Topic: DMD0343 Do-more Technology Versions |
The Do-more Technology version defines a set of features and a level of functionality that are available for use in a Do-more project. A particular Do-more Technology version is made available through a combination of the Do-more Designer programming software and the Do-more CPU firmware. Features that change the Do-more Technology version typically require changes to both the programming software and to the CPU firmware. While editing a project during an online session, Do-more Designer will use Program Check rules to make sure that any feature or functional component that is added to the project is available in the current firmware in the connected CPU.
Press the F1 key at any time to open the Help topic which contains the revision history of the Do-more Technology Versions.
Do-more Designer
is the Do-more Technology version of the currently running Do-more Designer
programming software. Disk Project
is the Do-more Technology version that was in use when the project was
saved to disk. PLC Project is the Do-more Technology version that was in use when the project was
saved to the CPU. Offline
will appear when there is no online session. PLC OS is the Do-more Technology version supported by the firmware of the currently connected CPU. Offline will appear when there is no online session.
Click the Show Software Versions button to display the version information of the individual elements of the Do-more Programming software and CPU firmware.
Do-more Designer:
is the build version of the programming software that is currently running. PLC OS: is the
build version of the operating system in the CPU in use during
the current online session. Offline
will appear when there is no online session. PLC Booter: is
the build version of the boot loader in the Do-more CPU in use
during the current online session. Offline
will appear when there is no online session. PLC FPGA: is
the build version of the FPGA contents in the Do-more CPU in use
during the current online session. Offline
will appear when there is no online session. Windows OS: is the Windows™ Operating System that is detected.
Click the Copy to Clipboard button will place a copy of the current Do-more version information and current Windows™ operating system information in the Windows™ Clipboard. This data can then be pasted into an external application, like Microsoft™ Excel, or Windows™ Notepad, for additional processing.
The following is a example of the information that will be placed in the clipboard:
Do-more Technology Versions: Do-more Designer: 2.10 Disk Project: 2.10 PLC Project: 2.10 PLC OS: 2.10
Software Versions: Do-more Designer: PLC OS: 2.10.1 PLC Booter: 1.1.1 PLC FPGA: 1.16
Windows OS: Windows 10 Enterprise (Build 22631) labeled "Windows 11"
Click the Go to System Information to Update PLC button to close this dialog open the General Information tab of the System Information dialog which allows the programmer to download the latest version of the Do-more CPU Operating System and Boot Loader / FPGA files, and then update the CPU with the new files. This button will be grayed out if you navigated here from the System Information dialog.
Click the Go to Check for Updates button to open the Check for Updates utility that is used to download updates to the programming software that contains bug fixes and new features, updated help content, updated Start Page content, and new firmware for Do-more CPUs and CTRIO modules. Check for Updates requires a functional Internet connection to perform the check and to download the updates. This button will be grayed out if you navigated here from the System Information dialog.
Available Do-more Technology VersionsThe following tables list the changes that were made to the operating system that necessitated changing the Do-more Technology Version (this is not a list of all the changes for a specific version, just the ones that made changing the technology version number necessary) :