Topic: DMD0364

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INTDECONFIG - Deconfigure Interrupt

All of the BRX PLCs and BRX HSIO modules (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) support hardware interrupts and timed events that can be used to initiate the execution of an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). These interrupt events must be programmed through an Interrupt Trigger that specifies the type of trigger with the required triggering conditions, and which Interrupt Service Routine to execute when that trigger is fired.


The Deconfigure Interrupt (INTDECONFIG) instruction is used to stop the processing of a preconfigured interrupt trigger. After an interrupt trigger is deconfigured, the hardware interrupt or timed interrupt still occurs, but the associated ISR is not executed. Use the Interrupt Configuration Editor (INTCONFIG) instruction to reconfigure the interrupt trigger if needed.


Note: if the selected Trigger Resource was created using the Interrupt Triggers setup in System Configuration, be aware that this instruction DOES NOT change that configuration. That interrupt trigger configuration will return any time the BRX CPU transitions from PROGRAM to RUN mode.



Scope selects which hardware in the PLC system has the discrete input that is being used as the Interrupt Trigger.

Select On Board if the Interrupt Trigger is using the on-board inputs on the BRX MPU.


Select HSIO Module then use the drop-down menu to pick which of the BRX HSIO modules (Bx-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) has the inputs the Interrupt Trigger is using.

Trigger Resource selects which of the preconfigured Interrupt Triggers within the selected Scope to deconfigure.


All will deconfigure all of the configured Interrupt Triggers.


Input Event 1, Input Event 2, Input Event 3, Input Event 4 will only deconfigure the selected Input Event trigger.


Match Register 1, Match Register 2, Match Register 3, Match Register 4 will only deconfigure the selected Match Register Event trigger.


Timer 1, Timer 2, Timer 3, Timer 4 will only deconfigure the selected Timer Event trigger.

Input Leg selects which of the following power-flow conditions will cause this instruction to run:


  • Edge Triggered means the instruction will run to completion each time the input ladder logic transitions from OFF to ON.
  • Power flow enabled means the instruction will run repeatedly as long as the input ladder logic remains ON.


See Also:

INTCONFIG - Interrupt Configuration Editor


INTDECONFIG - Deconfigure Interrupt


INTRESUME - Resume Interrupts


INTSUSPEND - Suspend Interrupts


Related Topics:

Interrupt Service Routine Code Block Configuration


Interrupt Triggers in System Configuration