Topic: DMD0368

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OUTI - Output Immediate Coil

The Output Immediate Coil (OUTI) instruction will immediately turn ON the specified discrete output point at that point in the PLC scan instead of waiting to turn it ON as part of the normal I/O cycle at the bottom of the PLC scan. It is necessary for the input logic to remain ON for the output to remain ON. The instruction can only use discrete output points that support Interrupt functionality - for example the on-board discrete outputs of the BRX MPUs and with the outputs on a BRX HSIO (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) module.



Avoid using multiple OUT or OUTI instructions that reference the same discrete output point; the last OUT or OUTI instruction that is executed will always determine the status of the discrete memory location. You should also avoid referencing the same discrete output point with an OUT or OUTI instruction that you also reference with a SET / RST or SETI / RSTI pair of instructions.



Note: Use the F9 key or click the 'three dot box' at the right edge of the parameter field to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.


Element Reference specifies the discrete output point to immediately turn ON. This can be any of the on-board discrete outputs of BRX MPUs or one of the outputs on a BRX HSIO (BX-HSIO!, BX-HSIO2) module.


Termination Scan Behavior:

Termination behavior describes the additional actions that an Output Immediate Coil will perform when the code-block that contains the instruction is disabled.

If the Output Immediate Coil is contained within an Interrupt Service Routine, a Subroutine, or a Function the termination logic will NOT be executed, meaning that the state of the discrete output point referenced WILL NOT be changed.

If the Output Immediate Coil is contained within a Program, a Task, or a Stage the discrete output point will be turned OFF during the termination scan of that Program, Task or Stage.

Refer to the Help topic on Termination Behavior for detailed information on all of the instructions that have termination logic.


See Also:

INI - Immediate Discrete Input


OUTI - Output Immediate Coil


RSTI - Reset Immediate Bit


SETI - Set Immediate Bit


Related Topics:

NOP - No Operation


OUT - Output Coil


RST - Reset Coil


RSTR - Reset Range


SET - Set Coil


SETR - Set Range


Rung Example: