Topic: DMD0006 MEMCLEAR - Clear Memory |
The Clear Memory (MEMCLEAR) instruction is used to clear a range of structures or numeric memory elements. The memory associated with each of the specified elements will be cleared, then, for memory types that require it, the memory will be initialized.
Parameters:Note: Use the F9 key or click the 'three dot box' at the right edge of the parameter field to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.
Start Struct / Numeric is the first element in the range of structures or numeric memory elements to clear. This can be any structure or any writable numeric location.
Number of Elementsis the number of contiguous structures or numeric memory elements to clear. If the Structure is a Heap item, the length value can only be 1. This can be any positive constant value or any readable numeric location.
Status Display:
The status display for the Clear Memory instruction will show the beginning and ending elements of the range of locations that will be cleared.
See Also:ISCLEAR - Is Structure Cleared
MAPIO - Map Inputs and Outputs
REFWRITE - Write Value Indirectly
STRCOPYR - Copy a Range of Strings
Rung Example: