Topic: DMD0059

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END - End Coil

The End Coil (END) instruction skips over all of the ladder logic from the point where the END coil is placed to the end of the Program or Task. Used this way, the END coil can be used to help debug ladder logic problems.



The END coil is an unconditional output, meaning that no input logic is allowed on the rung with the END coil. Use of the END coil is optional in all code-blocks as none of them require and END coil to mark the end of the code-block.



This instruction has no parameters.


See Also:

END - End Coil


ENDC - Conditional End of Code-Block


EXIT - Exit This Program


HALT - Halt Program or Task


RESTART - Restart Program or Task


SUSPEND - Suspend Program or Task


YIELD - Yield Program or Task


Code Block Overview








Interrupt Service Routines


Termination Scan Behavior


Rung Example: