Topic: DMD0139

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PIDINIT - Set PID Tuning Constants

The Set PID Tuning Constants (PIDINIT) instruction is used to initialize the runtime parameters of the specified PID loop.



Note: to use variables to set the tuning constants use the Move Value instruction referencing the individual PID structure members, for example MyPID.Gain, MyPID.SampleTime, etc..


Note: at the conclusion of a successful Auto-tune process the user can elect to automatically create a PIDINIT instruction.



Note: Use the F9 key to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.


PID Struct - specifies the PID Loop structure which will receive the tuning values. This can be any existing PID Loop structure.


Sample Time (ms) - specifies the Sample Time (in milliseconds). This can be any constant value greater than or equal to 1.


Gain (P) - specifies the Gain (Proportional) value. This can be any constant value.


Reset (I) - specifies the Reset (Integral) value. This can be any constant value.


Rate (D) - if enabled, specifies the Reset (Derivative) value. This can be any constant value.


Eliminating Proportional, Integral or Derivative Action

It is not always necessary to run a full three mode PID control loop. Many loops require only the PI terms or just the P term. Parts of the PID equation may be eliminated by choosing appropriate values for the gain, reset and rate, thereby yielding a P, PI, PD, I and even an ID and a D loop.


Eliminating Gain (Proportional) Action - Although rarely done, the effect of proportional term on the output may be eliminated by setting the value to 0.

Eliminating Reset (Integral) Action - The effect of integral action on the output may be eliminated by setting the Reset value to 0.

Eliminating Rate (Derivative) Action - The effect of derivative action on the output may be eliminated by setting the value to 0.


Status Display:


When the ladder status is ON (Debug -> All Status On) the Set PID Tuning Constants instruction displays the referenced PID loop's most pertinent values.


See Also:

CLAMP - Limit Range


DEADBAND - Set Outside Deadband


FILTER - First Order Filter


INTEGRAT - Integrate Over Time


PID - Closed Loop Controller


PIDINIT - Set PID Tuning Constants


SLOPE- Calculate Slope


TIMEPROP - Time Proportional Control


Rung Example: