file system's .StartFolderScan structure member must be set to start a scan with FILEQUERY instruction.
43 - AXIS_UNCONFIGURED -------- Axis unconfigured. Must be configured with AXCONFIG prior to use.
44 - AXIS_INVALID_MODE -------- Requested an unsupported Axis mode.
45 - AXIS_UNKNOWN_ERROR ------- Axis controller received unknown command.
46 - AXIS_COMMAND_PENDING ----- Attempted to send command to axis controller with a command pending.
47 - AXIS_INVALID_PARM -------- Axis command contained an invalid parameter.
48 - AXIS_ESTOP --------------- Attempted operation on an Axis that is disabled through the .MasterEnable structure member.
49 - AXIS_DISABLED ------------ Axis instruction was terminated prior to normal completion.
50 - AXIS_SCRIPT_BUSY --------- Attempted new script operation while script is running.
51 - AXIS_LINROT_MISMATCH ----- Linear / Rotary mismatch between current Axis configuration and request.
52 - AXIS_FAULT --------------- Axis has faulted.
53 - TABLE_INVALID_PARM ------- Invalid parameter in table driven output function.
54 - SMTP_INVALID_RECIPIENT --- Invalid Email Recipient specified.
55 - HANDSHAKE_FAILED --------- SSL/TLS Handshake Failed.
56 - NO_CRYPTO_SUPPORT -------- CPU does not support SSL/TLS.
57 - UNEXPECTED_MQTT_RESPONSE - Unexpected response from the Broker.
58 - MQTT_BROKER_REJECTED ----- Broker rejected the connection.
59 - MQTT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ---- Too many MQTTSUB Topics or instructions.
60 - MQTT_INVALID_TOPIC ------- Invalid MQTT Topic.
61 - MQTT_DUPLICATE_TOPIC ----- Duplicate MQTTSUB Topic.
62 - DNS_FAILED --------------- DNS Lookup failed.
63 - DNS_NOTFOUND ------------- DNS address not found.
64 - NO_CONNECTION ------------ Couldn't open TCP connection with specified device.
65 - UNEXPECTED_FTP_RESP ------ Received error from FTP Server.