Topic: DMD0492

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HSPULSEC - Catch Pulse Input

The Catch Pulse Input (HSPULSEC) instruction is a helper for the HSIO Pulse Catch function. This helper instruction does not setup the Pulse Catch function; that setup is still performed in the System Configuration. It does show the current status of the configured discrete input and the Device's associated structure fields, and it makes sure the discrete I/O point used in the Pulse Catch function shows up in the project's cross reference.


Note: the rung containing this instruction can not have any input ladder logic.




Note: Use the F9 key or click the 'three dot box' at the right edge of the parameter field to open the Default Element Selection Tool (the Element Picker or the Element Browser) or use the Down-Arrow key (Auto-Complete) on any parameter field to see a complete list of the memory locations that are valid for that parameter of the instruction.


High Speed Input Device selects which of the Pulse Catch Inputs this instruction will manage. This can be any of the currently configured Pulse Catch Inputs, or click the button with the gear symbol to open the Setup High-Speed I/O dialog where a new Pulse Catch Input can be created, or the configuration for an existing one can be changed.

High Speed Input Structure is the associated structure for the selected High Speed Input Device. Useful High Speed Input Configuration and Structure Members contains a list of the structure fields that you will likely need to use in the ladder logic in concert with this instruction.

Pulse Catch Input shows the input pulse direction ( positive or negative), the discrete input the Pulse Catch is configured to use, and whether the discrete input is a High-Speed input (Hs), or a standard speed input (Std).


Status Display:

The status display shows the current state of the .PulseCatchOut structure member (will be ON if the pulse catch criteria has been met), and the .OutputTime (the amount of time(in milliseconds) remaining for the output to be ON).



See Also:

HSCNT - High Speed Counting


HSEDGE - Precise Edge to Edge Timing


HSPULSEC - Pulse Catch Input


Related Topics:

Configuring the HSIO High Speed Counting function.


Configuring the HSIO Edge Timing function.


Configuring the HSIO Pulse Catch function.