Welcome to the home page of DirectSOFT on the web (henceforth known as DSPotw), the central repository for all things DSPotw related.

DirectSOFT v5.1 is the first version of our PLC programming software that contains links to 'DirectSOFT on the Web'. When you select this link, the software will retrieve - you guessed it - the 'DirectSOFT on the Web' page from the Host Engineering web site. We will use the contents of this page to keep you informed of what's going on at Host Engineering. New products release information, product update information, technical support tips, etc. will all be retrieved from our web site and displayed for your viewing pleasure.

Our goal is to open a communication channel with all of our customers, and if you didn't know that you are one of our customers, we'd like the chance to introduce ourselves to you. We thought about an Email newsletter, but they offer only one-way communication, and there's too much Email already, plus managing all that subscribing and unsubscribing is a little too old school for 2007 and beyond. So we opted to enhance a feature that was already in DirectSOFT and let it fetch the information we wanted to present to you.

There are two ways to have DirectSOFT5 fetch the latest DSPotw page:

  1. From DSLaunch, simply left-click the 'DirectSOFT on the web' selection at the top of the left column. The DSPotw page will appear in the right-hand pane of DSLaunch.

  2. From DirectSOFT5 - Programming, click Help-> DirectSOFT on the Web (or optionally click the 'www DSP' toolbar icon). The DSPotw page will appear in a dialog box.

Tech Tips Archive

This is an archive of all the Tech Tips that have appeared in 'DirectSOFT on the web'.