Topic: DMD0300 PEERLINK - Share Data w / PLCs |
The Share Data w / PLCs (PEERLINK) instruction is used to join a data sharing network that consists of other Do-more CPUs (BX-DM1E, H2-DM1E, T1H-DM1E) or a DirectLOGIC PLC system using an H2-ECOM100 module. Each member of the data sharing network receives data from all of the other Do-more CPUs and ECOM100s on that data sharing network. Each member can optionally send data to the other members of the data sharing network by electing to "publish" one or more blocks of PEERLINK (PL) memory.
The PEERLINK instruction uses TCP/IP broadcast packets to publish the blocks of data to the network. One caveat with the use of broadcast packets
is that it does limit the scope of the shared data network to the local broadcast domain
There can only be one PEERLINK instruction in a Do-more Designer project and the instruction must be in the $Main code-block. This effectively means that a single Do-more CPU can only be part of one data sharing network.
The PEERLINK instruction works with a predefined section of memory named PL. The PL memory contains 256 locations named PL0 through PL255. These 256 locations are divided into 16 blocks. Each of these 16 data blocks consists of 16-Bit unsigned registers. These blocks provide the local storage for the data that is sent and received over the data-sharing network. In addition to the data blocks, PL memory contains entries for some Bits and Words that are available for use in a ladder program to monitor the runtime status of the PEERLINK network, and to optionally control the updates to individual PEERLINK blocks.
When the input logic to the PEERLINK instruction is ON (the instruction is enabled), at a rate of 10 times per second, the instruction will publish all of the blocks that it is configured to publish, and will process any PEERLINK data blocks that it receives. When the input logic is OFF, (the instruction is disabled), it DOES NOT publish any of its blocks and DOES NOT process any PEERLINK data blocks that it receives.
Network Adapter: because this instruction uses Ethernet broadcasts to send packets, you must select which of the Ethernet ports to send packets through:
Publishing and Subscribing:The Share Data w / PLCs (PEERLINK) instruction uses the verbs 'publishing' and 'subscribing' to describe how the CPU's data is exchanged with other CPUs and / or ECOM100s on the data sharing network.
Publishing is analogous to sending data, and is done only if the PEERLINK instruction is configured to 'publish' one or more of its own data blocks. If so configured, the Do-more CPU will broadcast a packet that contains the data from the selected PL memory blocks. There are sixteen unique data blocks, and each data block can only be published by one CPU. This means there can be a maximum of sixteen unique CPUs configured to publish blocks of data. A single Do-more CPU or ECOM100 can be configured so that it publishes none of the blocks, one block, some of the blocks, or even all 16 of the blocks.
Subscribing is analogous to receiving data, and is accomplished by 'subscribing to' the data blocks of all the other CPUs on the data sharing network. Once the PEERLINK instruction is enabled, it listens to the network for PEERLINK broadcasts messages from other Do-more CPUs or ECOM100s, and when it receives one, it takes the data from that packet and stores it in the designated block in the CPU's local PL memory.
Subscribing to the shared data network is a passive operation in that it only receives data from the network. Simply placing a PEERLINK instruction in the project will cause it to subscribe to all of the data blocks from all of the CPUs on the shared data network. Because the subscribing process always needs to run, the PEERLINK instruction must be placed in the $Main code-block (which is guaranteed to be running any time the Do-more CPU is in RUN mode).
Unlike publishing in which you select which specific blocks to publish, you cannot subscribe to individual data blocks. Because subscribing is a passive operation there can be a virtually unlimited number of Do-more PLCs and / or ECOM100s subscribing to the shared data blocks.
In the following graphic, the four Do-more systems are using PEERLINK instructions to participate in a data sharing network.
When the network is running all 16 blocks of PL memory in all four of the Do-more system will be synchronized.
Status Information:The red triangle in the upper left corner indicates this is a Fully Asynchronous instruction.
The status information that is displayed in the PEERLINK instruction depends on the state of the input logic.
Offline indicates the input logic is OFF, or the CPU is in Program mode.
Subscribe Only indicates the instruction is configured to only receive data, it is NOT publishing any data.
Connecting ... indicates the input logic is transitioning from OFF to ON, the PEERLINK instruction is gathering the status data for all the nodes
which typically takes one to two seconds.
Disconnecting ... indicates the input logic is transitioning from ON to OFF, the PEERLINK instruction is closing the connections to the other nodes,
this typically takes one to two seconds.
Once the PEERLINK instruction is enabled and the network is functioning, each PLC will be sending and receiving data at an approximate rate of ten packets per second, so the transfer rate of a normally operating network should be in the range of 9 to 11 transfers per second.
The status display uses the following background colors to quickly relate the quality (rate) of the communication between PLCs:
The PEERLINK instruction also uses combinations of the following attributes to display important status information for each of the blocks:
Map of PEERLINK (PL) Memory:The following table contains entries for all of the Bits and Words that are available for use in a ladder program to monitor the runtime status of the PEERLINK network and to optionally control the updates to individual PEERLINK blocks.
Data View Display FormatsNote: These formats are for display purposes only, the PEERLINK variables cannot be edited when displayed using any of the formats.
Short multi-line:
Long multi-line:
Short single line:
Longsingle line:
See Also:RX - Do-more Network Read (Do-more PLC <-- Do-more PLC)
WX - Do-more Network Write (Do-more PLC --> Do-more PLC)
DLRX - DirectLOGIC Network Read (Do-more PLC <-- DirectLOGIC PLC)
DLWX - DirectLOGIC Network Write (Do-more PLC --> DirectLOGIC PLC)
EIPMSG - Send EtherNet/IP Message
PEERLINK - Share Data w / PLCs
Rung Example: