Topic: DMD0256

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System Status

The Do-more CPU internally stores a record of all Information-Level, Warning-Level, and Error-Level messages generated while it is running. The System Status tab displays these messages. Any time Info or Warning or Error appear on the Status Bar a corresponding message has been generated that can be viewed on the System Status tab.



Info Messages displays the last system generated Information-level messages


Warning Messages displays the last system generated Warning-level messages


Open I/O System Window will open the I/O System View which displays a list of the current Errors and Warnings from all of the I/O Masters and the I/O Modules they control.


Error Messages displays the last system generated Error-level messages


Last Error(s) displays the last 5 system generated Error codes. Click the Goto button to open the code-block and position the edit cursor on the rung that contains the programming element that is generating the Message.

Fatal Error Message (DST51) will display the error code if the CPU has a fatal error.

MSG: displays the current contents of the system-generated MSG string. Click the Goto button to open the code-block and position the edit cursor on the rung that contains the programming element that is generating the Message.


ERR: any time an Info, Warning, or Error message is generated, the ERR string will contain additional information about that message. Click the Goto button to open the code-block and position the edit cursor on the rung that contains the programming element that is generating the Error.


Note: the text of the last 8 System Errors and last 8 System Messages are also contained in the system-defined Strings called LastERR0 - LastERR7 and LastMSG0 - LastMSG7 respectively.


Click Clear All to clear all of the lists on the dialog.


System Error Codes:

The following is a list of the possible error codes that appear in the $LastError locations (DST30, DST32, DST34, DST36).


-2 - UNKNOWN ERROR ------------ An unexpected error occurred. This can be an attempted operation on a POM that is not installed or a POM that does not support that operation.


-1 - RESERVED ----------------- Reserved.


00 - NO_ERROR ----------------- No error.


12 - TIMEOUT ------------------ Operation timed out.

13 - RXWX_NAK ----------------- The target device NAKed a DLRX or DLWX request.

14 - UNKNOWN_RESPONSE --------- Unknown response.

15 - MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED ----- An Attempt was made to access an I/O module that isn't installed.

16 - MODULE_ACCESS_FAILED ----- Unable to access I/O module.

17 - DEVICE_ALREADY_OPEN ------ An attempt was made to open a Device that is already open.

18 - DEVICE_NOT_OPEN ---------- An attempt was made to use a Device that hasn't been opened.

19 - INVALID_DATA ------------- Invalid data in response.

20 - EXCEPTION_RESPONSE ------- Exception response from MRX or MWX request.

21 - INVALID_CRC -------------- Invalid CRC in MRX or MWX request.

22 - CONNECTION_FAILED -------- Couldn't open TCP connection with specified device.

23 - UNEXPECTED_SMTP_RESP ----- Unexpected response from SMTP server.

24 - POP3_ERROR_RESP ---------- Error response from POP3 server.

25 - MODULE_ERROR_RESP -------- I/O module returned and error response.

26 - MODULE_TIMEOUT ----------- Timed out while waiting for an I/O module to respond.

27 - ILLEGAL OPERATION -------- An operation was attempted that is illegal in the current mode or configuration.

28 - DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED ----- An attempt was made to use a Device that is not connected.

29 - INDEXERROR --------------- Array index was out of bounds.

30 - DIVEDEBYZERO ------------- Divide by Zero.

31 - OUTOFRANGE --------------- Parameter out of range.

32 - OVERFLOW ----------------- Numeric value overflow.

33 - WATHCDOGTIMEOUT ---------- Watchdog timeout.

34 - STOPPED ------------------ PLC Stopped.

35 - BUFFEROVERFLOW ----------- Result of an attempted string operation was longer than the target string and was truncated.

36 - INSTRUCTION_TERMINATED --- Multi-scan device instruction was forcibly terminated before completion.

37 - EIPMSG_RESP_TOO_LONG ----- Received a response that exceeded the maximum length.

38 - EIPMSG_ERROR_RESPONSE ---- Received an error response from adapter.

39 - DMPP_ERROR_RESPONSE ------ An error was returned to a peer to peer request in an RX or WX instruction.

40 - FILESYS_ERROR ------------ File system returned an error.

41 - FILESYS_NOMEDIA ---------- File operation failed because there is no media card installed or the media card didn't mount properly.

42 - FILESYS_NODIRSTART ------- The file system's .StartFolderScan structure member must be set to start a scan with FILEQUERY instruction.

43 - AXIS_UNCONFIGURED -------- Axis unconfigured. Must be configured with AXCONFIG prior to use.

44 - AXIS_INVALID_MODE -------- Requested an unsupported Axis mode.

45 - AXIS_UNKNOWN_ERROR ------- Axis controller received unknown command.

46 - AXIS_COMMAND_PENDING ----- Attempted to send command to axis controller with a command pending.

47 - AXIS_INVALID_PARM -------- Axis command contained an invalid parameter.

48 - AXIS_ESTOP --------------- Attempted operation on an Axis that is disabled through the .MasterEnable structure member.

49 - AXIS_DISABLED ------------ Axis instruction was terminated prior to normal completion.

50 - AXIS_SCRIPT_BUSY --------- Attempted new script operation while script is running.

51 - AXIS_LINROT_MISMATCH ----- Linear / Rotary mismatch between current Axis configuration and request.

52 - AXIS_FAULT --------------- Axis has faulted.

53 - TABLE_INVALID_PARM ------- Invalid parameter in table driven output function.

54 - SMTP_INVALID_RECIPIENT --- Invalid Email Recipient specified.

55 - HANDSHAKE_FAILED --------- SSL/TLS Handshake Failed.

56 - NO_CRYPTO_SUPPORT -------- CPU does not support SSL/TLS.

57 - UNEXPECTED_MQTT_RESPONSE - Unexpected response from the Broker.

58 - MQTT_BROKER_REJECTED ----- Broker rejected the connection.

59 - MQTT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ---- Too many MQTTSUB Topics or instructions.

60 - MQTT_INVALID_TOPIC ------- Invalid MQTT Topic.

61 - MQTT_DUPLICATE_TOPIC ----- Duplicate MQTTSUB Topic.

62 - DNS_FAILED --------------- DNS Lookup failed.

63 - DNS_NOTFOUND ------------- DNS address not found.

64 - NO_CONNECTION ------------ Couldn't open TCP connection with specified device.

65 - UNEXPECTED_FTP_RESP ------ Received error from FTP Server.



See Also:

Event Logs


General information


System Status