Topic: DMD0361

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Keyboard Shortcuts

The following table list the keystrokes (also known as Hot Keys or Accelerator Keys) available in the various views of Do-more Designer that can greatly enhance the usability of each view.

Ladder View

"!" Edit Not-Equal-To Contact
"<" Edit Less-Than Contact
"=" Edit Equal-To Contact
">" Edit Great-Than-Or-Equal-To Contact
"Ctrl+A" Select All
"Ctrl+C" Copy into Clipboard
"Ctrl+E" Toggle Edit Mode
"Ctrl+F" Open Find Dialog
"Ctrl+Shft+F" Find Next
"Ctrl+K" Open Rung Comment Editor
"Ctrl+P" Print Current View
"Ctrl+R" Open Replace dialog
"Ctrl+V" Paste Clipboard into View
"Ctrl+W" Connect Wire to Output
"Ctrl+X" Cut into Clipboard
"Ctrl+Z" Open Edit History
"Backspace" Delete Instruction to Left then move Edit cursor to Left
"Ctrl+Comma" Goto Previous Instruction
"Ctrl+Delete" Cut into Clipboard
Delete Delete
"Ctrl+Down Arrow" Draw Wire Down
"Ctrl+Shft+Down Arrow" Delete Wire Down
"Ctrl+End" Goto Last Rung in Code Block
"Ctrl+Shft+End" Add from Current Location to End to Selection
"Shft+End" Add Next Rung to Selection
"Ctrl+End" Insert Row After Block Cursor
"Enter" Insert Row After Block Cursor, or Before Block Cursor if in First Column
"F12" Goto Element's Output Reference
"Ctrl+F2" Edit Positive Differential Powerflow Modifier
"Shft+F2" Edit Positive Differential Contact
"F2" Edit Normally Open Contact
"Ctrl+F3" Edit Negative Differential Powerflow Modifier
"Shft+F3" Edit Negative Differential Contact
"F3" Edit Normally Closed Contact
"F4" Open Contact Instruction Browser
"F5" Open Coil Instruction Browser
"F7" Open Box Instruction Browser
"F8" Accept Modified Rungs
"Ctrl+Home" Goto First Rung in Code-Block
"Ctrl+Shft+Home" Add from Current Location to Beginning to Selection
"Shft+Home" Add Previous Rung to Selection
"Ctrl+Insert" Copy into Clipboard
"Shft+Insert" Paste Clipboard into View
"Insert" Open Insert Rung, Row, Column dialog
"Ctrl+Left" Draw Wire to Left
"Ctrl+Shft+Left" Delete Wire to Left
"Ctrl-Minus" Goto Element's Previous Reference
"Ctrl+Shft+Minus" Zoom Out
"Ctrl+Page Down" Goto Next Modified Rung
"Page Down" Goto Next Rung
Ctrl+Page Up" Goto Previous Modified Rung
"Page Up" Goto Previous Rung
"Ctrl+Period" Goto Next Instruction
"Ctrl+Plus" Goto Element's Previous Reference
"Ctrl+Shft+Plus" Zoom In
"Ctrl+Right" Draw Wire to Right
"Ctrl+Shft+Right" Delete Wire to Right
"Ctrl+Up" Draw Wire Up
"Ctrl+Shft+Up" Delete Wire Up


Main Programming Window

"Ctrl+D" Open Documentation Editor
"Ctrl+L" Open Ladder View
"Ctrl+Shft+L" Restore Default Window Layout
"Ctrl+N" Create New Project
"Ctrl+O" Open Project
"Ctrl+Shft+R" Open Set PLC Mode dialog
"Ctrl+S" Save Project to Disk
"Ctrl+Shft+S" Toggle View's Status On/Off
"Ctrl+T" Edit Title Page
"Ctrl+Y" Open Cross Reference View
"F1" Launch Contextual Help
"Ctrl+Shft+F2" Open Change Value dialog
"Ctrl+Shft"F3" New Data View
"Ctrl+F9" Read Project from PLC
"Shft+F9" Write Project to PLC
"F9" Open Element Selection Tool


Data View

"Ctrl+Shft+A" Sort Elements Ascending
"Ctrl+C" Copy into Clipboard
"Ctrl+Shft"D" Sort Elements Descending
"Ctrl+V" Copy Clipboard into View
"Ctrl+X" Cut into Clipboard
"Ctrl+Delete" Cut into Clipboard
Delete Delete
"Ctrl+Enter" Insert Element with Next ID
"Ctrl+Shft+Enter" Structure Field: Insert Element with Next Field
Structure: Insert Structure Fields
"Ctrl+F2" Modify Element or Edit Cell
"F2" Modify Element or Edit Cell
"Shft+F6" Move to Format Selections
"F6" Move to Format Selections


Write Value to PLC
"Ctrl+Insert" Copy into Clipboard
"Shft+Insert" Paste Clipboard into View
"Insert" Insert Row



Project Browser

"Ctrl+C" Copy into Clipboard
"Ctrl+V" Copy Clipboard into View
"Ctrl+X" Cut into Clipboard
"Ctrl+Delete" Cut into Clipboard
"Delete" Delete
"Ctrl+Insert" Copy into Clipboard
"Shft+Insert" Paste Clipboard into View
"Insert" Open Create New Code-Block dialog


Rung Comment Editor

"Ctrl+A" Select All
"Ctrl+F" Goto Comment for Rung
"Ctrl+G" Goto Comment for Rung
"Ctrl+End" Goto Last Rung in Code Block
"Ctrl+Home" Goto First Rung in Code-Block
"Ctrl+Page Down" Go 5 Rungs Forward
"Ctrl+Page Up" Go 5 Rungs Back


Cross Reference View

"Ctrl+F" Open Find Dialog
"Ctrl+Shft+F" Find Next
"Ctrl+P" Print Current View


Trend View

"F2" Open Add / Remove Elements dialog


Element Documentation Editor

"Ctrl+C" Copy into Clipboard
"Ctrl+F" Open Find Dialog
"Ctrl+Shft+F" Find Next
"Ctrl+P" Print Current View
"Ctrl+V" Copy Clipboard into View
"Ctrl+X" Cut into Clipboard
"Ctrl+Delete" Cut into Clipboard
"Delete" Delete
"Ctrl+Insert" Copy into Clipboard
Shft+Insert" Paste Clipboard into View


Change Value Dialog

"Ctrl+F9" Read Value from PLC
"Shft+F9" Write Value to PLC


Print Preview

"Page Down" Next Page
"Page Up" Previous Page


See Also:

Ladder Views


The Ladder Editor


Using the Instruction Palette


Using the Instruction Browser


Ladder View Status


Keyboard Shortcuts