Topic: DMD0218

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Ladder View Status

Ladder views have the ability to display runtime status values for most of the parameters of the instructions in the code-blocks. Runtime Status can be enabled and disabled for the Ladder views through the Status buttons on the Online toolbar, or through the Debug menu selections.



Status (Ctrl+Shft+S / Debug-> Status) toggles status display ON / OFF only for the active view.


All Status (Debug-> All Status ON) turns status display ON for all opens views (Ladder views, Data Views, Etc.).


No Status (Debug-> All Status OFF) turns status display OFF for all opens views.


When runtime status is enabled for a Ladder view, the parameter fields of the instructions will begin displaying the current value for the parameters. The parameter names are shown in small letters along the top of the status value fields, this allows both the field name and the value to be displayed concurrently. The Status display will change the background color for Contacts that are ON. For instructions that have associated structure memory, for example: Timers, Counters, Drums, etc., the Status display will add the additional status fields to the instruction.




The status display for Contacts and Coils that reference BIT locations will show the Element name, its ON / OFF status and the colorized power-flow status as shown below:



If you do not want Element ON / OFF status, this option can be turned off in the Status section of the Ladder Options.



For instructions that have them (e.g. ALHILO - High/Low Alarm, PID - Closed Loop Controller, etc.), the Status display will add a mini trend to the bottom of the instruction that will plot the current status values of the most important parameters. If you do not want to see the mini-trend, this option can be turned off in the Status section of the Ladder Options.



Smart Data Formatting

If an instruction parameter is a structure element whose value can be displayed in a more human-readable format it will be displayed in the better format. To change the display format, hover the mouse cursor over the Element name - the cursor will change to "Fmt/Xrf", at that point right-click and the popup list will allow you to select from the available display formats


For example the parameter is a DWord value that represents a Date, or a Time, or an IP Address, the Status display will show the value in the better format. In the example below the right-side parameter (T0.Acc) is a Timer Accumulator, and its display format was changed to Timer.


If you do not want to use Smart Data Formatting this option can be turned off in the Status section of the Ladder Options. Display Format changes are not permanent, the changes will persist only as long as the Ladder view where the changes are mode remains open.

Synchronize Format Changes

In some instructions, when the Status display format of a parameter is changed, Do-more Designer will synchronize the changes to the display format. That means that if you change the display format of one parameter in an instruction that supports this function, the display format of any other parameters that are compatible with the new format will be changed to that same format. In then example below, the display format for T0.Acc was changed to Timer and the display format for V4095 was changed to Timer as well.


If you do not want to synchronize the format changes, this option can be turned off in the Status section of the Ladder Options.


See Also:

Ladder Views

The Ladder Editor

Using the Instruction Palette

Using the Instruction Browser

Ladder View Status


Keyboard Shortcuts


Related Topics:

Data Views


Memory Views


Trend Views