Topic: DMD0362 Communication Capabilities |
Communicating with Other Do-more CPUs
Do-more versions 1.4 and later allow Do-more CPUs equipped with an on-board Ethernet port to directly communication with other Do-more CPUs that also have an on-board Ethernet port. This communication uses a proprietary protocol to read and write the data over the on-board Ethernet port to and from the remote Do-more CPU respectively.
In contrast to DirectLOGIC (DLRX / DLWX) and Modbus/TCP (MRX / MWX) instructions which only have access to the protocol-specific memory blocks in the remote Do-more CPUs, the RX and WX instructions allow direct access to all of the memory in the remote Do-more CPU - including direct access to the remote Do-more PLC's I/O memory.
The RX and WX instructions establish a session with the remote Do-more CPU. The session is established using one of the User Accounts on the remote Do-more CPU. It is through that User Account (System Security) that any access restrictions on what can be accessed in the remote PLC can be enforced. Each Do-more CPU can maintain concurrent sessions with 32 remote Do-more CPUs. Do-more Network Peers
Any of the Do-more CPUs that are equipped with an on-board Ethernet Port can be configured to join a data sharing network that consists of other Do-more PLCs or DirectLOGIC PLC systems using ECOM100 modules. Each member of the data sharing network can send data to the other members of the data sharing network by electing to "publish" one or more of the 16 predefined blocks of PEERLINK (PL) memory. Each member of the data sharing network receives all of the data from all of the other Do-more PLCs and ECOM100s on that data sharing network.
A PEERLINK network uses TCP/IP broadcast packets to publish the
blocks of data to the network. One caveat with the use of broadcast packets
is that it does limit the scope of the shared data network to the local Broadcast Domain
Communicating with Modbus/TCP DevicesDo-more CPUs equipped with on-board Ethernet ports can communicate with Modbus/TCP Client (Master) and Modbus/TCP Server (Slave) devices on the same Ethernet network. Modbus/TCP Server
The Modbus/TCP Server in a Do-more CPU can support up to 16 concurrent sessions with Modbus/TCP Clients. The default configuration of a Do-more CPU is for the Modbus/TCP Server to be enabled on TCP/IP port 502. The configuration can be changed in the CPU Configuration section of the System Configuration
Modbus/TCP Client
Do-more CPUs can operate as Modbus/TCP Clients (typically to other PLCs) through the use of the following instructions:
Communicating with Modbus/RTU DevicesThe on-board serial port of the Do-more CPU and the ports of SERIO and SERIO-4 modules can be configured to communicate with Modbus/RTU devices. Modbus/RTU Server
When a serial port is configured this way it will allow third-party client devices that communicate via Modbus/RTU protocol to connect to the serial port.
Modbus/RTU Client
Communicating with EtherNet/IP DevicesThe EtherNet/IP Server Configuration options are used to setup and optimize the EtherNet/IP Server in PLCs that have an on-board Ethernet port. EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Server
EtherNet/IP Explicit Message Client
The Send EtherNet/IP Message (EIPMSG) instruction implements an Explicit Unconnected EtherNet/IP Client
EtherNet/IP uses the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP)
These application layer objects are predefined for a large number of common device types. The same type of CIP devices must contain the same series of application objects. The series of application objects for a particular device type is known as the device profile. Objects not found in the profile for a device class are termed Vendor Specific. These objects are included by the vendor as additional features of the device. The CIP protocol provides access to these vendor extension objects in exactly the same way as either application or required objects. The Send EtherNet/IP Message instruction gains access to these regular pieces of data from the network to the device through an Object (or Class) Number, an Instance Number (Instances are the way of organizing the same kind of data ,e.g., sharing same attributes ), and optionally an Attribute Number.
Connecting C-More PanelsC-More™ and C-More Micro™ operator panels can be configured to use either a Do-more Serial driver to connect to a serial port (on-board port or SERIO module), or a Do-more Ethernetdriver to connect to an Ethernet port (on-board port or ECOM100 module) on a Do-more PLC system
Generally speaking, a single Do-more CPU can concurrently service up to 6 of the C-More panels over an Ethernet connection. There are some mechanisms in the panel that can be used to "pace" the communications when multiple panels are connected to the same Do-more CPU which can help to even out the communication throughput and make the individual panels equally responsive.
Outbound EmailThe on-board Ethernet Port of a Do-more CPU can be configured to send Email using an SMTP connection from the Do-more CPU to an SMTP server. This requires that you first setup an SMTP Client Device in the Device Configuration which contains all of the information (TCP/IP Address, Authentication, etc.) required to establish the connection to the SMTP Server.
Communicating with an MQTT BrokerBRX PLCs with on-board Ethernet Ports can connect to one or more MQTT Brokers, and once connected, these PLCs can publish messages to the Brokers and subscribe to messages from the Brokers. The parameters required to create connection to a Broker are managed by an MQTT Client (IoT) device.
The IoT Publish MQTT Topics (MQTTPUB) instruction is used to publish messages from a BRX CPU to an MQTT Broker.
The IoT Subscribe to MQTT Topics (MQTTSUB) instruction is used to subscribe to Topics in an MQTT Broker.
Communicating the FTP ServersThe on-board Ethernet Port of a Do-more CPU can be configured to send file to and receive files from an FTP server. This requires that you first setup an FTP Client Device in the Device Configuration which contains all of the information (Name, Authentication, etc.) required to establish the connection to the FTP Server.
Receive File FROM Remote (FTPGET) instruction is used to retrieve a copy of a file on an FTP server and store the file in one of the BRX CPU's on-board file systems.
Store File TO Remote (FTPPUT) instruction is used to send a copy of a file in one of the BRX CPU's on-board file systems to an FTP server.
Communicating with HTTP ServersThe on-board Ethernet Port of a Do-more CPU can be configured to interact with an HTTP (web) server.
Execute HTTP Command (HTTPCMD) instruction is used to send an HTTP GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, or DELETE command and any required data to a web server.
Communicating with DMX512 DevicesBRX CPU's using a BX-SERIO module can operate as a DMX512 Controller or DMX512 Slave.
For each BX-SERIO port that is configured as either a DMX512 Controller or DMX512 Slave, a memory block of 512 Unsigned Bytes is automatically created, default name is DMXA / DMXB / DMXC / DMXD. There will also be an associated data structure that is automatically created . The structure will be named the same as the aforementioned memory block, the default names are $DMXA / $DMXB / $DMXC / $DMXD. The structure fields can be used in the ladder logic program. The syntax for using them is <structure name>.<field name>, for example: $DMXA.EnableMaster. Each structure contains the following member fields:
.FrameCounter (read-only) is an Unsigned Byte that shows the total number of DMX512 packets that have been received.
.FrameSize (read / write) is an Unsigned Word . If the port is a DMX512 Controller this value sets how many of the 512 bytes to send in the out-gong packet. If the port is a DMX512 Slave this value contains the number of bytes that were received in the last packet.
.EnableMaster (read / write; only applicable if the port is a DMX512 Controller) is a Bit that, when ON, will cause the DMX512 Controller to begin sending packets containing the number of bytes defined in .FrameSize, if OFF, no packets will be sent.
Communication with ASCII Device using a Custom ProtocolDo-more CPUs can communicate with Ethernet or Serial devices that use a custom protocol. These devices send and receive data in one of two ways: the data flows into and out of a data buffer one byte at a time in a continuous manner - we call this streaming data - or the data flows into an out of a data buffer in predefined groups of bytes - we call this packet data.
Stream DevicesTo handle data sent to / read from streaming devices over serial ports you must configure the port for General Purpose.
Packet DevicesPacket Devices use a predefined UDP Connection to send and receive data over the on-board Ethernet port. The UDP Connection device contains an input buffer that can hold up to 8 packets of 1024 bytes each. Any packets received while the input buffer is full will be discarded.
The data structure associated with each UDP Connection contains a Bit named .PacketAvailable which will be ON any time that the Packet Device's input buffer has a packet ready to be retrieved. This Bit can be used as a trigger for the PACKETIN instruction.
It is important to know that each time this instruction retrieves a packet an entire packet is processed. The specified number of bytes specified in the instruction are copied into specified storage location then the entire packet is purged from the input buffer. Any characters that were NOT read from that packet will be discarded.
Communicating with DirectLOGIC CPUsDo-more CPUs can communicate with legacy DirectLOGIC clients using the K-Sequence protocol over a serial port or a Serial port on a SERIO module, K-Sequence Server
DirectLOGIC Client