General Status
Extended Status
256 (0x0100)
A connection is already established from the target device sending a Forward Open request or the target device has sent multiple forward open
request. This could be caused by poor network traffic. Check the cabling, switches and connections.
259 (0x0103)
The Transport class and trigger combination is not supported. The BRX CPU only supports Class 1 and Class 3 transports and triggers: Change of State and Cyclic.
262 (0x0106)
An existing exclusive owner has already configured
a connection to this Connection Point. Check to
see if other Scanner devices are connected to this
adapter or verify that Multicast is supported by
adapter device if Multicast is selected for Forward
Open. This could be caused by poor network
traffic. Check the cabling, switches and
263 (0x0107)
This occurs if a device sends a Forward Close on a
connection and the device can't find this
connection. This could occur if one of these
devices has powered down or if the connection
timed out on a bad connection. This could be
caused by poor network traffic. Check the cabling,
switches and connections.
264 ( 0x0108)
This error occurs when one of the parameters
specified in the Forward Open message is not
supported such as Connection Point, Connection
type, Connection priority, redundant owner or
exclusive owner.
265 (0x0109)
This error occurs when the target device doesn't
support the requested connection size. Check the
documentation of the manufacturer's device to
verify the correct Connection size required by the
272 (0x0110)
This error occurs when a message is received with
a connection number that does not exist in the
target device. This could occur if the target device
has powered down or if the connection timed out.
This could be caused by poor network traffic.
Check the cabling, switches and connections.
273 (0x0111)
This error occurs if the Originator is specifying an
RPI that is not supported. The BRX
CPU will accept a minimum value of 10ms on a
CIP Forward Open request. However, the CPU will
produce at the specified rate up to the scan time of
the installed project. The CPU cannot product any
faster than the scan time of the running project.
274 (0x0112)
This error is returned when the RPI value(s) in the Forward Open request is outside the range required by the application in the target device or the target is producing at a different interval. The target shall include information with acceptable RPIs. For this error, the extended status size is 6 16-bit words and is formatted as follows:
Extended Status Code
Acceptable Originator to Target RPI (see below) type, values:
0 - The RPI specified in the Forward Open was acceptable (the Originator to Target RPI value is ignored.)
1 - unspecified (used to suggest an alternate RPI, e.g. default)
2 - minimum acceptable RPI (used when RPI was too fast for range)
3 - maximum acceptable RPI (used when RPI was too slow for the range)
4 - required RPI to correct mismatch (used when data already being produced at a different interval)
5 - 255- reserved
Acceptable Originator to Target RPI (see below) type, values:
0 - The RPI specified in the Forward Open was acceptable (the Originator to Target RPI value is ignored.)
1 - unspecified (used to suggest an alternate RPI, e.g. default)
2 - minimum acceptable RPI (used when RPI was too fast for range)
3 - maximum acceptable RPI (used when RPI was too slow for the range)
4 - required RPI to correct mismatch (used when data already being produced at a different interval)
5 - 255- reserved
Value of Originator to
Target RPI that is within
the acceptable range for
the application. This field
is defined the same as
the RPI parameter in the
Forward Open request.
Value of Originator to Target RPI that is within the acceptable range for the application. This field is defined the same as the RPI parameter in the Forward Open request.
The value of the Originator to Target and Target to Originator type shall not both be 0.
275 (0x0113)
The maximum number of EtherNet/IP connections supported by the target device has been reached.
276 ( 0x0114)
The compatibility bit was set in the Forward Open message but the Vendor ID or Product Code did not match.
277 (0x0115)
The compatibility bit was set in the Forward Open message but the Device Type did not match.
278 (0x0116)
The compatibility bit was set in the Forward Open message but the major and minor revision numbers were not a valid revision.
279 (0x0117)
This error is returned from the Target device when the Connection Point parameters specified for the O->T (Output) or T->O (Input) connection is incorrect or not supported.
280 (0x0118)
This error is returned from the Target device when the Connection Point parameter specified for the Configuration data is incorrect or not supported.
281 (0x0119)
This error code is returned from the target device when an attempt is made by a Scanner to establish a Listen Only connection type to the target, which has no non-Listen Only connections with the same T->O application path already established.
282 (0x011A)
The maximum number of connections supported by this instance of the object has been exceeded.
283 (0x011B)
The Target to Originator RPI is smaller than the Target to Originator Production Inhibit Time. Consult the manufacturer's documentation as to the minimum rate that data can be produced and adjust the RPI to greater than this value.
284 (0x011C)
The Transport Class requested in the Forward Open is not supported. Only Class 1 and Class 3 classes are supported in the BRX CPU.
285 (0x011D)
The Production Trigger requested in the Forward Open is not supported by the target device. The BRX CPU, as an EtherNet/IP Adapter, will accept Forward Open requests for Class 1 connections that specify Cyclic or Change of State Production Triggers. The Application object is supported for Class 3 connections.
286 (0x011E)
The Direction requested in the Forward Open is not supported.
287 (0x011F)
This error is returned from the target device when the Originator to Target fixed / variable flag specified in the Forward Open is not supported.
288 (0x0120)
This error is returned from the target device when the Target to Originator fixed / variable flag specified in the Forward Open is not supported.
289 (0x0121)
The Originator to Target Network Connection Priority specified in the Forward Open is not supported. Low, High, Scheduled, and Urgent are all supported by the BRX CPU.
290 (0x0122)
The Target to Originator Network Connection Priority specified in the Forward Open is not supported. Low, High, Scheduled, and Urgent are all supported by the BRX CPU.
291 (0x0123)
The Originator to Target Network Connection Type specified in the Forward Open is not supported. Only Unicast is supported for O->T (Output) data in the BRX CPU.
292 (0x0124)
The Target to Originator Network Connection Type specified in the Forward Open is not supported. Multicast and Unicast is supported in the BRX CPU. Although many devices will support both Multicast and Unicast in the T->O direction, some devices will require Multicast while others will require Unicast. If this error is encountered, attempt the other method.
293 (0x0125)
The Originator to Target Network Connection Redundant Owner flag specified in the Forward Open is not supported.
294 (0x0126)
This error is returned when the Configuration data sent in the Forward Open does not match the size specified or is not supported by the Adapter. The Target device may return an additional Unsigned Integer 16 value that specifies the maximum size allowed for this data. An array can be defined for this field in order to view the extended error code attributes.
295 (0x0127)
This extended status code is returned by the target device when the O->T connection size specified in the Forward Open does not match the O->T connection size of the target device. Target devices that return this extended status shall return an additional UINT that specifies the maximum connection size (in bytes) supported by the target device.
Note: The connection size is defined as sum of the data block size, the 32-bit Run / Idle header (if included), and a 2-byte sequence count.
Note: As an Adapter, the Productivity Series CPU requires the Run / Idle header to be included in the O->T connection.
Note: If the Scanner device does not have the option to specify the Run / Idle header in the O->T connection, the Scanner must increase the requested data block size by 4 bytes. The first 4 bytes within the O->T payload should replace the required Run / Idle header and actual Output Data needs to be offset by 4 bytes.
296 ( 0x0128)
This extended status code is returned by the target device when the T->O connection size specified in the Forward Open does not match the T->O connection size of the target device. Target devices that return this extended status shall return an additional UINT that specifies the maximum connection size (in bytes) supported by the target device.
Note: The connection size is defined as sum of the data block size, the 32-bit Run / Idle header (if included), and a 2-byte sequence count.
Note: As an Adapter, the BRX CPU does not include a Run / Idle header in the T->O connection.
297 (0x0129)
The Configuration path specified in the Forward Open does not correspond to a valid Configuration path within the target device. This error could also be returned if the Configuration path is required by the target device, but not provided in the Forward Open. The BRX CPU, as an Adapter, does not require a Configuration path to be specified. However, if a Configuration path is specified in the Forward Open, the size must be set to zero.
298 (0x012A)
This error is returned by the target device when the Consuming path (Originator to Target) specified in the Forward Open does not correspond to a valid Consuming path (Originator to Target) within the target device. This error could also be returned if the Consuming path is required by the target device, but not provided in the Forward Open.
299 (0x012B)
This error is returned by the target device when the Producing path (Target to Originator) specified in the Forward Open does not correspond to a valid Producing path (Target to Originator) within the target device. This error could also be returned if the Producing path is required by the target device, but not provided in the Forward Open.
300 (0x012C)
The Originator attempted to connect to a configuration tag name that is not supported in the Target.
301 (0x012D)
The Originator attempted to connect to a consuming tag name that is not supported in the Target.
302 (0x012E)
The Originator attempted to connect to a producing tag name that is not supported in the Target.
303 (0x012F)
The combination of Configuration, Consuming and Producing application paths specified are inconsistent.
304 (0x0130)
Information in the data segment not consistent with the format of the data in the consumed data.
305 (0x0131)
Inconsistent Produce data format.
306 (x0132)
The target device does not support the function requested in the NULL Forward Open request. The requested function may be 'ping device', 'configure a device's application', or 'reconfigure a target device's application.'
307 (0x0133)
The Connection Timeout Multiplier specified in the Forward Open produces a timeout value that is too large for the target device to support. The timeout value is a result of the specified RPI value multiplied by the Connection Timeout Multiplier value. Consult the manufacturer's device documentation for appropriate RPI values or Connection Timeout values.
515 (0x0203)
This extended status code shall occur when a connection has timed-out.
516 (0x0204)
A client device may return an Unconnected Request Timeout error when the allotted time to process the request is insufficient or the client device receives no reply to the request within the time specified by the Time_tick / Time-out_ticks parameter.
A target device may return an Unconnected Request Timeout error when the allotted time to process the request is insufficient.
517 (0x0205)
This extended status code shall occur when a CIP router does not support the Connection Tick Time and Connection time-out combination used in the client request.
518 (0x0206)
This extended status occurs when the Unconnected Send message is too large to send out on the network.
519 (0x0207)
This error occurs if an Acknowledge was received but no data response occurred. Verify that the message that was sent is supported by the Target device using the device manufacturer's documentation.
769 (0x0301)
This error occurs if the Connection memory buffer in the target device is full. Correct this by reducing the frequency of the messages being sent to the device and / or reducing the number of connections to the device. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for other means of correcting this.
770 ( 0x0302)
This error occurs if the Producer device cannot support the specified RPI rate when the connection has been configured with schedule priority. Reduce the RPI rate or consult the manufacturer's documentation for other means to correct this.
771 (0x0303)
This error occurs if a Consumer device doesn't have an available consumed_connection_id filter.
772 (0x0304)
This error occurs if a device has been configured for a scheduled priority message and it cannot send the data at the scheduled time slot.
773 (0x0305)
This error occurs if the schedule priority information does not match between the Target and the Originator.
774 (0x0306)
This error occurs when the schedule priority information sent to the device is not validated.
785 (0x0311)
This error occurs when a port number specified in a port segment is not available. Consult the documentation of the device to verify the correct port number.
786 (0x0312)
The Link address specified in the port segment is not correct. Consult the documentation of the device to verify the correct port number.
789 (0x0315)
This extended status code is the result of a device being unable to decode the connection path.
790 (0x0316)
This error occurs when the Connection path in the Forward Close message does not match the Connection Path configured in the connection. Contact Tech Support if this error persists.
791 (0x0317)
This error can occur if the Schedule network segment or value is invalid.
792 (0x0318)
If the Link address points back to the originator device, this error will occur.
793 (0x0319)
This occurs in a redundant system when the secondary connection request is unable to duplicate the primary connection request.
794 (0x031A)
The connection to a module is refused because part or all of the data requested is already part of an existing rack connection.
795 (0x031B)
The connection to a rack is refused because part or all of the data requested is already part of an existing module connection.
796 (0x031C)
This error is returned when there is no other applicable code for the error condition.
797 (0x031D)
This error occurs when these parameters don't match when establishing a redundant owner connection: O -> T RPI, O -> T Connection Parameters, T -> O RPI, T -> O Connection Parameters and Transport Type and Trigger.
798 (0x031E)
This error is returned from the Target device when no more available Consumer connections available for a Producer.
799 (0x031F)
This error is returned from the Target device when no Consumer connections have been configured for a Producer connection.
2048 (0x0800)
The Link path is invalid or not available.
2064 (0x0810)
This error is returned from the Target device when the application has no valid data to produce.
2065 (0x0811)
This error is returned from the Originator device when the application has no valid data to produce.
2066 (0x0812)
This specifies that the router has changed node addresses since the value configured in the original connection.
2067 (0x0813)
The producer has been requested to support a Multicast connection for a consumer on a different subnet and does not support this functionality.
2068 (0x0814)
Information in the data segment not consistent with the format of the data in the consumed or produced data. Errors 0x0130 and 0x0131 are typically used for this situation in most devices now.
The Target device does not have the resources to process the Unconnected Send request.
The path segment identifier or the segment syntax was not understood by the target device.
The Class, Instance or Attribute value specified in the Unconnected Explicit Message request is incorrect or not supported in the Target device. Check the manufacturer's documentation for the correct codes to use.
<Index to Element>
This error code is returned when an error is encountered in the Data segment portion of a Forward Open message. The Extended Status value is the offset in the Data segment where the error was encountered.
This error is returned from the Target device when the current state of the Object requested does not allow it to be returned. The current state can be specified in the Optional Extended Error status field.
This error is returned from the Target device when the current state of the Device requested does not allow it to be returned. The current state can be specified in the Optional Extended Error status field. Check your configured connections points for other Client devices using this same connection.
Not enough data was supplied in the service request specified.
Too much data was supplied in the service request specified.