Topic: DMD0482 REST API |
Ethernet-equipped BRX CPUs contain an HTTP-based RESTful API (REpresentational State Transfer, Application Programming Interface) that will return the contents of PLC memory locations in JSON formatted records. The REST API is accessed by a web browser using a URL with the appropriate parameters.
The REST API can:
The REST API does not allow write access to any CPU memory location.
Reading a single element from the PLC into an Object:Format: /data/json?MyName = <PLC Element>
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyDeeEssTeeZero=DST0
Response JSON record is an object containing the element's data value. { "MyDeeEssTeeZero":14437656 }
Reading multiple elements from the PLC into a series of Objects:Format: /data/json?1stName = <1st Element>&2ndName = <2nd Element>&3rdName = <3rd Element> ...
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyDeeEssTeeZero=DST0&MyYTen=Y10&MyStringFour=SS4
Response JSON record are objects containing the specified elements' data values. { "MyDeeZero":14437656, "MyYTen":0, "MyStringFour":"My Dog Has Fleas" }
Reading a block of contiguous elements ( ,<count value> ) from the PLC into an Array (maximum of 128 consecutive elements):Format: /data/json?MyName = <PLC Element>,count
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?FirstTenDs=DST0,10&SomeExs=x10,16&FourStrings=SS4,4
Response JSON record is an array containing the specified number of consecutive elements' data values. If the elements are Strings, each String will be enclosed in a pair of double quotes. { "FirstTenDs":[22911329,50,13,8593,46,0,32768,0,0,0], "SomeExs":[0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], "FourStrings":["My Dog Has Fleas","Your Dog Has Fleas","So Does His","Hers Does Too"] }
Note: If the elements are Strings, each String will be enclosed in a pair of double quotes. If the Strings contain nested quotes, each quote will be 'escaped' with a slash, e.g. $"puppy$" will be output as \"puppy\". Reading a block of contiguous String elements in raw mode ( ,R<count value> ) from the PLC into an Array (maximum of 128 consecutive elements):Format: /data/json?MyName = <PLC Element>,R<count>
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?FourStrings=SS4,R4
Response JSON record is an array containing the specified number of consecutive Strings' contents. The individual Strings will NOT be enclosed in double quotes. { "FourStrings":[My Dog Has Fleas,Your Dog Has Fleas,So Does His,Hers Does Too] }
Note: If the elements are Strings, each String will be enclosed in a pair of double quotes. If the Strings contain nested quotes, each quote will be 'escaped' with a slash, e.g. $"puppy$" will be output as \"puppy\". Reading one or more structures from the PLC into Objects: Short list of fields ( S )Format: /data/json?MyStruct= <PLC structure>,S
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyMain=$Main,S&MyTimer=T0
Response JSON record is an object containing the most commonly used structure field names and their current data values. { "MyMain":{"RanThisScan":1,"Done":0,"TimeSlice":65535,"S0_15":0,"S16_31":0,"S32_47":0,"S48_63":0,"S64_79":0,"S80_95":0,"S96_111":0,"S112_127":0}, "MyTimer":{"Acc":0,"Done":0} }
Reading one or more structures from the PLC into Objects: Long list of fields ( L )Format: /data/json?MyStruct= <PLC structure>,L
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyMain=$Main.L&MyTimer=T0,L
Response JSON record is an object containing the most of the structure field names and their current data values. { "MyMain":{"RanThisScan":1,"Done":0,"FirstRun":0,"TimeSlice":65535,"ScanCounter":37579023,"RunCounter":0,"S0_15":0,"S16_31":0,"S32_47":0,"S48_63":0,"S64_79":0,"S80_95":0,"S96_111":0,"S112_127":0}, "MyTimer":{"Acc":0,"Done":0,"Zero":1,"Timing":0,"Reset":1,"TT":0,"EN":0,"DN":0} }
Reading one or more structures from the PLC into Objects: list All fields ( A )Format: /data/json?MyStruct= <PLC structure>,A
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyMain=$Main,A&MyTimer=T0,A
Response JSON record is an object containing all of the structure field names and their current data values. { "MyMain":{"Running":1,"RanThisScan":1,"Done":0,"FirstScan":0,"FirstRun":0,"DoneThisScan":0,"InstrSuspend":0,"DebugSuspend":0,"TimeSlice":65535,"ScanCounter":41210774,"RunCounter":0, "S0_15":0,"S16_31":0,"S32_47":0,"S48_63":0,"S64_79":0,"S80_95":0,"S96_111":0,"S112_127":0,"S0":0,"S1":0,"S2":0,"S3":0,"S4":0,"S5":0,"S6":0,"S7":0,"S8":0,"S9":0, "S10":0,"S11":0,"S12":0,"S13":0,"S14":0,"S15":0,"S16":0,"S17":0,"S18":0,"S19":0,"S20":0,"S21":0,"S22":0,"S23":0,"S24":0,"S25":0,"S26":0,"S27":0,"S28":0,"S29":0,"S30":0, "S31":0,"S32":0,"S33":0,"S34":0,"S35":0,"S36":0,"S37":0,"S38":0,"S39":0,"S40":0,"S41":0,"S42":0,"S43":0,"S44":0,"S45":0,"S46":0,"S47":0,"S48":0,"S49":0,"S50":0,"S51":0, "S52":0,"S53":0,"S54":0,"S55":0,"S56":0,"S57":0,"S58":0,"S59":0,"S60":0,"S61":0,"S62":0,"S63":0,"S64":0,"S65":0,"S66":0,"S67":0,"S68":0,"S69":0,"S70":0,"S71":0,"S72":0, "S73":0,"S74":0,"S75":0,"S76":0,"S77":0,"S78":0,"S79":0,"S80":0,"S81":0,"S82":0,"S83":0,"S84":0,"S85":0,"S86":0,"S87":0,"S88":0,"S89":0,"S90":0,"S91":0,"S92":0,"S93":0, "S94":0,"S95":0,"S96":0,"S97":0,"S98":0,"S99":0,"S100":0,"S101":0,"S102":0,"S103":0,"S104":0,"S105":0,"S106":0,"S107":0,"S108":0,"S109":0,"S110":0,"S111":0,"S112":0, "S113":0,"S114":0,"S115":0,"S116":0,"S117":0,"S118":0,"S119":0,"S120":0,"S121":0,"S122":0,"S123":0,"S124":0,"S125":0,"S126":0,"S127":0}, "MyTimer":{"Acc":0,"Done":0,"Zero":1,"Timing":0,"Reset":1,"TT":0,"EN":0,"DN":0} }
Reading one or more individual fields of a structure from the PLC into a series of Objects:Format: /data/json?MyStructField= <PLC structure>.field
Example: <PLC IP Address>/data/json?MyMainDidItRun=$Main.RanThisScan&MyTimerZeroCurrent=T0.Acc
Response JSON record is an object containing the current data value of the specified field. { "MyMainDidItRun":1, "MyTimerZeroCurrent":467 }
See Also:The BRX CPU's On-board Web Server
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