Topic: DMD0327

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Structure Members

The following table lists all of the data structures that are automatically created by Do-more Designer for use by the software and the Do-more PLC. Also listed are the structure's members, a brief description of each member, and the instructions (if applicable) that use the listed data structure. The individual structure members can be referenced as parameters in instructions as appropriate.


BRX Axis / Pulse Output

BRX High Speed Counter

BRX High Speed Timer

BRX Pulse Width Modulated Output

BRX Table Driven Output


Date / Time

Device Reference



Ethernet I/O / Master

EtherNet/IP Scanner

EtherNet/IP Server

File Handle

File System

GS Drive (Ethernet I/O Slave)

I/O Master

Modbus I/O Scanner




Ramp / Soak Table


SIM PID Simulator






CTRIO Module Structures and their member fields are detailed in the CTRIO Module Configuration section and is not repeated here.


BRX Axis / Pulse Output Structure - the on-board High-Speed outputs on a BRX CPU, or the outputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use as a Pulse Outputs for a motion axis at frequencies up to 250kHz.

BRX Axis / Pulse Outputs

AXCONFIG - Axis Configuration


AXSETPROP - Axis Set Properties


AXRSTFAULT - Reset Axis Limit Fault


AXSCRIPT - Run a Sequence of Axis Commands

AXHOME - Axis Perform Home Search


AXPOS - Axis Move to Position


AXVEL - Axis Set Velocity Mode


AXJOG - Axis Jog

AXGEAR - Axis Gear High Speed Register


AXFOLLOW - Axis Follow High Speed Register


AXCAM - Axis Slave Cam

Each of these structures contain the following fields:

TargetVelocity (Read/Write) - the velocity (pulses per second) the Axis is ramping toward. This parameter is live while the AXVEL - Axis Set Velocity Mode instruction is enabled, meaning that any time this value changes the Axis will respond to that change by accelerating or decelerating as needed.


CurRateOfChg (Read-only) - the current velocity (pulses per second) the Axis is using during the ramp.


TargetPosition (Read-only) - the pulse count the Axis is moving toward.


CurrentVelocity (Read-only) - the velocity (pulses per second) the Axis is currently using.


CurrentPosition (Read-only) - the pulse count where the Axis is currently located.


FollowingError (Read-only) - when an Axis is configured to use encoder feedback as the Axis position, this value is the difference between the output pulse count (TargetPosition) and the encoder input value (Current Position).


MstSlvCoordError (Read-only) - when an Axis is a Slave Axis in Electronic Gearing mode, or a Follower in an Position Following with Offset mode, or a slave in an Electronic Camming mode, this member field will contain the difference between the position of the Master Axis and the projected location of the Slave Axis.


Suspend (Read/Write) - when this bit transitions from OFF to ON the Axis will decelerate to a stop using the Axis' configured deceleration frequency. If the Axis is already in the deceleration phase of a trapezoid or s-curve move the Suspend will be ignored because the Axis is already decelerating. When this bit transitions from ON to OFF the Axis will resume the current motion instruction, accelerating back to TargetVelocity.


MasterEnable (Read/Write) - this Bit location is automatically set ON when the Axis is properly configured. If the bit transitions from ON to OFF the Axis will decelerate to a stop using the Axis' Fault Deceleration Rate.


EnableOutput (Read/Write) - this Bit location is automatically set ON when the Axis is properly configured. If the bit transitions from ON to OFF the Axis will immediately stop sending output pulses to the High-Speed Output - if the Axis is moving is WILL NOT decelerate.


Configured (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON if an AXCONFIG - Axis Configuration has successfully been executed.


Active (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON any time the Axis is enabled and in any Mode other than idle.


AtVelocity (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON when TargetVelocity = CurrentVelocity.


AtPosition (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON when TargetPosition = CurrentPosition.


ScriptBusy (Read-only) - will be ON when an AXSCRIPT command is waiting on the Axis engine to complete an asynchronous function, like a Wait for Discrete Limit, Wait For Bit to be ON, etc.


Fault (Read-only) - will be ON when either Fault Limit for an Axis is ON, or when the Axis' MasterEnable has been manually turned OFF. A Reset Axis Limit Fault (AXRSTFAULT) or an AXCONFIG - Axis Configuration instruction must be executed to clear the Fault in the Axis before the Axis will operate again.


Mode (Read-only) - the current execution mode of the Axis. See the Mode Values list for expected execution mode values.


ScriptStep (Read-only) - indicates which step of an AXSCRIPT instruction is currently being executed. This value is a 1-based number in the range of 1 to 254. A step number of -1 means Done.


Timer (Read/Write) - if AXSCRIPT instruction has a Start Timer command, this field will contain the time remaining (in milliseconds) as it times down.


Counter ( Read/Write) - if an AXSCRIPT instruction contains a For / Next loop, this field contains the current loop count as it counts down.

BRX High-Speed Counter Structure - the on-board High-Speed inputs on a BRX CPU, or the inputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use as a high speed Counters at frequencies up to 250kHz.

BRX Timer / Counter Functions

Each High-Speed counter structure contains the following member fields:

CountCaptured (read only) (if capture input selected) - this Bit will be ON after the Count Capture process has completed.


AtResetValue (read only) - this Bit will be ON any time the Current Count is at the specified Reset Value.


EnableCapture (if capture input selected) - set this Bit ON to have the Current Count value stored in the CapturedValue register.


ResetLevel - set this Bit ON to Reset the Current Count value to the specified Reset Value and remain at the Reset Value until this Bit is turned OFF, once OFF counting incoming pulses will continue.


InhibitCount - when this Bit is ON any incoming pulses will not be counted.


ResetEdge - set this bit ON to Reset the Current Count value to the specified Reset Value then continue to count incoming pulses.


QuadError (read only) - if configured for a Quadrature input and pulses are received on both inputs at the same time this bit will be ON. This can happen if the physical input is NOT a quadrature signal, and if the frequency of the input pulses are too fast. This bit will be automatically reset any time the counter is reset.


Acc (read only) - the Current Count value is stored here.


ResetValue - any time a Reset operation is performed the Current Count value will be set to this value.


CapturedValue (read only) (if capture input selected) - will contain the last count value that was captured.


ScaledValue (read only) (if scaling enabled) - if the input is position or rate scaled, the scaled value will be placed here.


FilterTimeConst (if scaling enabled) - this is how often (in seconds) the scaled value is calculated. A value of 0.0 disables the Filter.

BRX High-Speed Timer Structure - the on-board High-Speed inputs on a BRX CPU, or the inputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use as a high speed Timers at frequencies up to 250kHz.

BRX Timer / Counter Functions

Each High-Speed timer structure contains the following member fields:

TimerStarted (read only) - this Bit will be ON when the first input pulse is received.


TimerComplete (read only) - this Bit will be ON when the successive input pulse is received.


Timeout (read only) - this Bit will be ON if the Time between input pulses exceeds the preconfigured Timeout Value.


EnableTimer - set the Bit ON to begin an edge timing operation.


Acc (read only) - the current amount of time since the last input pulse was received.


LastTime (read only) - the amount of time between the last two input pulses.


ScaledValue (read only) - if the input count is interval scaled, the scaled value will be placed here.


FilterTimeConst - this is how often (in seconds) the scaled value is calculated. A value of 0.0 disables the Filter.

BRX High-Speed Pulse Catch Structure - the on-board High-Speed inputs on a BRX CPU, or the inputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use as a high speed Pulse Catch at frequencies up to 250kHz.

BRX Timer / Counter Functions

Each High-Speed Pulse Catch structure contains the following member fields:

PulseCatchOut (read only) this Bit will turn ON when the input pulse is seen, and will remain ON for one PLC scan or for the Output Time depending on how the Pulse Catch is configured.


OutputTime (read only) contains the number of milliseconds the Pulse Catch output will remain ON

BRX PWM Output Structure - the on-board High-Speed outputs on a BRX CPU, or the outputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use as a Pulse Width Modulated output.

BRX High Speed I/O


BRX Pulse Width Modulated Outputs


PWMOUT - Pulse Width Modulated Output (this instruction uses a BRX PWM Output Structure)

Each of these structures contain the following fields:

.EnableOutput - set this ON to generate output pulses, set OFF to stop generating output pulses.


.PeriodScale - selects the time base for the output pulses, 0 = Microseconds, 1 = Milliseconds.


.Period - specifies the amount of time (in microseconds or milliseconds) for one complete pulse. This can be any positive constant value from 0 - 65535.

Note: this value is NOT a frequency specified in Hz, this is the duration (in microseconds or milliseconds) of one pulse. Because Frequency and Period are reciprocals of each other, the following formulas can be used to convert a value specified in Hz to a Period value is milliseconds or microseconds:


Converting Hz to millisecond period = (1/ Hz) * 1000. For example: 60Hz = (1 / 60) * 1000 = 17 milliseconds.


Converting Hz to microsecond period = (1/ Hz) * 1000000. For example: 60Hz = (1 / 60) * 1000000 = 16667 microseconds.

.DutyCycle - specifies the percentage of one period where the output is ON, during the remaining portion the output will be OFF. This can be any Real value between 0.0 and 100.0.

BRX Table Driven Output Structure - the on-board High-Speed outputs on a BRX CPU, or the outputs on a BRX-HSIO module (BX-HSIO1, BX-HSIO2) can be selected for use by a Preset Table or a Programmable Limit Switch.

BRX Table Driven Outputs


TDODECFG - Deconfigure Table Driven Output


TDOPLS - Load Programmable Limit Switch Table for Table Driven Output


TDOPreset - Load Preset Table for Table Driven Output

Each of these structures contain the following fields:

EnableOutput: if this Bit is ON the current ON / OFF state of the Preset Table will be written to the Table Driven Output. This Bit is automatically set ON when the Preset Table is first loaded, and automatically turned OFF when the Table Driven Output is deconfigured. The ladder logic program can manually turn this Bit OFF to stop the table from writing it's state data to the Table Driven Output without having to use a TDODECFG - Deconfigure Table Driven Output to do 20.


ResetLevel: turn this Bit ON to reset the Preset Table to Step 0. Leaving the Bit ON will hold the Table in Reset until this Bit is turned OFF. (Not used by PLS Table)


ResetEdge: turn this Bit ON to reset the Preset Table to Step 0. This instruction will turn the Bit OFF to indicate that the table has been reset. (Not used by PLS Table)


OutputState (read only) is the ON / OFF state of the Output that will be written to the Table Driven Output if EnableOutput is ON.


StepNumber (read only) is the step number from the table that is currently active. A step number of -1 indicates the Preset Table is either in Level Reset or is unconfigured.


.InputValOffset is used to adjust the current count value from the Master Register by a fixed amount before the comparison in the Step is performed. A good example of a situation where this is used is a the table that needs to start processing the Steps in the table at a particular count value, for example, a repeating pattern that needs to be started at variable distances between the pattern repetitions. In this case, InputValOffset would be set before each pass through the table.

Note: if the Master Register Device is configured to operate in Rotary mode, it is the user's responsibility to make sure the sum of the current Master Register value + InputValOffset stays within the device's configured Rotary Range.


Note: if the Master Register is an Axis' position, and the application is using either a servo controller or stepper controller with micro-stepping or smoothing, be aware that both of these controller types have a conversion time that will introduce some delay between the Axis' output position and the actual shaft position of the motor. The InputValOffset can be used to compensate for the conversion time by adding the number of pulses that would occur during the conversion time to the current count of the Master Register. Multiplying the servo or stepper controller's conversion time by the current velocity will yield the number of pulses that would occur during that amount of time. Using this pulse count value in the InputValOffset field will delay the comparison in the Steps by the same amount as the conversion time of the motor controller. Doing this will more closely sync the Table Driven Output's state to the actual shaft position of the motor.

.Done (read only) is ON after the last step in the TDOPreset table has been executed, will be OFF when table is executing any of the steps. (Not used by PLS Table)


.Event1 - .Event6 - (Read-only) are Bit locations that are set ON by the Trigger ISR Function. The .Event# fields are read-only; each time a Trigger ISR function is executed, all of the .Event# fields will be set OFF and only the .Event# field specified in the step will be set back ON. (Not used by PLS Table)


Counter Structure - a unique Counter structure is automatically allocated for each of the following instructions when they are first added to the project:


CNT - Up Counter


CNTDN - Down Counter


UDC - Up / Down Counter


UDCG - Global Up / Down Counter


The default Memory Configuration contains 256 Counter structures (CT0 - CT255).

Counter Structure Members

All Counters have an associated structure with fields that can be used in the ladder program. The structure fields are updated whenever the Counter instruction is processed in the PLC scan. The syntax for using them is <Counter structure>.<field name>, for example: CT1.Acc.


.Acc (read/write) is a 32-bit integer value that represents the current number of counts that have accrued.


.Done (read-only) when counting upward toward a preset value, this Bit will be ON any time the value in the Counter's accumulator (.Acc) is greater than or equal to the Counter's Preset value.


.Reset (read-only) will be ON if the RESET logic is ON, or if the Counter is being held in reset by a Reset Counter (RSTCT) instruction. The Reset input has priority over the UP input, meaning that if the UP input is ON at the same time as the Reset input, the Counter will not count.


.Zero (read-only) will be ON any time the value in the Counter's accumulator value (.Acc) is 0.


.DnDone (read-only) when counting downward toward the down preset value, this Bit will ON any time the value in the Counter's accumulator value (.Acc) is less than or equal to the Counter's Preset value. This bit field is only used by the Up / Down Counter (UDC) and the Global Up / Down Counter (UDCG) .


DeviceRef Structure - a DeviceRef structure is used by these instructions:


OPENDEV - Open Device


CLOSE - Close Device


DEVCLEAR - Clear Device


Each DeviceRef structure contains the following member fields:

.DeviceID (Read-only) - an Unsigned 16-bit value that contains the ID assigned to the referenced Device.

.Open (Read-only) - a Bit value that will be ON if the referenced Device has been opened by an instruction.

.Success (Read-only) - a Bit value that will be ON if the reference to the Device was successfully created.

.Error (Read-only) - a Bit value that will be ON if the reference to the Device was not successfully created.

DMX512 Structure - when a port on the BX-SERIO is configured as a DMX512 Controller or DMX512 Slave there will be a structure automatically created.

DMX512 Structure Members

Each BX-SERIO port that has been configured as either a DMX512 Controller or DMX512 Slave will have an associated structure is automatically created . The structure will be named the same as the aforementioned memory block, the default names are $DMXA / $DMXB / $DMXC / $DMXD. The structure fields can be used in the ladder logic program. The syntax for using them is <structure name>.<field name>, for example: $DMXA.EnableMaster. Each structure contains the following member fields:


.FrameCounter (read-only) is an Unsigned Byte that shows the total number of DMX512 packets that have been received.


.FrameSize (read / write) is an Unsigned Word . If the port is a DMX512 Controller this value sets how many of the 512 bytes to send in the out-gong packet. If the port is a DMX512 Slave this value contains the number of bytes that were received in the last packet.


.EnableMaster (read / write; only applicable if the port is a DMX512 Controller) is a Bit that, when ON, will cause the DMX512 Controller to begin sending packets containing the number of bytes defined in .FrameSize, if OFF, no packets will be sent.


Drum Structure - each Drum instruction references an associated structure which can be created from Heap memory when the Drum instruction is first added to the project, or allocated from a block of Drum structures that was manually created.


DRUM - Drum

Drum Structure Members

All Drums have an associated structure with fields that can be used in the ladder program. The structure fields are updated each time the Drum instruction is processed during the PLC scan. The syntax for using them is <drum structure>.<field name>; for example MyDrum.TimeLeft.


.Jog (Read-only) is a Bit location that will be ON when the Jog input leg is ON, and OFF when the Jog input leg is OFF.


.Run (Read-only) is a Bit location that will be ON when the Run input leg is ON, and OFF when the Run input leg is OFF.


.Reset (Read-only) is a Bit location that will be ON when the Reset input leg is ON, and OFF when the Reset input leg is OFF.


.Done (Read-only) is a Bit location that will be ON when the Drum has completed the last step, and OFF when the Drum has not finished the last step.


.Step (Read-only) is an unsigned Byte that contains the step number in the Drum that is currently executing.


.Mask (Read-only) is a 32-bit unsigned value that contains the current Output Mask value : this value is best viewed in Hexadecimal or Binary format.


.State (Read-only) is a 32-bit value that contains the current Step's ON / OFF state of the 16 outputs BEFORE any mask state is applied. The DWord location will contain a 1 for each output that should be ON and a 0 for each output that should be OFF.


.TimeLeft (Read-only) contains the amount of execution time (in milliseconds) remaining for the currently executing Step in the Drum (in milliseconds).


Date / Time Structure - a Date / Time structure is used by the following instructions:


DT2EPOCH - Convert Date / Time to 1970 Epoch


EPOCH2DT - Convert 1970 Epoch Time to Date / Time


DTCMP - Compare Date / Time


DTDIFF - Difference between two Date / Times


DTOFFSET - Add Offset to Date / Time


The default Memory Configuration contains 8 System Date / Time Structures (SDT0 - SDT7) and 32 User-Defined Date / Time Structures (UDT0 - UDT31).


Each Date / Time structure contains the following member fields:

.Year (Read/Write) - an unsigned 16-bit location that contains a 4-digit number representing the year.

.Month (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value 1 to 12 representing the month (1 - January, 2 - February, ...12 - December)

.Day (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value from 1 to 31 representing the day of the month.


.DayOfWeek (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value from 0 to 6 representing the day of the week (0 - Sunday, 1 - Monday ... 6 - Saturday).

.Hour (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value from 0 to 23 representing the hours.

.Minute (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value from 0 to 59 representing the hours.

.Second (Read/Write) - an unsigned 8-bit location that contains a value from 0 to 59 representing the hours.

..Date (Read/Write) - a signed 32-bit value that contains the .Year, .Month, and .Day field values packed into a single location (YYYYMMDD).


.Time (Read/Write) - an unsigned 32-bit value that contains the .DayOfWeek, .Hour, .Minute, and .Second field values packed into a single location (DWHHMMSS).

$Eth_IO_Master Structure - an Ethernet-equipped CPU that has been configured to use the on-board Ethernet I/O Master function will automatically create the $EthIOMaster structure. If that functionality is ever disabled, this structure will be deleted automatically.

.Warning (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON if the Ethernet I/O Master is reporting a Warning.

.Error (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON if the Ethernet I/O Master is reporting an Error.

.SlaveWarnings (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that reports all 16 Slave I/O warning bits in a single location. ( Bit 0 = Slave 0, Bit 1 = Slave 1, ... Bit 15 = Slave 15, etc. ). The bit will ON if that corresponding Ethernet I/O Slave is reporting any warning condition.

.SlaveErrors (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that reports all 16 Slave I/O error bits in a single location ( Bit 0 = Slave 0, Bit 1 = Slave 1, ... Bit 15 = Slave 15, etc. ). The bit will ON if that corresponding Ethernet I/O Slave is reporting any error condition.


.ResetSlaveStatus (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned location that contains a bit for each of the possible 16 I/O Slaves ( Bit 0 = Slave 0, Bit 1 = Slave 1, ... Bit 15 = Slave 15, etc. ). Setting a bit ON will cause the Ethernet I/O Master to issue a Clear System Status command to the corresponding I/O Slave.


.Slave0RetryCnt through .Slave15RetryCnt (Read/Write) - Unsigned Bytes that reports the number of communication retries that have occurred with Slave 0 through Slave 15.

.Slave0UpdateCnt through .Slave15UpdateCnt (Read/Write) - Unsigned Bytes that reports the total number of successful communication updates to Slave 0 through Slave 15.

.Slave0Error through .Slave15Error (Read-only) - an Unsigned Bytes that reports the current Error code for Slave 0 through Slave 15. Use the following link to see a complete list of all the Ethernet I/O Slave Error Codes.


.Slave0ErrorInfo through .Slave15ErrorInfo (Read-only) - an Unsigned Bytes that reports which slot in Slave 0 through Slave 15 is reporting an error.

EtherNet/IP Scanner automatically created for each Implicit (I/O Message) connection to an Implicit Adapter.


Each Implicit Adapter structure contains the following fields:

.EnableScanner is a Bit that indicates the current State of the Scanner connection to this Adapter; ON means the connection is enabled, OFF means disabled.


.TCPConnected is a Bit that will be ON if the TCP session is currently connected to the Adapter. OFF doesn't necessarily indicate a failed state; it could mean the scanner only uses TCP to establish the connection but then only uses UDP to perform the read and write operations.


.Error is a Bit that will be ON if the TCP connection is not functional (typically due to a Timeout).


.RunIdle is a Bit that reflects the Run / Idle state from the T -> O (Input) header.


.EnableMSG1 through .EnableMSG8 are Bits that will be ON if that MSG has been enabled for this Adapter. Turning this Bit OFF will prevent this MSG from being processed.


.EnableMSG is an Unsigned Byte that contains a Bit for each of the 8 possible MSGs for this Adapter; the respective Bit location within the Byte will ON if the MSG is enabled. Turning a Bit OFF will prevent the corresponding MSG from being processed.


.MSGStatus is an Unsigned Byte that contains a Bit for each of the 8 possible MSGs for this Adapter; the respective Bit location within the Byte will ON if that MSG is communicating successfully.


.MSGError is an Unsigned Byte that contains a Bit for each of the 8 possible MSGs for this Adapter; the respective Bit location within the Byte will ON if that MSG is NOT communicating successfully.


.GenStatusCode is an Unsigned Byte that contains the last General Status Code value reported to the Scanner from this Adapter.


.ExtStatusCode is an Unsigned Word that contains the last Extended Status Code value reported to the Scanner from this Adapter.


.ExtStatusInfo1 is an Unsigned Word that contains the last Extended Status Info 1 value reported to the Scanner from this Adapter.


.ExtStatusInfo2 is an Unsigned Word that contains the last Extended Status Info 2 value reported to the Scanner from this Adapter.


.LastError is the last error code reported to the Scanner.


.XferCount is an Unsigned Word that contains running count of the successful T -> O (Input) and O -> T (Output) data transfers.


.ErrorCount is an Unsigned Word that contains a running count of the unsuccessful T -> O (Input) and O -> T (Output) data transfers.


.VendorID (read-only) is an Unsigned Word that contains the Vendor ID read from the Adapter, or from the EDS file (if applicable).


.AdapterName (.MaxLen = 32) is a String of up to 32 characters that contains the name of the Adapter read from the EDS file (if applicable).

$IntEIPServer Structure is automatically created when the EtherNet/IP Server is first enabled in the project.


The EtherNet/IP Server structure contains the following member fields:

.ActiveSessions (read-only) is the number of concurrent open connections to EtherNet/IP clients.


.LastError is the last error reported to an EtherNet/IP client.


.Errors is the total number of errors returned to all EtherNet/IP clients.


.Transactions is the total number or completed client requests to EtherNet/IP clients.

File Handle Structure a file handle structure is used by the following instructions:

FILECLOSE - Close File - close access to a file that was previously open.


FILEOPEN - Open File - open an existing file or create a new file on one of the existing file systems and create a File Handle that will be used by other FILE instructions.


FILEREAD - Read from File - retrieve data from a file that has been opened with the FILEOPEN - Open File instruction.


FILESEEK - Seek to Position in File - manually move the file pointer forward (toward the end of the file) or backward (toward the beginning of the file).


FILETRUNC - Truncate File - delete the contents of the specified file from the current location of the file pointer to the end of the file.


FILEWRITE - Write to File - send data to a file that has been opened with the FILEOPEN - Open File instruction.

Each File Handle structure contains the following member fields which are used by some of the other File System instructions to read and write the contents of the file:

.DeviceID (read only) - an Unsigned Word (16-bit) value that uniquely identifies this file handle.


.Open (read only) - a boolean value that will be ON if the associated file is currently open, and will be OFF if the associated file is not open.


.Success (read only) - not used.


.Error (read only) - not used.


.EndOfFile (read only) - a boolean value that will be ON if the file pointer is at the end of the file, that is, after the last byte of data in the file.


.FileSize (read only) - a Signed DWord (32 bit) value that contains the current number of Bytes in the file.


.FilePointer (read only) - a Signed DWord (32 bit) value that contains the current location (Byte offset from the beginning) of the file pointer.

File System Structures on Do-more CPUs that are running Do-more Technology Version 2.0 or greater, there is file system that is created from unused system RAM named RAMFS. On the BRX family of CPUs the media in the micro-SD card slot has a file system named SDCardFS.

Do-more File Systems

Each File System structure contains the following member fields which can be used in the ladder logic.

FolderEntryNum (read only) - a 16-bit value that shows the number of files and folders found after scanning the contents of a folder.


StartFolderScan - a boolean value that is set ON to initiate a folder scan operation.


FolderScanDone - a boolean value that will be ON at the completion of a folder scan operation.


Note: the above three structure members are only used by the FILEQUERY - Query File or Folder Information instruction to generate a list of the files and folders contained in a folder on one of the file systems. Refer to the Folder Iteration example program in the help topic for FILEQUERY for instructions on how to properly use them.


RemovableMedia (read only) - a boolean value that will be ON if the file system has a slot for removable media, for example, a slot for a micro-SD card.


MediaInstalled (read only) - a boolean value that will be ON if the file system has file system with removable media has that media installed, for example a micro-SD card is installed.


MediaMounted (read only) - a boolean value that will be ON if the file system with removable media has that media installed and the file system on that media has been successfully mounted and is ready for access by the FILE instructions, for example, a formatted micro-SD card is installed.


FreeSpaceKB (read only ) - a 32-bit value that shows the total amount of unused space (in KB) on the File System.


TotalSpaceKB (read only) - a 32-bit value that shows the total amount of usable space (in KB) on the File System.

$GSx_<Drive Name> Structure - a unique structure is automatically created for each GS-EDRV100 connected to a GS1, GS2, or GS3 drive that is controlled by the Ethernet I/O Master. This is only available for a Do-more CPU that has an on-board Ethernet port.


The GS-EDRV100 only provides an Ethernet link between a control system and a GS Series AC Drive. The structures created for each GS-EDRV100 provide the communication interface between the GS-EDRV100 and the Do-more controller. This interface DOES NOT control the GS Series AC drive, the control function must still be done as part of the ladder logic in the Do-more controller. Please refer to the GS-EDRV100 User manual and the GS Series AC Drive manual for information on configuring and controlling the drive.


Each GSx_ structure contains the following member fields:

.OutputFrequency (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present Output Frequency.

.OutputCurrent (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present Output Current.

.ExtCommFault (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON if the AC Drive's Serial Comm Fault bit (P9.29) is ON.

.IntCommFault (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON if the GS-EDRV100's Serial cable to the GS Drive is disconnected or not functioning..

.StatusMonitor1 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present Status Monitor 1 (h2100) value.

.StatusMonitor2 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present Status Monitor 2 (h2101) value.

.BlockParm6 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 6 - User defined read value (P9.16).

.BlockParm7 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 7 - User defined read value (P9.17).

.BlockParm8 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 8 - User defined read value (P9.18).

.BlockParm9 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 9 - User defined read value (P9.19).

.BlockParm10 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 10 - User defined read value (P9.20).

.BlockParm11 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 11 - User defined read value (P9.21).

.BlockParm12 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 12 - User defined read value (P9.22).

.BlockParm13 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 13 - User defined read value (P9.23).

.BlockParm14 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 14 - User defined read value (P9.24).

.BlockParm15 (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the present value of Block Transfer Parameter 15 - User defined read value (P9.25).

.RunCommand (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, set value to 0 to STOP, set value 1 to RUN (P9.27).

.RS485SpeedRef (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, set the motor speed (P9.26).

.Direction (Read/Write) - turn this Bit value will be ON for FORWARD, turn this Bit OFF for REVERSE (P9.28).

.ResetCommFault (Read/Write) - turn this Bit value will be ON to RESET FAULT, turn the Bit OFF for no action.

.BlockParm1 (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, Block Transfer Parameter 1 - User defined write value (P9.11).

.BlockParm2 (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, Block Transfer Parameter 2 - User defined write value (P9.12).

.BlockParm3 (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, Block Transfer Parameter 3 - User defined write value (P9.13).

.BlockParm4 (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, Block Transfer Parameter 4 - User defined write value (P9.14).

.BlockParm5 (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value, Block Transfer Parameter 5 - User defined write value (P9.15).

IO_Master Structure - the IO_Master structure contains the LocalIOMaster Structure.

LocalIOMaster - contains the following member fields:

.Slot0_31 (Read-only) - a 32-bit signed value that reports errors for slot 0 through slot 31.

.Slot32_63 (Read-only) - a 32-bit signed value that reports errors for slot 32 through slot 63.

.Slot64_95 (Read-only) - a 32-bit signed value that reports errors for slot 64 through slot 95.

.Slot96_128 (Read-only) - a 32-bit signed value that reports errors for slot 96 through slot 128.

Modbus I/O Scanner Structure is automatically created for each Scanner Device.

Modbus I/O Scanner Setup

Each Scanner Device structure contains the following fields:

.EnableReads (read / write) will automatically be set ON when the PLC mode changes from PROGRAM to RUN, or from RUN to PROGRAM. When this bit is ON the Modbus I/O Scanner will process the Modbus Read requests for this Scanner Device. This bit can be manually turned OFF at runtime to stop processing the Read requests.


.EnableWrites (read / write) will automatically be set ON when the PLC mode changes from PROGRAM to RUN, and will automatically be set OFF the PLC mode changes from RUN to PROGRAM. When this bit is ON the Modbus I/O Scanner will process the Modbus Write requests for this Scanner Device. This bit can be manually turned OFF at runtime to stop processing the Write requests.


.ReadComplete (read / write) will be ON after one attempt of each Modbus Read request for the Device has completed; the bit will be ON whether the read requests completed successfully or not.


.WriteComplete (read / write) will be ON after one attempt of each Modbus Write request for the Device has completed; the bit will be ON whether the write requests completed successfully or not.


.LastError (read / write) contains the error code for the last Modbus Read or Write request that failed.


.ReadInterval (read / write) contains the number of milliseconds of time to delay between the Device's Modbus Read requests. Allowed range is 0 (no delay) to 65535 ms.


.WriteInterval (read / write) contains the number of milliseconds of time to delay between the Device's Modbus Write requests. Allowed range is 0 (no delay) to 65535 ms.


.XferCount (read / write) contains the number of completed Modbus Read and Write requests. This value rolls over after 65535.


.ErrorCount (read / write) contains the number of Modbus read and write requests that have failed. This value rolls over after 65535.

Peerlink Structure is automatically created for projects for a Do-more CPU that has an on-board Ethernet port. Its member fields are updated by the following instruction:

PEERLINK - Share Global Data

There is only one Peerlink structure and it contains the following member fields:

.B0Act through .B15Act (Read-only) - these Bit values will be ON to indicate that either their respective block is being published or is receiving data. OFF can mean one of three things: the block is not being published by any controller on the network, the block is being published but offline because the PEERLINK instruction is disabled, or the block is being published but offline because the controller is in Program mode.

.Active (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that contains the 16 Active bits in a single Word location.

.B0Err through .B15Err (Read-only) - these Bit values will be ON to indicate their respective block has a configuration error, specifically, there is more than one controller with a PEERLINK instruction configured to publish the same block. OFF means there is no configuration error (publishing conflict) for this block.

.Error (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that contains the 16 Error bits in a single Word location.

.B0Updated through .B15Updated (Read-only) - these Bit values will be ON to indicate that new data has arrived in one or more of locations in the respective data block during the last scan. OFF means that the data in the designated block has not changed since the last scan.

.Updated (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that contains the 16 Updated bits in a single Word location.

.MyBlocks (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned location that contains a bit for each of the 16 data blocks. A value of 1 in a bit location indicates the corresponding block is being published, a value of 0 in a bit location indicates the corresponding block is not being published.

.B0Rate through .B15Rate (Read-only)- 16 unsigned Bytes which stores the number of data transfers per second for each corresponding data block.

.B0Inh through .B15Inh (Read/Write) - set these Bit Values will be ON to indicate to prevent the updating of the respective data block. OFF allows updating of the data block.

.Inhibit (Read-only) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that contains the 16 Inhibit bits in a single Word location .

.Enabled (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON to indicate the PEERLINK instruction is enabled, OFF means the PEERLINK instruction is disabled.

PID Structure - a unique PID structure is allocated for each PID instruction - or a new one can be created from Heap memory - when it is first added to the project. Its member fields are updated by the following instruction:


PID - Closed Loop Controller


Each PID structure contains the following member fields:

.PV (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the process variable.

.SP (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the setpoint.

.Gain (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the Proportional gain (P) value.

.Reset (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the reset (or Integral) value.

.Rate (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the rate (or Derivative) value.

.Bias (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the bias term, used in the Integral term calculation and to provide bumpless mode.

.Output (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the loop-calculated output value as a percentage in the range 0.0 to 100.0.

.ErrorDB (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the error deadband.

.DGainLmt (Read/Write) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the derivative gain limit.

.SampleTime (Read/Write) - a 32-bit location that contains the loop calculation's sample time value in milliseconds.

.Mode (Read-only) - a Status Bit value that will be ON if the loop is in Auto mode and OFF if the loop is in Manual mode.

.AutoTuning (Read-only) - a Status Bit value that will be ON when the loop is in an auto-tune cycle, and OFF when an Autotune Attempt completes.

.AutoTuneComp (Read-only) - a Status Bit value that will be ON if the last auto-tune cycle completed successfully, and OFF during an Autotune attempt.

.AutoTuningErr (Read-only) - a Status Bit value that will be ON if the last auto-tune cycle did not complete successfully, and OFF during an Autotune attempt. The following conditions will cause the .AutoTuningErr bit to be ON at the completion of an Autotune attempt:

Closed Loop Method

The PV did not change during the attempt.

Open Loop Method

The PV was = 0 when the autotune started.

The PV was NOT within the step change value of the SP .

The Output + Bump to the PV was greater than 100 (forward acting) or less than 0 (reverse acting).

.RanThisScan (Read-only) - a Status Bit value that will be ON if the loop calculation was performed on the current PLC scan.

.Tune (Read/Write) - this Request Bit is typically controlled by the Autotune process in the PID View, but it can be manually set by any of the normal Bit set / reset methods.

A rising edge of this Bit will initiate an auto-tune cycle. Turning this Bit OFF before the completion of the Autotune cycle will abort the current Autotune attempt, and .AutoTuning, .AutoTuneComp, and .AutoTuneErr will be OFF.


While the Autotune process is running .AutoTuning will be ON, and both .AutoTuneComp and .AutoTuneErr will be OFF. When Autotune process finishes .AutoTuning will be OFF; .AutoTuneComp will be ON; .AutoTuneErr will be OFF if the Autotune worked, or ON if it failed. These three status Bits will retain their last value until the .Tune Bit is turned OFF then ON, which would initiate another Autotune attempt.

.TuningAlg (Read/Write) - set the Bit value to specify the auto-tune algorithm: OFF = Closed Loop, ON = Open Loop.

.TunedParms (Read/Write) - set this Bit value to specify which Autotune calculation to use: OFF = PI, ON = PID.

.LastError (Read-only) - a 32-bit Real location that contains the last error (or error squared if specified) value computed by the Loop.

Program Structure - a unique Program structure is automatically created for each System Program in a project. A unique Program structure is allocated for each user-created Program - or a new one can be created from Heap memory - when it is first added to the project.


There is only 1 system-created Program: $Main.


Each Program structure contains the following member fields:

.Running (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Program is currently running.

Is ON if the Program is running.

Is OFF if the Program is not running.

.RanThisScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Program ran as part of the current controller scan.

Is ON if the Program ran on the current scan.

Is OFF if the Program did not run on the current scan.

.Done (Read-only) - a Bit location that shows whether the Program has completed.

Is ON if the Program has run to completion.

Is OFF if the Program is currently running or has never Run.

.FirstScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether this is the Program's first scan after a PROGRAM -to- RUN transition.

Is ON if the Program is executing it's first scan.

Is OFF if the Program has completed it's first scan.

.FirstRun (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Program has completed one full pass through all of it's ladder code after a PROGRAM -to- RUN transition.

Is ON if the Program is still executing it's first full pass.

Is OFF if the Program has completed it's first full pass or has never been run.

.DoneThisScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Program has executed the final rung of ladder logic in the Program.

Is ON if the Program stopped on the current scan.

Is OFF if the Program did not stop execution on the current scan.

.InstrSuspend (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates the Program is currently being suspended by a Suspend Program or Task (SUSPEND) instruction.

Is ON if the Program is suspended by a SUSPEND instruction.

Is OFF if the Program is not suspended by a SUSPEND instruction.

.DebugSuspend (Read-only) - a Bit location that the Program is currently being suspended by a Debug View operation - a Program that is suspended will also have a yellow background in the Project Browser.

Is ON if the Program is suspended by a debug operation.

Is OFF if the Program is suspended by a debug operation.

.TimeSlice (Read/Write) - an Unsigned 32-bit location that contains the amount of time (in microseconds) per controller scan to allow Programs containing any looping instructions to run.
 .ScanCounter (Read-only) - a Signed 32-bit location that contains the number of controller scans during which the Program has run. This value is reset to 0 when the Program is first run and will retain the last value until the Program is stopped and set to run again.

.RunCounter (Read-only) - a Signed 32-bit location that contains the number of times the Program has run to completion. This value is reset to 0 when the Program is first run and will retain the last value until the Program is stopped and set to run again.

 .S0_15 through .S112_127 (Read-only) - 8 consecutive unsigned 16-bit locations, each location contains the Enabled / Disabled status for 16 consecutive Stages .

.S0 through .S127 (Read-only) - 128 consecutive Bit locations that contain the Enabled / Disabled status for all of the Stages in the Program. 

Rampsoak Structure - a unique Ramp / Soak structure is allocated for each Rampsoak instruction - or a new one can be created from Heap memory - when it is first added to the project. Its member fields are updated by the following instruction:


RAMPSOAK - Ramp-Soak Profile


Each Rampsoak structure contains the following member fields:

.Step (Read-only) - a Signed 32-bit location that contains the currently executing step number in the Profile.

.TimeLeft (Read-only) - a Signed 32-bit location that contains the amount of execution time (in milliseconds) remaining for the currently executing step in the Profile.

.StepTarget (Read-only) - a Real 32-bit location that contains the target value for the currently executing Ramp step in the Profile.

.StepTime (Read-only) - an Unsigned 8-bit location that contains the execution time for the currently executing step in the Profile.

.Done (Read-only) - a Bit location that will be ON when the last step of the Ramp / Soak Profile completes.

Server Structure - a Server Structure is automatically created for any device that is configured as the following:


EtherNet/IP Adapter (Server)


Modbus TCP Server


Modbus RTU Server


KSequence Server




DEVCLEAR - Clear Device


Each Server structure contains the following member fields:

.ActiveSessions (Read-only) - an 8-bit unsigned value that is the number of currently used connections for session based servers. Currently this includes the Modbus TCP Server and the EtherNet/IP Adapter (Server).

.LastError (Read-only) - an 8-bit unsigned value that is the error code of the last failed transaction performed by the server.


.Errors (Read-only) - a 16-bit unsigned value that is the total number of failed transactions.

.Transactions (Read/Write) - a 32-bit signed value is the total number of successful transactions.

SIM_Process Structure - the SIM_Process Structure is automatically created for used by the Do-more Simulator.


There is only one SIM_Process structure and it contains the following member fields:

.Enable (Read/Write) - set the Bit location ON to enable the Inputs on the Simulator .


.DeadTime (Read/Write) - a 16-bit unsigned value that is amount of dead time (in seconds) in the PID Process Simulator.

.TimeConstant (Read/Write) - a 16-bit unsigned value that is the time constant (in seconds) used in the PID Process Simulator.

.Noise (Read/Write) - a 32 floating point value that is the amount of noise used in the PID Process Simulator.

Stream Structure - the Stream Structure is automatically created for the following devices:


IntSerial (on-board Serial Port: when configured for Program Control)


POMStream (BX-P-SER2-RJ12, BX-P-SER2-TERM, BX-P-SER4-TERM pluggable option modules: when configured for Program Control)


TCP Client (generic TCP connection)


TCP Server (generic TCP connection)

A Stream or POMStream structure is used by the following instructions:

STREAMIN - Stream In Data from Device


STREAMOUT - Stream Out Data to Device


DEVCLEAR - Clear Device


CLOSE - Close Device

Each Stream structure contains the following member fields:

.InQueue(Read/Write) - a 16-bit unsigned value that is the number of bytes of data in the Input Buffer.


.OutQueue (Read/Write) - a 16-bit unsigned value that is the number of bytes of data are in the Output Buffer.

.Open (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON if a call to a device opening instruction has been made (e.g. Open TCP Connection has been executed and a corresponding Close Device has not been executed).

.Connected (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON if the TCP Port Number (TCP socket) is actively connected to its communication partner (only applicable for TCP Client devices) .

.CTS (Read-only) - this Bit location will be ON if the CTS line of the serial port is high.

.RTS (Read/Write) - this Bit location is used to turn the RTS line of the serial port ON (high) or OFF (low).

String Structure - a String structure is used by these instructions:

STRPRINT - Print to String


STR2INT - Convert String to Integer


STR2REAL - Convert String to Real


STRGETB - Get Bytes Out of a String


STRPUTB - Put Bytes Into a String


STRCMP - String Compare


STRFIND - Find Within String


STRSUB - Get Substring


STRDELETE - Delete Substring


STRINSERT - Insert Substring


STRCASE - Convert String to UPPER / Lower Case


STRCLEAR - Clear Strings


STRTRIM - Trim Whitespace


STRTRUNC - Set String Length

The default Memory Configuration contains 128 Short Strings (64 characters, SS0 - SS127) and 64 Long Strings (256 characters, SL0 - SL63).


There are also 4 system-created String structures:

MSG - contains the most recent system generated informational message.

ERR - contains the most recent system generated error message.

SysName - contains the name assigned to the Do-more PLC.

SysDesc - contains the description assigned to the Do-more PLC.

Each String structure contains the following member fields:

.Maxlen (Read-only) - the maximum number of characters the String can hold.

.Length (Read-only) - the current number of characters in the String.

Task Structure - a unique Task structure is automatically created for each System Task in a project. A unique Task structure is allocated for user-created Task - or a new one can be created from Heap memory - for each when it is first added to the project.


There are 6 system-created Tasks: $tFirstScan, $t1Second, $t100ms, $t50ms, $tTopOfScan, $tBottomOfScan, $tLastScan.


Each Task structure contains the following member fields:

.Once (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates that the Task is configured to run to completion one time.


.Continuous (Read-only) - a Bit location that the Task is configured to run Continuously on Power Flow. 


.Running (Read-only) - a Bit location that will be ON if the ladder logic in a Task is currently being executed. It will be OFF after the execution of the last instruction in the Task even if the Task is set to run continuously.

Is ON if the Task is running.

Is OFF if the Task is not running.

.RanThisScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that shows whether the Task ran as part of the current PLC scan.

Is ON if the Task ran on the current scan.

Is OFF if the Task did not run on the current scan.

.Done (Read-only) - a Bit location that shows whether the Task has completed.

Will be ON if the Task has run to completion.

Will be OFF if the Task is currently running or has never run.

.FirstScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether this is the Task's first scan after a PROGRAM -to- RUN transition.

Is ON if the Task is executing it's first scan.

Is OFF if the Task has completed it's first scan or has never run.

.FirstRun (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Task has completed one full pass through all of it's ladder code after a PROGRAM -to- RUN transition.

Is ON if the Program is still executing it's first complete pass.

Is OFF if the Program has completed it's first full pass.

.DoneThisScan (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates whether the Task has executed the final rung of ladder logic in the Task.

Is ON if the Task will stop on the current scan.

Is OFF if the Task will not stop execution on the current scan.

.InstrSuspend (Read-only) - a Bit location that indicates the Task is currently being suspended by a Suspend Program or Task (SUSPEND) instruction.

Is ON if the Task is suspended by a SUSPEND instruction.

Is OFF if the Task is not suspended by a SUSPEND instruction.

.DebugSuspend (Read-only) - a Bit location that the Task is currently being suspended by a Debug View operation - a Task that is suspended will also have a yellow background in the Project Browser.

Is ON if the Task is suspended by a debug operation.

Is OFF if the Task is suspended by a debug operation.

.TimeSlice (Read/Write) - an unsigned 32-bit location that contains the amount of time (in microseconds) per PLC scan to allow any looping instructions in the Task to run.

 .Interval (Read-only) - a signed 32-bit location that contains how much time to delay before the Task will run again (only valid if the Task is configured to run Continuously on Power Flow)

.ScanCounter (Read-only) - a signed 32-bit location that contains the number of PLC scans during which the Task has run. This value is reset to 0 when the Task is first enabled and will retain the last value until the Task is enabled to run again.

.RunCounter (Read-only) - a signed 32-bit location that contains the number of times the Task has run to completion. This value is reset to 0 when the Task is first enabled to run and will retain the last value until the Task is enabled to run again.

.IntervalAcc (Read-only) - an unsigned 32-bit location that contains the amount of time remaining before the Task will run again.

Timer Structure - a unique Timer structure is automatically allocated for each of the following instructions when they are first added to the project:


TMR - Up Timer


TMRDOWN - Down Timer


TMRA - Accumulating Up Timer


TMRADOWN - Accumulating Down Timer


TMRAG - Global Accumulating Up Timer


OFFDTMR - Off Delay Timer


ONDTMR - On Delay Timer


The default Memory Configuration contains 256 Timer structures (T0 - T255).

Timer Structure Members:

All Timers have an associated structure with fields that can be used in the ladder program. The structure fields are updated whenever the Timer instruction is processed in the PLC scan. The syntax for using them is <Timer structure>.<field name>, for example, T7.Acc.


.Acc (read/write) is a 32-bit signed value that represents the total accumulated time whenever the Timer is enabled. If the Timer is still enabled after the Preset is reached, the .Acc value keeps incrementing to a maximum of 2,147,483,647 ms (596 hrs, 31 min, 23.647s), it does not wrap.


.Done (read-only) will be ON any time the Timer's accumulator value (.Acc) is greater than or equal to the Timer's Preset value.


.Zero (read-only) will be ON any time the Timer's accumulator value (.Acc) is 0.


.Timing (read-only) will be ON if the Timer is enabled, and is NOT being held in Reset by the Reset Input leg or a Reset Timer (RSTT) instruction. Will remain ON after .Done turns ON.


.Reset (read-only) will be ON if the reset (RST) leg's input logic is TRUE, or if the Timer is being reset by a Reset Timer (RSTT) instruction.


.TT (read-only) will be ON if the Timer is enabled, and is NOT being held in Reset by the Reset Input leg or a Reset Timer (RSTT) instruction. Will turn OFF when .DN turns ON.


.EN (read-only) will be ON any time the Timer's input logic is TRUE, and the Timer is NOT being held in Reset by the Reset Input leg or a Reset Timer (RSTT) instruction.


.DN (read-only) will be ON any time the Timer's input logic is ON and it's accumulator value (.Acc) is greater than or equal to the Timer's Preset value.


UDP Connection Structure - the UDP Connection structure is used by these instructions:


PACKETIN - Input Data from Packet Device


PACKETOUT - Output Data to Packet Device

DEVCLEAR - Clear Device


Each UDP Connection structure contains the following member fields:

.PacketsReceived(Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the number of packets that have been successfully retrieved from the UDP Connection's input buffer.


.PacketsSent (Read/Write) - a 16-bit Unsigned value that shows the total number of packets that have been successfully sent from the UDP Connection's output buffer.

.PacketAvailable (Read-only) - this Bit value will be ON any time there is at least one packet in the UDP Connection's input buffer.