Topic: DMD0124

SUMR - Sum a Contiguous Range

This instruction can only be used in the Expression parameter of the Calculate Expression (MATH) instruction.


The Sum a Range of Values (SUMR) instruction calculates the sum total of the values in the specified range of variable locations.



This function has two parameters as follows:


The first parameter designates the first location in the range of values. This can be any readable bit data-block location or readable numeric data-block location.

The second parameter specifies the number of successive locations that are in the range. Note that this value is a count value, it does NOT specify the ending location. This can be any constant value from 1 to 65535, or, any regular math expression - for example (D3 - D1), or any readable numeric location.


This function always evaluates to a floating-point values.


Note: If the second parameter (Range) is 0, the Result will be 0 and ST132 (Argument Out of Range) will be ON.


Note: If the second parameter (Range) exceeds the size of the data block, the result will be the sum of the values in the range up to the last variable in the block and ST132 (Argument Out of Range) will be ON. For example, assume the block of WX locations has a range of WX0 to WX255. The result of SUMR(WX250, 10) would be the summation in the range of WX250 through WX255, and ST132 (Argument Out of Range) will be ON.


When used with bit locations (instead of numeric locations) the SUMR instruction counts the number of bits that are ON, for example: SUMR(X0,8) translates to "How many are ON between X0 and X7)".


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