Topic: DMD0055

Help File Version:

NOP - No Operation

The No Operation (NOP) instruction does nothing except use memory.



Note: it is possible to add a Comment to a rung containing only a No Operation (NOP) instruction, but, any such rungs after the last rung with a "real" instruction will not be saved as part of the project.



This instruction has no parameters. It wouldn't know what to do with a parameter if it had one ...


Status Display:

There is no status to display.


See Also:

NOP - No Operation


OUT - Output Coil


RST - Reset Coil


RSTR - Reset Range


SET - Set Coil


SETR - Set Range


Related Topics:

INI - Immediate Discrete Input


OUTI - Output Immediate Coil


RSTI - Reset Immediate Bit


SETI - Set Immediate Bit


Rung Example: